Hi Bobby\Adham\Floki i got warning for RDM today proof:Approved - RDM | 1744 , so as u can u see in his pov he was vdming me and trying on purposed dsynced me and cr so i dont get it what should i do in this situation pretty sure not to say sorry and hug him or something please look at his pov...
wdym fail rp lol u told me to say something and i didnt understand what u said so i told u to say it again and then u got vdm not my fault+ its was after u robbed me u sped
Bio sam na informalu i kako sta se vidi na povu ostao sam sam 1v1 sa lik iz Zampa i taman sta sam uhvatio peak na krenem da ga pucam dobio sam jail za ne realno ime iako to nmvz ovo ime se koristi na svaki server i prezime je dozvoljeno moze se ukuca i na yt "scott bolo, zee bolo, mix bolo..." i...
So i dm that liam guy since he was deputy of Marabunta and said he will stop us from getting 100% turfs and i told him that its sad that they fucked up the leaders gang by getting like 3 warning just from breaking rules and he started being racist and saying kill youreself your a jew and say hi...
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