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  1. Austin Woods - Amore

    Rejected Ban for Racism | Discord | By Austin Woods

    1. Those terms are not nice and shouldn't be said in regardless or context. 2. You've now insulted an admin which you can be banned for in game and on forums, insults= instant deny. You shouldn't be unbanned due to your actions here. and there.
  2. Austin Woods - Amore

    Rejected ID 208 warn appeal

    Both IDs have been unwarned and unjailed due to the misunderstanding of the rule. From understanding of the rule any situation of 4 cars, 2 people, the driver needs to pull over. The rule needs to be reevaluated and revised.
  3. Austin Woods - Amore

    Reviewed MG | 8296

    following forums regulations I physically can not accept this report, but I have reviewed your information provided and talk amongst the Governor and Deputy Governor. I will speak amongst the other Curators and administration to review what exactly happened during the situations you’ve...
  4. Austin Woods - Amore

    Reviewed Ausloggen während einer Polizeilichen Maßnahnme

    Wrong server, post in sever 2. Falscher Server, Posten in Server 2.
  5. Austin Woods - Amore

    Rejected Ban in Retaliation on Proof | Austin Woods

    Hello, I asked you multiple times in DMs and the general chat to stop arguing and provoking. In your own evidence I muted you, the aggressor for calling people slurs and terms in general chat. Yes multiple people were arguing, who stopped after I asked. As stated in your evidence i said stop...
  6. Austin Woods - Amore

    Approved Powergaming | ID 2211/208

    Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report Punishment's have been revoked and revised.
  7. Austin Woods - Amore

    Approved Combat log | 208

    Pov is required to be 1+ minute long. You have 5 hours to fix this.
  8. Austin Woods - Amore

    Rejected ID 203 saying n word

    I see no rule break just common server dsync Provided pov of event. Didn’t use the term of N word. Closed and denied!
  9. Austin Woods - Amore

    Rejected ID 203 saying n word

    Requesting pov from 203 to be clear on what is said.
  10. Austin Woods - Amore

    Approved Powergaming | ID 2211/208

    Pending Review.
  11. Austin Woods - Amore

    Rejected Bob Glockz | LSPD

    Closed and rejected
  12. Austin Woods - Amore

    Rejected Tyler Durden | LSPD

    Pending Ethan’s Approval
  13. Austin Woods - Amore


    Before an admin reviews, evidence must be 1+ minute long.
  14. Austin Woods - Amore

    Reviewed disrespecting parents I 48539

    Can not view your evidence. You have 4 hours to fix this.
  15. Austin Woods - Amore

    Rejected Tino Rusty | Biography (RE-POST)

    Lane has not reapproved this bio, rejected
  16. Austin Woods - Amore

    Rejected FIB Spawn Killing | id 9202 , 29059 , 53401

    After reviewing this report, along side the Curators of FIB, we’ve rejected your complaint on FIB. The 3 individuals will be punished independently and not the entire organization. ID- 13698 will be punished for power gaming ID- 9202 will be punished for power gaming ID- 34902 will be punished...
  17. Austin Woods - Amore

    Rejected Psychopath gone legal

    Don't break any greenzone rules Need RP when you dm people, no rdm If in a legal org I need leader approval before approving
  18. Austin Woods - Amore

    Rejected Psychopath Bio

    Moved to rejected to post updated
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