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  1. Taki

    Rejected Possible Cheat | ID: 6868 , 24819

    yes bro we teleport with our car bro
  2. Taki

    Rejected Pov request | 41106

    he died pre sure
  3. Taki

    Rejected Using drone before informal event | 909

    WOW u switched up on him rq after he joined and helped u guys in informal etc. He actually defended u guy when our family was talking shit about you guys but guess what can you do when ur family is buncha losers who get bullied irl and think they tough kids on grand roleplay lmao
  4. Taki

    Approved Bug Abuse | ID 90520

    wow muratucan or whatever ur name is why u being a hypocrite smh u bad bad boy
  5. Taki

    Approved FIB Leader | Shane Muga

    i agreee nice guy n a cutie
  6. Taki

    Rejected EVENT ABUSE

    Acc babies bruh play some else if u gonna cry over this lmao pathetic prick
  7. Taki

    Reviewed Bug Abuse | 123389

    "Enough is enough" is that what u say to stop the bully at school lmao u just asking for it XD
  8. Taki

    Reviewed Bug Abuse | 123389

    Yeh u can't fkn beat us so u chose the pussy way and tryna get our boys banned on server we all enjoy. U sure we the annoyed one? If I was annoyed Ill be a lil bitch like you and report when get clapped lol. U must be his white knight or sum, ofc a pussy like him need someone to hold his hand...
  9. Taki

    Reviewed Bug Abuse | 123389

    Fuck ur annoying! Isn't being in BrotherHood already a big privilege u fkn Loser u defo get bullied in school lmao
  10. Taki

    Approved Ban Appeal | William Miller

    Is calling a person an animal ooc insult? Damn bro I might just be a tranny mute now if people gonna be this sensitive about getting called an animal lol fkn snowflakes fr
  11. Taki

    Approved CR in GZ | 308

    Nvm just watched the clip. Ur actually a snowflake go play roblox or some id shit like this makes u cry 👶🏻👶👶🏿
  12. Taki

    Approved CR in GZ | 308

    Sorry good sir my friend ID:308 girlfriend broke up with him. That is the reason why he is toxic because nobody loves him :(
  13. Taki

    Reviewed Not punishing a player for clear VDM | Scarlet Pluxury

    Should be a FAM warning dufaq. Savage got a fam warning when 1 member rule break and brother just got player punishment yeh good shit lads defo no sus activity we seeing :)
  14. Taki

    Rejected NRP driving and VDM | 51907

    Bro just stop writing paragraphs, I myself had a stroke reading it lmao. I don't even care about the vdm it should be you that gets reported because ur hurting the admins brain by reading ur essay :)
  15. Taki

    Approved Harrasment | ID 62119

    I reckon y'all take this game to seriously and go socialize irl. Props to Eternal for reading all this. If I was admin and seen this situation I would've just keep going with my day and report on kids saying F words and N words since that's more important then someone being ICYly a creeper...
  16. Taki

    Rejected Demorgan for CR [MR] William Miller

    You wanna talk about crying then tell your boys to mind to own business when clearly you guys weren't involved and you just wanted something to report savages on. "Stop crying on forums" stfu, we play to have fun with friends not for us to be some bitches to a nobody like you.
  17. Taki

    Rejected Demorgan for CR [MR] William Miller

    saying "bias" is gen rule 5.2? well sorry but on discord is private messages and I can state my own opinion. You fr a snowflake thinking the word "bias" is an insult. All I wanted is the POV and How I can proof myself I am the person that was getting VDM. If the word "BIAS" fr insulted you then...
  18. Taki

    Rejected Demorgan for CR [MR] William Miller

    I am ID 6868, hes my friend and it was us messin about no one else was harm in the process nor did it ruin their immersion. Clearly either this admin has grunge against my friend and not letting us provide POV. This whole media report is so one sided and its not fair for the people who is...
  19. Taki

    Rejected ER 1.3 | ID 57099, 288, 52120, 6071, 39830, 2238

    west claiming retirement but out here becoming forum warriors all that retirement shit more like attention seeking to stay relevant. Just let the family root bruh yall just recruiting hotel peeps now lmao
  20. Taki

    Rejected RDM I 6868

    bro I don't care if you are AFK or not. Your family gave us demand legit 1 second after we clapped you in fam raid. Since that happened I'm killing any Babis in sight so shush and stop crying after dying and didn't lose anything fkn snowflake LOL
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