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Search results

  1. Janis1

    Reviewed Pov Request | 0000

    I WANT THE KİSS YOU <3 ill help you I WANT TO KISS YOU<3
  2. Janis1

    Reviewed Pov Request | 0000

    it is not in rp df, it is in a priv call
  3. Janis1

    Reviewed Pov Request | 0000

  4. Janis1

    Approved RDM | 51649 20178 44468

    FALLEN?????? you must be smart, no one is in fallen BUMBAKLAT :
  5. Janis1

    Rejected GZ 1.1 | 20178

    1.1 Green Zone killings are prohibited /Warn did i harm anyone? no were you provoking me? yes are you sad cuz bad? yes
  6. Janis1

    Approved RDM | 51649 20178 44468

    just cuz i was there doesnt mean i was shooting you
  7. Janis1

    Approved ER 1.18 | 3265

    no one asked mr wanna be
  8. Janis1

    Approved ER 1.18 | 3265

    Requesting ID 3265 To provide extended POV of the entire event
  9. Janis1

    Approved ER 1.18 | 3265

    "It is forbidden to use places that cannot be accessed by foot or ladder when event already started and it is not allowed to use highground such as highways which are not accessible from inside the event once it has started. | Jail 120 min"
  10. Janis1

    Approved ER 1.18 | 3265

    All in pov
  11. Janis1

    Reviewed PG I 440

    and whats the point of you reporting him?
  12. Janis1

    Approved Bug Abuse | 12800

    bro doesnt even have a rev, thats sad
  13. Janis1

    Approved ER 1.13 | 59313

    "1.13 Families are not allowed to kill other families members on purpose in aircraft carrier event and bank robbery. | Jail 120 min"
  14. Janis1

    Reviewed Pov Request | 102433

    im posting for ID 102433 due to his Forum being banned
  15. Janis1

    Rejected GR 6.4 ID:88584

    yooo jankaa good to see you back
  16. Janis1

    Rejected possible cheat | 0000

    give me 1 person that got banned for cheats? dumbass
  17. Janis1

    Rejected possible cheats I 102312

    you can shot through the window
  18. Janis1

    Approved Pov Request | 1719

    like 30% of the admin team are so biased towards katman, at this point admins just make rules as they go, it feels like they make rules so little cry baby kakaman can sit on gov 24/7 and get people banned for the dummest thigs ever, for example cee, he did a ghost peak, ghost peaking has always...
  19. Janis1

    Approved Pov Request | 1719

    HAHAHHAAHHAAH bruh ak's only, haha i cant i wanna cry haha goddamn
  20. Janis1

    Reviewed POV Request | 1479

    i am happy with my friends TAHT ARE BETTER THEN YOU, just keep crying like a little kid who didn’t get presents for christmas
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