bro kakaman yall are sad cuz yall are bad, all you do is sit on gov, "i want to see how i died", "i want to see how i died" like get better
and yall are only winning events cuz of us, we made you guys so pipe down
man said we are cheating 😂😂😂 explane how? id 1719 has gone through 3 pc check these past 2 months. i think you are just crying cuz u are shit and you can’t accept that.
Hello dear admins,
Today i wanted to help out a "Friend" by giving him a good price for my house, and he promised to pay it back later, "me being a stupid person" i belived him, but it turns out all he wanted to do is to scam me
bruv the country im from has earthquakes every week, yes they are not big and people dont lose there lives, but still thats a VERY dumb thing for you to report some1
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