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  1. Can Vurdurur

    Reviewed rdm | 150420

    shooting at cars does not count as rdm for your I didn't even give you a hit information
  2. Can Vurdurur

    Reviewed rdm | 150420

    https://streamable.com/ieubmn here you can see that more than 4 people from your family are sending me rdm in an undemanding way that will cause you to eat family warning good fun
  3. Can Vurdurur

    Reviewed POV REQ | 0000

    All in Pov
  4. Can Vurdurur

    IMPORTANT Applications for Admins

    İnformation Your name IRL: Can Your age (OOC):24 Time zone + country: Türkiye GMT +3 Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ):15:00 to 24:00 Average online per day(hours):6-8 Your Discord ID:.cann_you Your characters' name (IC):Can...
  5. Can Vurdurur

    IMPORTANT Applications for Admins

    İnformation Your name IRL: Can Your age (OOC):24 Time zone + country: Türkiye GMT +3 Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ):15:00 to 24:00 Average online per day(hours):6-8 Your Discord ID:.cann_you Your characters' name (IC):Can...
  6. Can Vurdurur

    IMPORTANT Applications for Marabunta Grande

    Information 1. Your name IRL - Can 2. Your age -24 3. Time zone GMT +3 4. Average online per day - 5 Hours 5. Your Discord - cann_you 6. Your Nickname - Can Vurdururr 7. Your ID -79722 Additional information 1. Leader of - Marabunta Grande 2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific...
  7. Can Vurdurur

    IMPORTANT Applications for Admins

    İnformation 1. Your name IRL :Can 2. Your age : 24 3. Time zone: GMT+3 4. Average online per day: 5-6 5. Your Discord: Cann_you 6. Your Nickname: Can Vurdururr 7. Your ID: 79722 There are several reasons why I want to become an admin and transition from RP life. Firstly, I believe I can...
  8. Can Vurdurur

    Rejected wrong decision | Abdel Pluxury

    this guy call me " son of a bitch " and this is direckt insult my mother and i know people get ban for this but abdel give him mute only.İ think abdel friends this guy because he took the my forum so quick and punished so quick before other admin take the forum and give ban as it should be
  9. Can Vurdurur

    Reviewed GR 3.2 | 49061

    All in Pov
  10. Can Vurdurur

    Reviewed GZ 1.1 | 79722

    you made the same move xd let the admin give the punishment Also, how can you talk when you're dead 46 seconds after gr3.2 and bug abuse?
  11. Can Vurdurur

    Reviewed GZ 1.1 | 79722

    You also do gr3.2 at 46 seconds of your own pov and you also do bug abuse to talk while dying, enjoy
  12. Can Vurdurur

    Reviewed GZ 1.1 | 79722

    You can't open a forum in someone else's name, it will get you banned and you're the one who fired at me before I killed you in GZ.
  13. Can Vurdurur

    Reviewed closed

    Reviewing long pov here if you need it https://streamable.com/kd0hut
  14. Can Vurdurur

    Reviewed closed

  15. Can Vurdurur

    Approved CL | 135623

    All in Pov
  16. Can Vurdurur

    Approved Cl | 30999

    All in Pov
  17. Can Vurdurur

    Reviewed CL | 111549

    All in Pov
  18. Can Vurdurur

    Rejected RDM | 142898

    You are doing fear rp because you are entering the battlefield and you have no weapon in your hand, and you are trying to lift your friend without any fear, it does not mean anything that the dead person there is your friend.
  19. Can Vurdurur

    Rejected RDM | 142898

    First of all, you do cr on the way there and you go into a gunfight without any fear, that means you don't do fear rp
  20. Can Vurdurur

    Reviewed Pov Req | 0000

    There is no problem from my point of view, I am ready for any kind of control but it's called visual bug
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