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  1. Can Vurdurur

    Approved Circle Abuse | Noxus Family

    What you are talking about is shooting at you from outside the area, but only 1 person is shooting at you from outside the area. the other 3 family members are shooting from inside the area :);)
  2. Can Vurdurur

    Reviewed GR 3.2 | 98344

    can turkish admin check please
  3. Can Vurdurur

    Reviewed RDM | 0000

  4. Can Vurdurur

    Reviewed RDM | 0000

    All İn Pov
  5. Can Vurdurur

    IMPORTANT Applications for Admins

    Information 1. Your name IRL :Can 2. Your age : 24 3. Time zone: GMT+3 4. Average online per day: 5-6 5. Your Discord: Cann_you 6. Your Nickname: Can Vurdurur 7. Your ID: 79722 Additional information 1. Why do you want to become an admin? I've spent a lot of time in the game, I've done a lot...
  6. Can Vurdurur

    Reviewed POV REQ | 0000

    bro wdym i think you have never used pc? name of video is automatically goes to be the game u started recording if i do ALT+TAB it records desktop also ;)
  7. Can Vurdurur

    Reviewed POV REQ | 0000

    I want to see how I die
  8. Can Vurdurur

    Rejected Gr 3.1/ 3.2 | 79722

    https://gta5grand.com/forum/members/20437/ this is the banned forum account of the person with id 680
  9. Can Vurdurur

    Rejected Gr 3.1/ 3.2 | 79722

    this is not your forum account the id in the screenshot is 680 your id is 434 you will be banned from the forum for doing this on this server you cannot open a forum for someone else and upload pov or screenshots, this is direct decieving admin enjoy ban
  10. Can Vurdurur

    Approved GR 3.1+3.2 | 434

    All in Pov
  11. Can Vurdurur

    Reviewed Possible Cheats | 1443

    you'll be banned from this account for talking like that. Enjoy it.
  12. Can Vurdurur

    Reviewed Possible Cheats | 1443

    this is not your main forum account your main account is banned :https://gta5grand.com/forum/members/146467/ and on 2 servers you need to deliver your pov from your own account if this is your friend's forum account
  13. Can Vurdurur

    Rejected Gen Rule 6.23 + 6.2 | 78542 79722

    I am not the one who entered with the bug vehicle, the person in the driver's seat was already in the cl at that time, so I deserve only a cl penalty.
  14. Can Vurdurur

    Rejected Gen Rule 6.23 + 6.2 | 78542 79722

    I only cl I did not enter fight, so I am not in violation of gen rule 6.2 my id :79722
  15. Can Vurdurur

    Approved CR | 79722

    I didn't even hit you 1 hit, I went and got hit by a helicopter and also hit other people so your pov is invalid
  16. Can Vurdurur

    Approved CL | 103678

    All in pov
  17. Can Vurdurur

    Rejected NLR | 66541

    in this pov my friend finished him Grand Theft Auto V_2024.02.12-14.52 - Trim and here he came back nlr
  18. Can Vurdurur

    Rejected warn for gr 6.21 | hasbelkader mithat

    hello lebron before i got this warning i had 1 warn and it was ending in two days but after i got this warning i had 2 warnings each 7 days. One of my warning is finished now my other warning should finish in 2 days but its finishing in 7 days by this bug can you do something pls ?
  19. Can Vurdurur

    Approved vdm | 79722

    I didn't hit you before, I only hit you once. If I hit you more than once, if you have proof, prove it.
  20. Can Vurdurur

    Approved vdm | 79722

    1 hit by a car is not vdm
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