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  1. Anto DeBonanza

    Rejected RDM I 60950

    Second of all, you are a personal STALKER of ours, you kept stalking me and my gf every single day for a week now, we have proof, you keep coming to our HOUSES EVERY DAY to shoot us RDM without a reason, we reported you already on your MAIN ACCOUNT and now you are coming to harass us and stalk...
  2. Anto DeBonanza

    Rejected RDM I 60950

    We are defending our PANELS you came at the last 30 seconds as you can see from your POV it was 23:59. Doesnt matter if you are unarmed you cannot approach a PRIVATE PROPERTY HOUSES with TWO PEOPLE FULLY ARMED WITH LMG AND BODY ARMOR DEFENDING PANELS! YOU DO NOT SHOW IN THE POV WHAT HAPPENED 5...
  3. Anto DeBonanza

    Rejected Wrong Punishment | Anderson Fade

    Hi, I got a Wrong Punishment from Anderson Fade, His Punishment is, as he wrote in the final verdict post: ID 80589 will receive a punishment for CR ID 60950 will receive a punishment for PG , Mixing There is NO Power Gaming in my POV, I never did PG in any shape or form. What I should have...
  4. Anto DeBonanza

    Approved CR | ID: 80589

    He came back a second time later on after several minutes to CR our cars again, but this time with a different "ARMORED" car! Please check the other offense he did in this thread: https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/533911/ So this guy keeps coming back all day to harass us and car ram our...
  5. Anto DeBonanza

    Approved CR | ID: 80589

    This guy ID: 80589 which neither me or my girlfriend ever met before, we dont know who he is, he started Car Ramming my car which was parked outside my house, for no reason, unprovoked, we found out, got proof and reported him. He then came back later on AGAIN for a second time offense, he came...
  6. Anto DeBonanza

    Approved RDM | 330101

    Same guy, RDM last night Thread: https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/533528/ This is the proof, the thread where i reported him for the RDM of last night. This guy keeps harassing and RDMing me and her for no reason! Literally PURE RDM, please punish him but also tell him he can't stalk and...
  7. Anto DeBonanza

    Approved RDM | ID: 330101

    This guy ID: 330101 came yesterday to our houses to shoot me from far away without any reason or demand, straight up RDM, i noticed him so i chased to see who it was to report him, he kept shooting me face to face, i NEVER reacted NEVER shot him back, i didnt even punch him, i kept asking him to...
  8. Anto DeBonanza

    Approved OOC Parent Insult G.R. 3.1 | ID: 0000

    I just sent my 24/7 Shop AD Template and this guy started provoking, threatening and OOC Insulting me, for no reason, i don't even know who this is. I asked Admins via Ticket for the right format to report this (was not the first time i did as well) they said to do it this way...
  9. Anto DeBonanza

    Approved OOC INSULT, VDM, FL | ID: 308638

    I found outside my houses this random guy i never met before. I approached to ask if he needed something or help because he is new in city. I got met with "FL", Aggressivity and OOC Insults in return, nothing new. He also ATTEMPTED to VDM me, I know, we should say "CR" now but doesn't sound...
  10. Anto DeBonanza

    Rejected Incomplete Punishment | Beni Valentine (Alex Odd)

    Since I am involved in this situation, I have the right to reply on topic. You are providing the POV of someone else, not yours. If you want to make a complaint yourself, You should upload Your own POV. The format is also incorrect.
  11. Anto DeBonanza

    Approved VDM | 108638

    This 108638 Guy has been harassing stalking and provoking us for 4-5 days now, Steph Silverbur is the admin following this situation closely. Something needs to be done
  12. Anto DeBonanza

    Approved VDM & CR | ID: 197991

    I was doing exchange selling Lottery Tickets at my 24/7 Shop (My Business, therefore, my property.) This guy Attempted to VDM me multiple times for no reason, unprovoked, he came back several times to CR cars and VDM me and other people on purpose. 2 POVs attached. and Thanks in...
  13. Anto DeBonanza

    Rejected Mass RDM, Provoking, OOC insults | 218231, 169761, 249602

    You guys are just trying to save yourself by spamming this thread with nonsense raiding it as a family which is quite cringe and desperate, imagine having to drop a meeting point after MASS RDMing, me and my girlfriend, a C O U P L E that literally did nothing lmao. You guys spoke ARABIC FL to...
  14. Anto DeBonanza

    Rejected Mass RDM, Provoking, OOC insults | 218231, 169761, 249602

    We never used any gun. Never shot anybody. All we did was trying to revive our friend AFTER you killed us. We never killed or started any fight or provoked anybody, you and your friends came to US directly killing and insulting in FL Arabic language. Then you guys KILLED US A SECOND TIME! MASS...
  15. Anto DeBonanza

    Rejected Mass RDM, Provoking, OOC insults | 218231, 169761, 249602

    They had no reason to kill me and my girlfriend at our private properties!!! We were just chillin minding our own business, these cars pulled up and shot us dead without any demand or reason at ALL! Who are these people? Is this a family? there were like 4-6 cars or more around after the guy...
  16. Anto DeBonanza

    Approved Parent insult, Harassment, Provoking, Earrape | 63391, 31781

    We have no idea who these guys are. They started it all totally unprovoked.
  17. Anto DeBonanza

    Rejected Leader of Lifeinvader | Max Bolo

    I support and vouche! Good luck!!! 👍
  18. Anto DeBonanza

    Rejected GR 6.15 | 60950-147841

    We did give demands, i counted infront of you 5 4 3 2 1 and then at 1 we started shooting. if you run away then maybe you went out of the circle. Its our house, our property, i have the right to count down and punch / shoot at you! You should be happy that my LMG glitched when shooting and i...
  19. Anto DeBonanza

    Approved RDM , NLR | 259946

    Clear RDM & NLR.
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