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  1. Anto DeBonanza

    Reviewed Provoking + RDM | 161997 , 169410

    You did RDM for no reason as the panel wasn't even ready to be collected, you even provoked and harrassed her, 2 vs 1. Those are fake demands just to RDM, that was outside her property, in city not ghetto. The solar panel had 5 hours left, there is no reason for you to demand, what were you...
  2. Anto DeBonanza

    Approved RDM of LEO on Duty | ID: 120586

    I was on Duty as FIB Agent with Uniform AND Vest on, about to leave my house and go to the local meeting point as you can see from my minimap marker, I get stopped by a couple of people that are from Turco Grande family living in front of my house. I exit my car and greet them before making my...
  3. Anto DeBonanza

    Approved RDM | ID: 129011

    I wasnt fighting, I don't even know you, Post your POV then and show you shooting other people, report other people if you want i could care less, you wasted my time by RDMing me without any reason. Audio is not needed when the video clearly shows you RDMing and is almost 2 minutes long, all as...
  4. Anto DeBonanza

    Approved RDM | ID: 129011

    This guy Waxie Grant ID: 129011 RDM'd me for no reason at all outside my house property. I was just getting out of my driveway and i got shot without any demand or anything from a long distnace. No provocation at all, I don't even know him. Apparently he is Mass RDMing everyone in Richman Hills...
  5. Anto DeBonanza

    Approved RDM In City | 107389

    This guy ID 107389 Ace Gambo RDM'ed me for NO reason at Beach Market (City Scripted GZ) You can see the name and ID of the killer in the POV, we were just dancing and he killed me before the tsunami, for no reason, unprovoked, i don't even know him, never talked to him, he was also shooting...
  6. Anto DeBonanza

    Rejected Warning Appeal | Ranveer Malhotra

    Sorry, i just got home and had finally time to upload it to Youtube. Here is the Youtube Link for the POV:
  7. Anto DeBonanza

    Rejected Warning Appeal | Ranveer Malhotra

    Check my POV, you can clearly see him constantly harrassing, following, punching, provoking us. I didn't hit him or react until the very end when we killed him and revived him to make him stop. He only stopped because he got that 20 Seconds POV to get me a warning. He started provoking for a...
  8. Anto DeBonanza

    Rejected Warning Appeal | Ranveer Malhotra

    https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/159504/#post-563600 First post with the low effort report, watch both our POVs and see the difference
  9. Anto DeBonanza

    Rejected Warning Appeal | Ranveer Malhotra

    Approved - RDM 60950 This is the old low effort report thread. "X" as description, 20 seconds POV out of context. You can clearly see from my POV the ID: 173006 (Very new in city) is harrassing us and has been for 10 minutes before the POV too. He comes to us, he provokes us, he runs away in GZ...
  10. Anto DeBonanza

    Rejected Warning Appeal | Ranveer Malhotra

    RAW Link just in case https://cdn.medal.tv/61848252/share-456611923.mp4?_gl=1*1xfsi2l*_ga*MzMyMzY3OTgzLjE2NTk0NjkzNTI.*_ga_RKTT7KQC04*MTY1OTUzMTQ5NC4yLjEuMTY1OTUzMjEwMC42MA..
  11. Anto DeBonanza

    Rejected Warning Appeal | Ranveer Malhotra

    I was checking for the POV and about to post it as ulterior proof but i just noticed Alex Odd's answer and the thread being closed, i litreally was about to post it, i can't ask to re-open that thread so i will do it here instead. http://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/159804/post-567606 Alex Odd...
  12. Anto DeBonanza

    Reviewed Warning Appeal | Ranveer Malhotra

    I wasted 200 Minutes in Jail, Lost Revolver + LMG Painted and 300 Ammo. I think that should be enough as punishment for a report filled incorrectly with a 20 Seconds out of context POV AND "X" as thread post description? Warning is just too much in this case, i already paid something i shouldn't...
  13. Anto DeBonanza

    Reviewed Warning Appeal | Ranveer Malhotra

    I didn't know that i would be reported and his complaint honestly, should be rejected because he has to provide longer POV of the whole situation, not just 20 seconds cropped, so according to his POV i could literally provoke everyone i want, and then go back to them and pretend I did nothing...
  14. Anto DeBonanza

    Reviewed Warning Appeal | Ranveer Malhotra

    I have 10 minutes left of Demorgan now, so i already spent all my "200 Minutes Punishment" in demorgan, the request now is to just, please, remove the Warning for the reasons stated above, thank you!
  15. Anto DeBonanza

    Reviewed Warning Appeal | Ranveer Malhotra

    Also adding the fact that we actually healed him up and didn't send him to the hospital, we revived him and asked him to stop harrassing us and leave, we just killed him once to make him stop.
  16. Anto DeBonanza

    Reviewed Warning Appeal | Ranveer Malhotra

    I want to add that he kept punching me and the girl with me non stop for over 10 minutes, we asked him to leave us alone he just wouldn't, he would run in green zone then come back to harrass us, thats why he has cut his POV to 20 seconds on purpose (using nvidia shadowplay its impossible he...
  17. Anto DeBonanza

    Reviewed Warning Appeal | Ranveer Malhotra

    Appealing for a Warning AND 200 Minutes Demorgan issued by Admin: Ranveer Malhotra this morning by just reviewing a Thread with "X" as post description and only a 20 SECONDS POV that shows literally nothing of the situation, extremely out of context AND the guy running in Greenzone after...
  18. Anto DeBonanza

    Rejected Racism and punching in the greenzone. | 60950

    Matter of fact i have a lot of Turkish friends in city and outside, OOCly i'm a Twitch Streamer with 95% of my viewers being Turkish lol I apologize IF that can be seen as insulting which wasn't even my intention in the first place but just got annoyed by him playing music over us, provoking us...
  19. Anto DeBonanza

    Rejected Racism and punching in the greenzone. | 60950

    How is that even racist? You came to us, we were having fun, i was DJing as usual for the city as every night, you disrespected us and me by playing over me over and over when we all asked you to stop and leave multiple times, you kept harrassing us, i said that phrase which is not even racist...
  20. Anto DeBonanza

    Approved Lying to Administration, Powergaming, Metagaming, OOC Insults | ID 71784

    Hi, I'm going to begin this report by saying that I would like to request the maximum amount of punishment that this person deserves as he has ruined the RP experience of me and my IC Wife terribly and I just want the punishment to be as fair as possible. I will begin being completely honest, I...
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