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Search results

  1. Felix Sarsilmaz

    Rejected Pov Req | Free Souls Fam

    We believe that free souls started in the zone. I want to see their povs.
  2. Felix Sarsilmaz

    Reviewed POV RQ | 222764

    awkward request
  3. Felix Sarsilmaz

    Rejected Pov Req - ER 1.3 | 0000

    nevermind 39 hours have passed
  4. Felix Sarsilmaz

    Rejected Pov Req - ER 1.3 | 0000

    I think this guy and his family were in the zone before event. I want to see their pov.
  5. Felix Sarsilmaz

    Approved Unban Appeal | Tyrell Johnson

    I found official documents from that period, I can send them to you privately if you want.
  6. Felix Sarsilmaz

    Approved Unban Appeal | Tyrell Johnson

    I talked to Tyrell about the issue and he said I needed to explain it here as well. A few months ago, when I was new to the game, I had a problem with my home internet provider. Due to this problem, my internet was constantly interrupted. During this period, when my internet was gone, I logged...
  7. Felix Sarsilmaz

    Approved Unban Appeal | Tyrell Johnson

    Hi dear administrators, I am very shocked about this. I don't know why this is happening. I have just 2 accounts. They are 325253 Felix Anderson and 326239 Kyoshi Anderson. I have no more accounts. I am confident that I do not have another account and I do not share my account. Can you check my...
  8. Felix Sarsilmaz

    Rejected The Andersons | Unofficial Organization

    Family Name: The Andersons Family Leader : Felix Andersonn - 325253 Family House Number: 478 Leader Discord: skadooshistaken Family Leader Forum: Felix Anderson Family Logo: Family Clothes: Family Story: Felix was born in Incirlik base in Adana. His father was an American general and was very...
  9. Felix Sarsilmaz

    Approved CR | BODYCAM REQUEST|325253

    nope bro dont be toxic
  10. Felix Sarsilmaz

    Approved CR | BODYCAM REQUEST|325253

    Pending review - POV request | 325253 I posted a recording of the previous event in this forum. In the event that followed, my screen recording was corrupted. Even though the video recording error is entirely caused by nvidia, I am ready for the punishment you will give. This is my corrupted...
  11. Felix Sarsilmaz

    Reviewed Pov Req I 359518

    All in pov. ( 1.25-2.34) We couldnt kill him.
  12. Felix Sarsilmaz

    Approved Mass RDM | 334440, 340581

    all in pov
  13. Felix Sarsilmaz

    Approved CR, VDM I 367066, 363595

    all in pov
  14. Felix Sarsilmaz

    Reviewed Bug Abuse GR6.23 I 196272

    all in pov
  15. Felix Sarsilmaz

    Approved CR | 193479

    You can see that cars were lagging. That was not on purpose.
  16. Felix Sarsilmaz

    Approved RDM- MK | 88640- 244198

    All in pov
  17. Felix Sarsilmaz

    Reviewed Pov Request | 337034

    ID 325253
  18. Felix Sarsilmaz

    Rejected Wrong Decision | Elson Sioco

    Dear admistrators, As you can see in that forum page it is rejected. When he reject it he says CR is not intentional. If it was on purpose, he would not turn and try to go into the space between the vehicles. However you can see that most of the cars were doing CR and VDM. It is clear that...
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