Apartment complex is a public area, multiple people can own houses there and pulling up and giving demands to leave the area of their house is not allowed !
Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report.
ID 81791 will receive a punishment for Gen Rule 6.15.
ID 83567 will receive a punishment for Gen Rule 6.15.
Apartment Complex is a public place!
Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report.
ID 131458 will receive a punishment for CR.
ID 137520 will receive a punishment for Gen Rule 6.15.
Upon reviewing the evidence I have decided to Deny this report
ID 130759 will receive a punishment for Fear RP.
They gave you Demands to run and they gave you 5 second but you didn't listen and That's Fear RP.
Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report
ID 125951 will receive a punishment for Gen Rule 6.15 .
ID 140844 will receive a punishment for Gen Rule 6.15 .
Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report
ID 75991 will receive a punishment for Gen Rule 6.2.
ID 124134 will receive a punishment for Gen Rule 6.2.
ID 61875 will receive a punishment for Gen Rule 6.2.
Upon reviewing the evidence I have decided to Deny this report
Incorrect Format evidence must be 1 minute + in length
Please Refer to the Rules for Filing a complaint
And file a new complaint.
Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report.
ID 129634 will receive a punishment for CR.
ID 109325 will receive a punishment for GZ Rule 1.1
Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report.
ID 89579 will receive a punishment for Gen Rule 6.15.
ID 99532 will receive a punishment for Gen Rule 6.15.
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