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Search results

  1. Stormy Cox

    Approved RDM In City I 89579 99532

    --- Reviewing ---
  2. Stormy Cox

    Rejected POV Request | 43684

    Upon reviewing the evidence I have decided to Deny this report File a new complaint, I need POV of ID 110667 and 90700 to review cause they are the players that got killed.
  3. Stormy Cox

    Rejected Shooting in Green Zone , Requesting POV | ID - 125827 , 106342 , 103130

    Upon reviewing the evidence I have decided to Deny this report This situation has been already handled by the admins in-game.
  4. Stormy Cox

    Approved bug abusing | ID 103316

    Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report ID 103316 will receive a punishment for Bug Abuse.
  5. Stormy Cox

    Approved bug abusing | ID 103316

    --- Reviewing ---
  6. Stormy Cox

    Rejected Power Gaming I 1386 - 108871

    Upon reviewing the evidence I have decided to Deny this report There is no PG and It's IC issue, Read In-Game Legislation.
  7. Stormy Cox

    Rejected Power Gaming I 1386 - 108871

    --- Reviewing ---
  8. Stormy Cox

    Approved Multiple rule break | 137876 137159

    Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report ID 137876 will receive a punishment for Gen Rule 6.2. ID 137159 will receive a punishment for FearRP.
  9. Stormy Cox

    Approved Multiple rule break | 137876 137159

    --- Reviewing ---
  10. Stormy Cox

    Approved Crashing in Service Station 2 ID:102070

    Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report. ID 102070 will receive a punishment for CR.
  11. Stormy Cox

    Approved Crashing in Service Station 2 ID:102070

    --- Reviewing ---
  12. Stormy Cox

    Approved RDM / 109451

    Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report. ID 109451 will receive a punishment for GZ rule 1.1 .
  13. Stormy Cox

    Approved RDM / 109451

    --- Reviewing ---
  14. Stormy Cox

    Approved Bug Abuse | 111875

    Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report. ID 111875 will receive a punishment for Crouch Bug Abuse.
  15. Stormy Cox

    Approved Bug Abuse | 111875

    --- Reviewing ---
  16. Stormy Cox

    Approved RDM in GZ - 52727

    Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report. ID 52727 will receive a punishment for Crouch Bug Abuse.
  17. Stormy Cox

    Approved RDM in GZ - 52727

    --- Reviewing ---
  18. Stormy Cox

    Approved Cr | ID 125249

    Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report. ID 125249 will receive a punishment for CR.
  19. Stormy Cox

    Approved Cr | ID 125249

    --- Reviewing ---
  20. Stormy Cox

    Approved RDM , CR |22078 , 28385

    Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report. ID 22078 will receive a punishment for Gen Rule 6.15
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