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Search results

  1. Talha Birbirikiki

    Approved Bug Abuse | Bright Family

    they entered family turf with cars
  2. Talha Birbirikiki

    Reviewed Pov Request | 27315

  3. Talha Birbirikiki

    Reviewed Pov Request | 27315

    bana kötüsün diyen adamın bulduğum ilk povuna girdim aime bak aq sabah sabah güldürdün rezil ibne konuşuyor bide
  4. Talha Birbirikiki

    Reviewed Pov Request | 27315

    I want to see how he didnt die
  5. Talha Birbirikiki

    Reviewed Event Rule 1.3 | Bright Family

    i think my bros start in zone i wanna see pov
  6. Talha Birbirikiki

    Approved Bug Abuse + VDM | 3095

    https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/308782/ as in the example bug abuse + VDM
  7. Talha Birbirikiki

    Approved RDM | 59476

    Rdm after informal
  8. Talha Birbirikiki

    Reviewed pov req 57179

    he doesnt have forum account so here is the pov :
  9. Talha Birbirikiki

    Reviewed pov req 57179

    illegal rev :rolleyes:
  10. Talha Birbirikiki

    Rejected Mass Rule Break | Ekip Family

    First of all we are not trying to rob the person in greenzone. the person we were trying to rob was not in the greenzone he just walk one inch back and he was in greenzone. and we realize its a greenzone and we dismiss the demands. and the reporter is not the one we were giving demands its 3rd...
  11. Talha Birbirikiki

    Reviewed POV Request. | 0000

    https://streamable.com/tp8tsj its just a simple double tap
  12. Talha Birbirikiki

    Rejected GR 3.1 | 6365

    He was vdm'ing and provoking. Upload your POV longer than 1 minute than we will see :)) https://streamable.com/bfv3by
  13. Talha Birbirikiki

    Rejected Event Rule 1.2 | Mandem Family

    everything in pov.
  14. Talha Birbirikiki

    Approved Discord Unban Appeal

    I haven't played for weeks im busy with irl thinks etc. i just get notification that im banned in grandrp discord. my discord id is : Talha#8888 - 329717919183405056
  15. Talha Birbirikiki

    Approved Event Rules 1.18 | The Frosty

    as you can see 2 guys start forbidden roof and one more guys start unaccesable roof Proofs: 1.18 - 60 and 1566 and one more frost fam member :
  16. Talha Birbirikiki

    Rejected Warn For G.R 6.15 | FEDİ PLUXURY

    Hello Dear Admins. We was going treasure and my friend did vdm by mistake and he start shoot us immedently and we just defend byself. and as you can see i cant even shoot him thanks for reviewing)
  17. Talha Birbirikiki

    Rejected Aytek Cartel | Unoffical Organization

    Family Name | Aytek Cartel Owner Talha Soprano | 6563 House Number 669 Leader Discord Talha#8888 Leader Forum Name Talha Riley Family Goals 1. Get a ranking 1 2. Be a well known family in the city 3. Win events 4. Expand the family 5. Helping newcomers to the city Family Rules 1. Must obey...
  18. Talha Birbirikiki

    Approved Event Rule 1.18 | Sinaloa

    everything in pov.
  19. Talha Birbirikiki

    Rejected Aytek | Unoffical Organization

    Family Name: AYTEK Family Head: Talha Riley Family House Number: 1059 Leader Discord: Talha#8888 Family Leaders Forum Link: TalhaRiley Family Founders: Talha Riley (113019) Background Story : Talha Riley born in Azerbaijan as an orphan. His family was executed back in 1990 in Sicily. In his...
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