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Search results

  1. V0nom

    Approved State Rule 5.5 | LSPD

    i think lspd not giving them proper training
  2. V0nom

    Approved State Rule 5.5 | LSPD

    State Rule 5.5 LSPD/SAHP/FIB could patrol ghetto if there are more than two special officers.
  3. V0nom

    Approved Gen Rule 6.4 | 149346

    search me without permission and telling reason also not showing id
  4. V0nom

    Rejected corruptions without bio | 149346

    search me without permission and telling reason also not showing id
  5. V0nom

    Rejected Blacklist | Bobby Pluxury

    Dear Mr. Lebron Pluxury I hope this message finds you in good health. I am writing to appeal against the permanent ban on my account, given approximately 1.5 years ago for the incident of sabotage on an org. I do understand how serious it is, but again, referring to the rules, the usual time...
  6. V0nom

    Rejected Blacklist | Lebron Pluxury

    Dear Mr. Lebron Pluxury I hope this message finds you in good health. I am writing to appeal against the permanent ban on my account, give n approximately 1.5 years ago for the incident of sabotage on an org. I do understand how serious it is, but again, referring to the rules, the usual time...
  7. V0nom

    Rejected Blacklisted | Bobby Pluxury

    Dear Mr. Bobby, I hope this message finds you in good health. I am writing to appeal against the permanent ban on my account, give n approximately 1.5 years ago for the incident of sabotage on an org. I do understand how serious it is, but again, referring to the rules, the usual time span in...
  8. V0nom

    Approved 340917 | rdm

    all in pov
  9. V0nom

    Rejected 249920 | vdm

    all in pov
  10. V0nom

    Rejected 193479 | rdm

    no demands givien
  11. V0nom

    Rejected 193479 | rdm

    no demands given
  12. V0nom

    Rejected fail rp | 239583

    not doing proper rp while take me out from heli
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