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  1. fethi bvb

    Approved RDM | 48817 - 21441

    they stupidss they dont know any rules in the server.
  2. fethi bvb

    Rejected RDM | ID:2489

    Legacy on top!
  3. fethi bvb

    Rejected RDM | ID:2489

    i dont know why you replying on a massage in the WEST while you are in the EAST.... wt the fofooo ;;;)
  4. fethi bvb

    Rejected RDM | ID:2489

    there is no roleplay in yr pov .. first :1) i come to do raid , someone gived me 5 secs incorrectly and very quickly . then hes shooted me after i left his house (like in the pov), 2) metagaming , they playing while they in discord 3) they insulting my family and call us (((g*ys and kids))) 4)...
  5. fethi bvb

    Rejected RDM |3032

    there was solar panels in the area . and we gived demands to took it ..
  6. fethi bvb

    Rejected GEN 3.2 | 4298

    Motherfu*ker isnt a parent insult. its a slang.😉
  7. fethi bvb

    Rejected Fail Rp | 846

    this guy he was typing in the rp chat while hes dying , the pov shows everthing..
  8. fethi bvb

    Approved insult parents | 15912

    i was playing arena , and this guy insulting my mother...
  9. fethi bvb

    Rejected CR | 641

    id 641 doing CR in the race in Turf more than 2 times ... , in the rules no CR and no Non Rp Driving pov 1: pov 2:
  10. fethi bvb

    Approved RDM | 23383

    i was waiting my friend in the chip tunning , and some people did rdm in the city..
  11. fethi bvb

    Reviewed POV Request | xxxx

    So He’s got damage 102 , I don’t think his juice will give him health more than 100…
  12. fethi bvb

    Rejected Leader of Marabunta| Naser Shelby

    Naser Shelby will be a great choice to be a leader✊💪
  13. fethi bvb

    Rejected VDM | 10483

    we was in the ghetto , and hes doing vdm me on purpose... , and then hes killed me and killed my friend and robbing him.... , i couldnt defend myself bec hes hit me and iwas in the floor...
  14. fethi bvb

    Rejected RDM | 15792

    First … this is (ghetto) . Bro read the rules again and see what is the ghetto… then you are in a private car , where is the cap driver…!
  15. fethi bvb

    Reviewed Wrong Decision | Sultan Foster

    in the pov`s u can see that the guys were mixing and we gave demands to leave evrything right till now but these guys come and provoke us and we gave them 5 seconds to leave our fam house they didnt so we killed there friend . and second thing the admin punished us for FL and the other guys...
  16. fethi bvb

    Approved rdm in the city 2489

    You hit me and all my fam members , we gives you demens 2 time, bec yo sure in family area (5sec)..
  17. fethi bvb

    Rejected RDM 2489

    put full video , and show the admin the voicesss
  18. fethi bvb

    Rejected RDM | 1218

    Ohhhh man your story is saddd… , by the way if them rejected that , there is another one , be ready my boy…
  19. fethi bvb

    Rejected RDM | 1218

    hes killing me without warning 54321..., also hes killing me out of his house , i was outside up the wall not inside his house... the pov shows everything
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