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  1. R

    Rejected Unfair Punishment | Andy Lemo

    My friend get killed 2 times for the and i try to shoot the guy and didn't hit one shoot and to be the great thing is the guy is cheating and i get banned 7 days cuz i have 3 warns
  2. R

    Approved event role 1.2 | Hamsik Family

    I was waiting to enter the event when I saw that they killed a member of my family, and started shooting at us. They killed us before the event, however they revived me and I was killed again by a member of another family.
  3. R

    Approved Bad decision | Tarak Pluxury

    The admin 's assessment was not fair , as the player was not even punished for using a low rendering advantage to gain an advantage over other players , even though he saw that there were boxes in front of me he shot and killed me through the boxes , he even used the advantage to win the event...
  4. R

    Rejected bad decision | Tarak Pluxury

    The admin 's assessment was not fair , as the player was not even punished for using a low rendering advantage to gain an advantage over other players , even though he saw that there were boxes in front of me he shot and killed me through the boxes , he even used the advantage to win the event...
  5. R

    Reviewed pov request id | 1864

    possible no props !
  6. R

    Rejected video cut and lied to the administration threads/257234/

    First they entered our family home, after that they started shooting, after a while the same players did not wait 15 min and appeared in the same place, because we shot at them. In my opinion the administrator should have asked the entire clip to the players who made the report, to understand...
  7. R

    Approved Pov Request | Tarak Pluxury

    I'm really sorry, I hadn't seen the thread in time and none of my friends hadn't seen it either, but I have the POV. I'll put it here: ( )
  8. R

    Rejected threads/252600

    I'm really sorry, I hadn't seen the thread in time and none of my friends hadn't seen it either, but I have the POV. I'll put it here:
  9. R

    Rejected Má analise da thread | Rodrigo Jesus

    Como vemos na seguinte thread, penso ter sido uma ma analise pois 1º nao se ve a situacao do inicio, neste caso nao se sabe porque estamos la a andar ao tiro, 2º o proprio que abriu a thread nao foi punido por apanhar armas no chao no meio de um tiroteio e é visivelmente o que o mesmo faz...
  10. R

    Rejected RDM ID 9

    Estava a ver umas casas para comprar com o meu colega , quando batemos no id 9 acidentalmente , o meu colega aproximasse e pede desculpa pelo sucedido e ele começa a a mandar levantar as maos e mata-nos
  11. R

    Rejected Pov Request

    Gostava de ver o ponto de vista desse individo, é que isto para mim nao é normal.
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