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  1. Robin Dsouza

    Approved Gr 6.8 | 180627,180807

    this guys killed us and they are provoking us plus doing emotes Gr 6.8 It is restricted to do any amoral actions in relation to an unconscious person(e.g. spitting, sexual animations and etc) | BAN 3-7 days
  2. Robin Dsouza

    Approved RDM | 138781

    btw bro u have any self respect????
  3. Robin Dsouza

    Approved GR 6.15 | 138781

    😂they have full team to bark few days back I posted against two ppl for rdm they killed me in road without demand too protect money machine in their property and then these people started barking in forums. To close the forum by saying I am using obs 🤣🤣🤣
  4. Robin Dsouza

    Approved RDM | 138781

    😂for ur kind info u dumbass my pc got already checked several times during interviews 😂 and if ur using different monitors to use different. Two applications so how u can record both things in single screen pov ?? Bud go and learn some pc things u broke as dumb
  5. Robin Dsouza

    Approved GR 6.15 | 138781

    💀bro some even looks like dumb now u know what i meant
  6. Robin Dsouza

    Approved RDM | 138781

    Nah bro we are not assholes. Like ur frnds and broh barking in someone’s post whenever u see there is mouse arrow it doesn’t . means he is recording only game bruh. Not everyone is broke like u 💀we have dual monitor setup so we keep our discord in another monitor so sometimes we change our...
  7. Robin Dsouza

    Approved GR 6.15 | 138781

    🤡as i said u only know this rule 😂
  8. Robin Dsouza

    Approved RDM | 138781

    I guess u only know gr6.17 rule 😂 because u spam this on everyone’s forum
  9. Robin Dsouza

    Reviewed Rdm | 173624,131039

    ur pov
  10. Robin Dsouza

    Reviewed Rdm | 173624,131039

    Neji it’s already 1 minute long
  11. Robin Dsouza

    Reviewed Rdm | 173624,131039

    If u think it’s scripted then where is countdown?? And from since when situation of money machine is happening in roads we are not even in ur property u dumb ass . Now cry harder
  12. Robin Dsouza

    Reviewed Rdm | 173624,131039

    🤣I can stand in road it’s not ur private property 😂just address u broked the rules and now trying to escape from it by saying any random things like I am using another recorder 😂
  13. Robin Dsouza

    Reviewed Rdm | 173624,131039

    🤡what script?? Just address that u broked the rules and we are standing there not even touched u guys . Keep crying kid🤣and for ur kind info i am using nvidia 😂
  14. Robin Dsouza

    Reviewed Rdm | 173624,131039

    😂keep crying Admins chkd my pc multiple times
  15. Robin Dsouza

    Reviewed Rdm | 173624,131039

    180061 doing vdm at 0.16 timestamp
  16. Robin Dsouza

    Reviewed Rdm | 173624,131039

    i was just standing there in the road and that guy killed me without any demand
  17. Robin Dsouza

    Reviewed RDM | 144767

    chk timestamp 0.26 1st ram,0.46 2nd ram its ezz vdm 180289
  18. Robin Dsouza

    Reviewed Fail rp | 155381

    he came at hospital and he collected debt without saying anything
  19. Robin Dsouza

    Reviewed Gr 3.1 + 3.2 | 108832 160783 141503

    😓we didn’t ordered any yappachino
  20. Robin Dsouza

    Reviewed Gr 3.1 + 3.2 | 108832 160783 141503

    If this forum is considered as 3.2 and 3.1 then Y madarchod will gonna consider as slang ??? (Motherfucker is slang and if ur saying it in fl then it gonna consider as ooc)
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