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  1. Robin Dsouza

    Rejected Rdm + mercy killing|117361

    Anyways admin close this
  2. Robin Dsouza

    Rejected Rdm + mercy killing|117361

    😂bruh i have 2 screens .. and i got my pc checked before and i am recording all overlays including discord game overlay
  3. Robin Dsouza

    Rejected Rdm + mercy killing|117361

    Close the forum
  4. Robin Dsouza

    Rejected Rdm + mercy killing|117361

    we went there for drugss.. and that guy killed me without any demnads plus he did mercy killl at last here is the mercy kill vdo
  5. Robin Dsouza

    Approved Bringing religion in cc + admin disrespect | 178283

    krish just chk the words how he manipulated the words to escape the punishment and.. u can lock this for senior admin also
  6. Robin Dsouza

    Reviewed Ooc insult + toxicity in cc | 178283

    as u can see that guy is insulting in ooc way in cc and being txic in cc and its not his first time he did it before also u can see this forum where he tried to make a conflict in cc by involving religion Pending review - Bringing religion in cc + admin disrespect | 178283 chk...
  7. Robin Dsouza

    Approved Bringing religion in cc + admin disrespect | 178283

    as u can see in the ss that guy is bringing religion in cc by just changing hindu word to hundu to escape the punishment .... it is intentional and u can also see there he is talking about admin team also in another way . that guy is disrespecting the admin also .. that guy is the main reason...
  8. Robin Dsouza

    Rejected Bringing religion in cc + admin disrespect | 178283

    close this forum as the date i puted is wrong i am making one again
  9. Robin Dsouza

    Rejected Bringing religion in cc + admin disrespect | 178283

    as u can see in the ss that guy is bringing religion in cc by just changing hindu word to hundu to escape the punishment .... it is intentional and u can also see there he is talking about admin team also in another way . that guy is disrespecting the admin also .. that guy is...
  10. Robin Dsouza

    Reviewed Pov req | 0000

    :) bruhhhhhh u r camping there XD
  11. Robin Dsouza

    Reviewed Pov req | 0000

    i just want to seee how i got shots is cover ???
  12. Robin Dsouza

    Approved Cr + Vdm | 150743

    as u guys asked for explanation in pervious forum so here is the explanation .. i was waiting near the hospital to pick up my frnd and that guy came out of no where and started ramming and at the end he blasted our heli and for that i died .....
  13. Robin Dsouza

    Rejected Wrong Decision | Prince Gupta

    in the forum u can easily see its a clear vdm over there but prince gupta rejected that by saying wrong format..... on that forum i just said all in pov . and he said explain the situation. what explanation need in that forum its a clear vdm..
  14. Robin Dsouza

    Rejected Vdm | 150743

    all in pov
  15. Robin Dsouza

    IMPORTANT Applications for the Ballas

    Your name IRL: Bhaskar Das Your age IRL: 19 Time zone: IST(GMT+5:30) Average online per day: 5-6 hours Your Discord: bhaskardas Your Nickname: Robin Dsouza Your ID: 144767 Additional information 1.) Leader of Ballas 2.) Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List...
  16. Robin Dsouza

    IMPORTANT Applications for Marabunta Grande

    Your name IRL: Bhaskar Das Your age IRL: 19 Time zone: IST(GMT+5:30) Average online per day: 5-6 hours Your Discord: bhaskardas Your Nickname: Robin Dsouza Your ID: 144767 Additional information 1.) Leader of Marabunta Grande 2.) Why do you want to be a leader of this specific...
  17. Robin Dsouza

    Reviewed ub demand + rdm | 172213

    He gave him demands to get outside the car . And he followed his demand.... But after that he didn't give demand to the pov owner too leave the area.. so its just rdm
  18. Robin Dsouza

    Reviewed ub demand + rdm | 172213

    I saw the vdo .. In 55.sec time stamp maybe its a muscle flex caus if 169740 id wants to left the game he have to presss the relog button. But u can see he spawned in the hospital without pressing anything..... So may be its just muscle flex he didn't relogged
  19. Robin Dsouza

    Reviewed GR 4.1 and Possible Cheats | 141593

    :alien:no punisher is harmed in this pov
  20. Robin Dsouza

    Reviewed pov request | 0000

    i wanna seee how i got killed that fast i neeed fulll event pov
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