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Search results

  1. Lucas james

    Reviewed CL | 17715

    why are guys doing MG ?
  2. Lucas james

    Rejected Leader of LSPD| Assassin Ashmit

    Good Luck 🔥
  3. Lucas james

    Approved extremely fail GR 3.2 | 58774

    We killed this guy reason he said insult our parent thats why 58774
  4. Lucas james

    Rejected RDM

  5. Lucas james

    Rejected 1154 | He come in our fam house and kill me with no reason

    you are also doing meta gaming see at left hahaha
  6. Lucas james

    Rejected 1154 | He come in our fam house and kill me with no reason

    POV is shorter than one minute you need to post hole situation
  7. Lucas james

    Rejected Warn for Fear RP - unable to see evidence | chanush movva

    I received warn for Fear RP however , I am unable to see the evidence used against me and i have no idea the Situation this complaint is referring to . The Form : Approved - FEAR RP | ID 1154 i would very much appreciate it if you can provide the proof to me so that i can see what i did...
  8. Lucas james

    Rejected Wrong decision | chanush movva

    Someone called aiden pluxury open against me a fourm with out any details and no proofs https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/500964/#post-1823397 it have been approved with out any proofs that i did that thing
  9. Lucas james

    Reviewed Fail rp | 113695

    hhhh you did power gaming and also another thing wtf
  10. Lucas james

    Approved Dancing on dead id 40866

    all in pov
  11. Lucas james

    Reviewed POV Req | 1154

    My friend, if I had known that was a trick, I would have done it in the past races
  12. Lucas james

    Reviewed POV Req | 1154

    no bro every time i race with you i say you will not win every time only i was joking
  13. Lucas james

    Reviewed POV Req | 1154

    i dont no i think its an ic problem
  14. Lucas james

    Reviewed POV Req | 1154

    also i asked a god about that he said np coz i was surpraised about that speed
  15. Lucas james

    Reviewed POV Req | 1154

    i didnt did any thing i went to turf i found my driving skills is low i higher it up and this is the proofs :
  16. Lucas james

    Reviewed RDM | 47457 19827 39615 47425

    he gave us five sec on the begining
  17. Lucas james

    Approved DANCING on one dead | 28742

    all in pov
  18. Lucas james

    Rejected wrong decision Lahari reddie

    this is the proof that i didnt did any thing wrong Screenshot
  19. Lucas james

    Rejected wrong decision Lahari reddie

    some body opened against me fourm rdm and lahari reddie approved it and it have to be rejected this is the fourms: Approved - RDM | ID 1154 the proofe that is ok to fight here : July Update 2023 - GTA 5 RP: Grand RP | WIKI you can check its battle treusure
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