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  1. ibrahim atby

    Rejected RDM - 1398

    everything is in perspective
  2. ibrahim atby

    Rejected RDM

    it's all in perspective
  3. ibrahim atby

    Approved RDM + Metagaming | 14642, 14648, 48605

    Of course, we can't shoot anyone out of the blue. Since my friends opened fire, I couldn't hear whether the demand was given from the distance, I thought it was demant because they opened fire, so I fired my gun.
  4. ibrahim atby

    Approved RDM + Metagaming | 14642, 14648, 48605

    my perspective Low quality due to youtube Due to the distance, I cannot hear whether the request has been made or not, and I think it has been given and I get bored. Look at the distance before coming to the police, I can't do meta in that time.
  5. ibrahim atby

    Approved RDM + Metagaming | 14642, 14648, 48605

    Now I talked, from their point of view they don't know who they know, they say the attacker stole and blew our car, so I just need help, my full knowledge of the subject friends has not changed. I'm just learning this information I may have spelling mistakes, I did not receive information...
  6. ibrahim atby

    Approved RDM + Metagaming | 14642, 14648, 48605

    The shooters are my friends we are in the same family the rdm was made to protect our friend and there is no meta ı found the place by asking for help one the radio and sending a meetin ı will post a video from my perspective
  7. ibrahim atby

    Rejected soundpad music

    Hepsi gölge kaydında
  8. ibrahim atby

    Rejected vdm

    Ekip ailesinin şu anda kadar olanları toksiklik ve troll'leri göz önünde bulundurmak için kasıtlı olarak düşünüyorum
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