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  1. SoloChoo

    Rejected Warn for RDM | Karl Verlice

    Close forum please and apologies.
  2. SoloChoo

    Rejected Warn for RDM | Karl Verlice

    He gave me demands so i shot him i did not RDM him, in the picture [proof] its shown that admins say you can shoot as soon as demands are given.
  3. SoloChoo

    Rejected Wrong decision | Karl Verlice

    Approved - RDM | 101340 ,93505 forgot to add link apologies.
  4. SoloChoo

    Rejected Wrong decision | Karl Verlice

    He gave me demands so i shot him i did not RDM him, in the picture [proof] its shown that admins say you can shoot as soon as demands are given.
  5. SoloChoo

    Approved GZ : 1.1 GR : 6.24 | ID : 93505

    Honestly apologies got killed multiple times inside. not saying this for you to take it down just saying
  6. SoloChoo

    Rejected Wrong decision | Karl Verlice

    Hello hope your day has been good so far! I was punished when the person clearly gave UB demands in his [POV ] I've been punished for RDM but the Admin did not look at him while he gave UB demands and I'm guessing that's okay to do To my knowledge as soon as demands are given i have the right...
  7. SoloChoo

    Approved Ban for bug abuse | Paradox Maddy

    Hello a member of our family "Omerta" placed the printing machine on the roof without getting permission from high command and while being told not to, we immediately contact an Admin to remove it, nobody replied for a few than sultan came to help i already told him the machine was taken away...
  8. SoloChoo

    Rejected rdm , vdm | 93505 ,1618

    U walk up to Fam house get told to leave cause we dont like visitors and than proceed after you die to NLR post the whole thing or do we need to?
  9. SoloChoo

    Rejected rdm , vdm | 93505 ,1618

    Not full POV post Full pov with me telling you to leave and counting down from 5.
  10. SoloChoo

    Approved MASS VDM | 36122

    First off he's driving a super car second of all you are all piled up on the road with us aswell, talking shit and hes driving his car, you are infront of his family house on the road a massive amount of people gathered on the middle of the road thats on you not him for driving his car.
  11. SoloChoo

    Rejected RDM | MK 8212 ID

    Omerta is ignoring rules? How are we ignoring rules you say yourself raid is over and you are still sitting on middle of raid talking shit, than you proceed to get ran over by someone who lives there IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD and spam VDM oookay buddy. .
  12. SoloChoo

    Rejected RDM + MK 8212 ID

    First off you are in the middle of our street even omerta got ran over, second it's not mass hes asking do you want to go to the hospital you are speaking OOC and sometimes IC, asking you if you want to go to the hospital.
  13. SoloChoo

    Rejected Wrong Decision | Hisham Bishop

    Im re-posting this due to posting it incorrect apologies. It can clearly be seen by anyone that it is not cropped in any way shape or form, it was taken directly from club chat i just did not screenshot my whole screen just club chat. I was talking in contact adminstrator while this was...
  14. SoloChoo

    Rejected Wrong Decision / Hisham Bishop 31212

    Only for Sylvia Som if possible. Rejected - OOC/Racist remarks | 89778 Was rejected based on the fact that the Admin is saying it's cropped and not enough evidence, it can clearly be seen that it is not cropped it is the entire chat, I was writing in contact administrator while posting this...
  15. SoloChoo

    Rejected Wrong Decision / Hisham Bishop 31212

    Rejected - OOC/Racist remarks | 89778 Was rejected based on the fact that the Admin is saying it's cropped and not enough evidence, It's not cropped it is the entire chat, I was even speaking to sylvia while writing this in contact administrator. It can be seen that this is the top and bottom of...
  16. SoloChoo

    Rejected OOC/Racist remarks | 89778

    Proof in POV/Screnshots The term habibi being used right after the usage of "superior genetics" makes the whole conversation take a turn towards racism because she's basically insulting other people's genetics and that makes people feel inferior. Thats what the term superior genetics is used...
  17. SoloChoo

    Rejected FL in GZ | 3000

    "Im a hypocrite and i hate hypocrites" you post about rule breaks but you break rules yourself. end of im out of this topic.
  18. SoloChoo

    Rejected FL in GZ | 3000

    Grudge be against everyone what can u do shrug, It's sad really. Also o 661 just got married so it was fun with friends.
  19. SoloChoo

    Rejected RDM Punishment

    Can you please close my complaint apologies i wrote it wrong and will correct it ty.
  20. SoloChoo

    Rejected RDM Punishment

    Im fairly new to the city so, im just curious i watched the POV it was roughly 5 seconds i did speak a little fast but i even said 3 first than started over. So im just curious is that the reason for my punishment counting fast or? Im not like complaining at all just curious.
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