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  1. fatkoo

    Reviewed Remove Warning | Adham Dark

    I mean i am not saying that any admin is bad or they do things intentionally I did this complain cuz yeah i was innocent here and we all humans we can do mistakes so yeah thats why I want not to be punished for doing nothing wrong I even tried to stop my people from breaking rules so it feels...
  2. fatkoo

    Reviewed Remove Warning | Adham Dark

    If i would see this report yesterday or smth i would provide pov of this but unfortunately i saw it today and my pov-s got removed. But still from this pov its enough to come to a conclude that me and some other guys didnt do shit to deserve warnings.
  3. fatkoo

    Reviewed Remove Warning | Adham Dark

    my gun was not on him you can see he leaves and i still have my gun pointed in that direction cuz i dont care what these guys do anymore they provoke us at every event so i dont care what they do anymore but i was just trying to stop my guys from that bullshit, I mean u can even leave this warn...
  4. fatkoo

    Reviewed Remove Warning | Adham Dark

    So if they have any POV about me doing something against the rules let them provide it cuz in this video clearly I did nothing wrong just preparing my guys for bizwar. Please take in consider
  5. fatkoo

    Reviewed Remove Warning | Adham Dark

    Obviously i dont have POV from this night it was like 2days ago or smth, but please check carefully i didnt shoot, didnt give demand and didnt do anything also check the voice icon is not upper my head is the guy behind me who screamed like that. Just check it carefully and tell me what was my...
  6. fatkoo

    Reviewed Remove Warning | Adham Dark

    I got a warning because of this report and as you can see my ID is 148720 i didnt do anything here to break the rules I was saying to my guys to stop and ignore these guys who were provoking us. You can see my other complains or smth and compare the voice i didnt give demand i didnt shoot or...
  7. fatkoo

    Approved RDM | 129239

    As i reported earlier these guys are not stopping they came again and killed us in our fam house they deserve to get banned otherwise they will not stop these kids are so annoying.
  8. fatkoo

    Approved RDM | 175225 129239

    These guys keep coming at our fam house and rdm us for more than 5 times, idk who are they or why they doing it but they just shooting on everyone they see. I got only these 2 ID-s but there was like 4 or 5 of them doing this.
  9. fatkoo

    Rejected RDM IN CITY AND MK - ID 148720

    lol mercykilling for taking you and ur friends out of our fam house cuz u rdm-ing us all night long? lool u funny
  10. fatkoo

    Approved EVENT RULE 1.3 | Aytek

    hahahah what an excuse ntnt
  11. fatkoo

    Rejected Get Money Gang | Unofficial Organisation

    These guys are actually cool and they deserve the unofficial, they don't break rules and its one of the most organized family I know. Good luck GMG.
  12. fatkoo

    Approved EMS Killer | 57710 | 110789

    u cant kill an ems u dummy, especially when he is in process of reviving someone, u can say to leave before he start doin it lool. u deserve the punishment
  13. fatkoo

    Approved RDM | 120634

    I was normally driving and these guys just started pointing guns and giving demand in the middle of the road, out of their private property. I want to report them all as a team because they all did shoot but the one who killed me is the one that I reported the ID, but they all deserve to get...
  14. fatkoo

    Rejected POV request | 130965

    Just wanna see the pov from the guy who killed me
  15. fatkoo

    Rejected La Familia | Unofficial Organization

  16. fatkoo

    Rejected La Familia | Unofficial Organization

  17. fatkoo

    Rejected Punching and Family insult | 155828 159536

    As you can see in the clip I was driving peacefully on my way to casino, I did stop and they immediately started punching and swearing in their language. They deserve the punishment for both rules.
  18. fatkoo

    Rejected Parent Insult | ID 157884

    Parent Insult
  19. fatkoo

    Approved Provocation I 142986

    You also reported your friend for multiple accounts? lol
  20. fatkoo

    Rejected NG Corrupt Bio | Fatko Russo | 148720

    Name :Fatko Russo Gender: Male Age: 23 Race: White Nationality: Albanian Place of Birth: Albania Father: Kent Russo Mother: Alba Russo Sexuality: Straight Weight:86 kg Height:185cm Eye color: Brown Hair color: Black Tattoos: Arms, chest and back Strengths: Skilled shooter Weakness: Greedy...
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