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Search results

  1. Kerem..

    Reviewed POV REQUEST | 91038

    0.20 Why using n word little man
  2. Kerem..

    Approved Unban appeal GR 1.8 | Mazhor Pluxury

    turned into perma
  3. Kerem..

    Approved Unban appeal GR 1.8 | Mazhor Pluxury

    Hi Mazhor , I hope your day is good . I get 60 day banned from the server because of G.R 1.8 yesterday. I was in this project over 2 years. I was always following the server rules. I was playing game too much. I made so many memories with my friends i met so many people from this project. I...
  4. Kerem..

    Rejected RDM | MG | 153086 | 126946 | 204221

    We dont want to 2 hours pov u need to post full role pov.
  5. Kerem..

    Rejected RDM | MG | 153086 | 126946 | 204221

    If u have to open forum to me i can defend my self. Because u dont have full pov.
  6. Kerem..

    Rejected RDM | MG | 153086 | 126946 | 204221

    Also this ture i forget. You already giving demand
  7. Kerem..

    Rejected RDM | MG | 153086 | 126946 | 204221

    This not enough for a role pov. If u in an any org u need to take all pov of the what role in you.
  8. Kerem..

    Rejected RDM | MG | 153086 | 126946 | 204221

    .Not off topic just u trying to deceive admin. Show your full pov. My friend see me at the when he is out of the garage
  9. Kerem..

    Reviewed close

    close pls
  10. Kerem..

    Approved ER 1.3 | 18666, 2000

    They are starting at the zone
  11. Kerem..

    Rejected VDM | 42690

    All in pov
  12. Kerem..

    Reviewed POV REQUEST | 0000

    nice illegal ar skin g
  13. Kerem..

    Reviewed Pov Request I 153086

  14. Kerem..

    Reviewed Pov Request | Alex Odd

  15. Kerem..

    Reviewed POV REQUEST | 275347

    i hope this is enough
  16. Kerem..

    Reviewed POV REQUEST | 275347

  17. Kerem..

    Approved POV Request | 258190,300120,156310

  18. Kerem..

    Approved RDM | 270077,153086

    ur family member given demand we can shoot
  19. Kerem..

    Rejected GR 3.1 | Luke Pluxury

    I got banned for insult. im not insulted the person. im insulted him microphone. he every time doing mic spam. pls remove my block. i dont taking the grand coin
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