Your name IRL: Garrett
Your age: 19
Time zone: EST
Average online per day: 3-6 hours
Your Discord: samhoblos
Your Nickname: Sam Hobloss
Your ID: 155634
Additional information
Leader of Los Santos Police Department
Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List...
First im not driving the car so idk how i could get done for that and secondly your clearly shooting into a gz and if we want to go there we can say you were metagaming as well bc we took there radios so how would you know to go to doc.
A.) Information
1. Your name IRL: Garrett
2. Your age: 19
3. Time zone: EST
4. Average online per day: 4-8 hours
5. Your Discord: samhoblos
6. Your Nickname: Sam Hoblos
7. Your ID: 155634
Additional information
A.) Leader of SAHP
B.) Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization...
A.) Information
1. Your name IRL: Garrett
2. Your age: 19
3. Time zone: EST
4. Average online per day: 4-8 hours
5. Your Discord: samhoblos
6. Your Nickname: Sam Hoblos
7. Your ID: 155634
Additional information
A.) Leader of SAHP
B.) Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization...
A.) Information
1. Your name IRL: Garrett
2. Your age: 19
3. Time zone: EST
4. Average online per day: 4-8 hours
5. Your Discord: G_A_R_Y_H#7414
6. Your Nickname: Sam Hoblos
7. Your ID: 155634
Additional information
A.) Leader of SAHP
B.) Why do you want to be a leader of this specific...
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