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Search results

  1. Pqeks Frost

    Approved GZ 1.1 I 342780

    He killed me at the beach market when my screen recording was not open, and I opened my screen recording, wrote to the admins, I did not get an answer, while waiting for an answer, he shot me again and killed me with a punch.
  2. Pqeks Frost

    Rejected RDM | 103

    it seems that your equipment is bad and the voice of the other person does not reach you. (n)
  3. Pqeks Frost

    Approved Metagaming + Stalling + VDM | 9708,2051

    I'm not a prophet, act properly, if you don't listen to me, your friends didn't understand you, tell them to warn you
  4. Pqeks Frost

    Approved Metagaming + Stalling + VDM | 9708,2051

    you were shouting into the microphone and even though I said I didn't understand you kept shouting you didn't speak normally and I didn't understand
  5. Pqeks Frost

    Approved Metagaming + Stalling + VDM | 9708,2051

    I'm making a ghetto and my family stops after seeing me, so what's wrong with that? If you share the before, you will see that I am in the ghetto, just share 1-2 minutes ago
  6. Pqeks Frost

    Reviewed Pov req | 0000

  7. Pqeks Frost

    Reviewed POV Req | 3350

  8. Pqeks Frost

    Approved Pov Req | 15

  9. Pqeks Frost

    Approved Pov Req | 15

  10. Pqeks Frost

    Rejected Cheats | 4179

  11. Pqeks Frost

    Rejected cheat or bot | 4075

  12. Pqeks Frost


    Is your recording program legal?
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