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Search results

  1. Nikola Falkone

    Rejected Blacklist evading | Ivkezz Obama

    Postovani Ivkezz, zelim da znas da mi je mnogo zao zbog onoga na forumu. Znam da mislis da sam toxic zbog jedne glupe objave na forumu. Posle dva meseca sam se vratio na twink acc i svatio sam koliko mi je stalo zapravo do granda. Nebi ste znali da sam ja realno mogao sam da cutim i da se...
  2. Nikola Falkone

    Rejected For curator of the project Mazhor Pluxury | Blacklist evading

    Dear Mazhor, Please unblacklisted me I'm not toxic as Ivkezz Obama says, ok if one post on forum is too much that not means I'm toxic. Give me another chance I am already satisfied to get a unblacklisted. I love Grand RP RS project I can't play on EN servers, please understand me. I'm dead...
  3. Nikola Falkone

    Rejected Izvinjinje za RS project

    I Forget to add For Curator Of Project| Appel
  4. Nikola Falkone

    Rejected Izvinjinje za RS project

    Dear Mazhor, I would like you to give me another chance to play on the RS project, I got the Black List 3 months ago and I realize that I was wrong and I am still wrong, but I want to apologize to everyone I offended because I only intended to return to this Project. I love this project very...
  5. Nikola Falkone

    Reviewed Request for last chance|Mazhor

    Dear Mazhor, I would like you to give me a new chance to play on the RS project. I got BlackListed to the server because I wrote a big message on the forum, insulting the admins with a scythe, first of all Chief Admin Abraham and Curator Of Administration Ivkezz Obama. I hereby apologize, I want...
  6. Nikola Falkone

    Rejected For Curator Of The Project | For Mazhor

    Dear Mazhor, 2 months ago I got a ban for g.p 1.4. After a few days, I received the BlackList Project for admin evaluation. During that time, an admin named Marin Solo joined our discord, I invited him to my private server called FalconeCrimeFamily, it is my family's discord on the RS project...
  7. Nikola Falkone


    Dear Mazhor, I am writing to you after a month and a half, I got a blacklist because I insulted some admins of Ivkezz and Abraham. I'll explain why, at that moment I was very angry because I got banned for g.p 1.4 because I own more twink acc. I wrote 3 requests for unban lai, they were all...
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