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Search results

  1. D

    Approved GR 6.22 | 323529

    Greetings, I am Daniel Blaze, the leader of Shadow Blaze. I would like to file a complaint about a theft that occurred in our family. The person in question took many of our fuel canisters and repair kits. and left the fam immediately. Please see the attached evidence and take the necessary...
  2. D

    Approved GR 6.22 | 315836

    Greetings, I am Daniel Blaze, the leader of Shadow Blaze. I would like to file a complaint about a theft that occurred in our family. The person in question took many of our fuel canisters and repair kits. Please see the attached evidence and take the necessary actions. Thank you for your attention.
  3. D

    Reviewed GR 6.22 | 0000

    Hello Sir, I'm Daniel Blaze the leader of Shadow Blaze, Actually i want to report a theft happened on our family. someone sold the family oil well to other family without my consent as i am the leader of the Family. i didn't authorized anyone to sell or trade any family assets. In my eyes this...
  4. D

    Rejected GR 6.22 | 269203

    Hello there, Im Daniel Blaze, the current leader and one of the Founding Member of the Shadow blaze. I can vouch for Raja that there was no malicious intent.
  5. D

    Rejected GR 6.22 | 207701

    In my knowledge that was not a theft. it was taken for raid.
  6. D

    Rejected Demorgan for UB Demands| Gregory House & Vishwa Blake

    At Server time 18:XX we were Trying to steal someone else's panels planted in the City . two guys were standing there so we strategically gave warning to at exact time of 18:55 (08:22 in YT) then me and my mates got unfair demorgan and Warn for UB Demands. So my concerns are: How it was a UB...
  7. D

    Approved Leader Of EMS | Teddy Infinity

    He's the most experienced person EMS can get as a Leader. So a Big +
  8. D

    Approved VDM | 99877

    i would've done it earlier if i had POV.
  9. D

    Approved VDM | 99877

    for one time it's understandable. but several times in a week? mistakes done once not frequently .
  10. D

    Approved VDM | 99877

    Hello Good Sir/Madem, i was taking care of my Fam plantation as ususal. suddenly this guy: 99877 with his friend ID: 243122 out of nowhere, purposefully rammed his car on me. please look onto this. also its not the time they are doing it, there are multiple occasions they did the same thing, but...
  11. D

    Approved VDM | 268685

    Hello Good Sir/Madem, i was taking care of my Fam plantation as ususal. suddenly this guy out of nowhere, purposefully rammed his car on me. please look onto this. PS: Video's Main content starts at 9:30 (pardon for the uncut 9 min boring part) Thank you.
  12. D

    Rejected Leader of EMS | Aarush Goyal

    I believe he'll improve the EMS for good. +1
  13. D

    Approved GEN RULE 6.2 | Bill Austin

    Please correct me if I'm wrong, but In my opinion, 1. Can't hear any demands from the robbers though. 2. Also robbers cars weren't even aligned for a pullover. So i believe it wasn't a RP situation. So a big +
  14. D

    Rejected LSPD LEADER | Spike Hill

    +1, his friendly nature is an important consideration for his leadership qualities.
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