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  1. Frawley Opps

    Rejected Metagaming | 155207

    THIS ISN'T EVEN YOUR POV LMAO. Also just because he's in a Discord call doesn't mean he's metagaming, where is the info he's giving to help him in game?
  2. Frawley Opps

    Rejected RDM | GEN 6.15 | 155207

    “Say that again and I’m gonna kill your right here” were his demands. You followed them so I don’t see the problem of why you were killed.
  3. Frawley Opps

    Approved GR 6.13 | ID 148802

    ID 148802 mercy killed me
  4. Frawley Opps

    Approved Mass Rule Breaks | ID 24424

    Seeing as how you have such a huge problem with Chicky, Yung, and myself currently, yeah I'd say your GRP world does revolve around going out of your way to start drama. Point proven on multiple posts now. As for this post specifically, I'm done talking to you. Everyone has opinions, lets see...
  5. Frawley Opps

    Approved Mass Rule Breaks | ID 24424

    I deafened so my friend who isn't even in the city doesn't have to hear me argue with you. I will say again like I did before, there was no info given to anyone therefor it's not metagaming. Also you are sitting outside of my house waiting for me after the situation was well over with therefore...
  6. Frawley Opps

    Approved Mass Rule Breaks | ID 24424

    you are being a weirdo provoking and harassing by going out of your way this entire POV to ruin my gaming experience. "first time i have encountered a single one of you so stop lying" - explain this then https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/305824/ "Started shooting at 2? Therefore you didn't...
  7. Frawley Opps

    Approved Mass Rule Breaks | ID 24424

    This whole situation was tipped off when an ex family member came to my house and decided to try to steal my solar panel. He is constantly stalking and harassing myself and other family members. I realize I was not in the right for everything myself but I was provoked and upset with the whole...
  8. Frawley Opps

    Reviewed Harassing + CR | ID 24424

    I will take down this POV and upload the entire 13 minutes to include everything else prior to this as well
  9. Frawley Opps

    Reviewed Harassing + CR | ID 24424

    Player 24424 proceeded to harass and car ram me continuously in city, even after I made several attempts to disengage from the situation he still persisted for a solid 2 minutes.
  10. Frawley Opps

    Rejected Multiple Admin Disrespect / 67807

    Calling admins stupid or saying L admins isn't insulting? I don't agree with that thought of yours at all but ok
  11. Frawley Opps

    Rejected Multiple Admin Disrespect / 67807

    You mean this reaper? Nice try stating the profile is not you. Admin deceit much? https://gyazo.com/77091cd305a2981c6f06696933ff1e28
  12. Frawley Opps

    Rejected Multiple Admin Disrespect / 67807

    You are a sad individual who was kicked from the family for being disrespectful to everyone and is now stalking members and feeding info to the public which would never be seen because all the conversations are in a PRIVATE discord. Since we are leaking private conversations I feel like YOUR OWN...
  13. Frawley Opps

    Rejected GR 6.8 | ID 9383

    ID 9383 is sitting next to unconscious player ID 133949 prior to robbing.
  14. Frawley Opps

    Approved OOC insults (R word) | ID 172485

    Mazhor can we please handle this...
  15. Frawley Opps

    Approved OOC insults (R word) | ID 172485

    OOC insults (R word) | ID 172485
  16. Frawley Opps

    Approved RDM | ID 167498

    RDM | ID 167498
  17. Frawley Opps

    Approved RDM | ID 167757

    RDM | ID 167757
  18. Frawley Opps

    Approved OOC insults (R word) | ID 258836

    OOC insults (R word) | ID 258836
  19. Frawley Opps

    Approved CL | ID 219817

    CL | ID 219817
  20. Frawley Opps

    Approved GZ 1.1 + called me the R word | ID 20475

    there is a clearly labeled RED ZONE in the top right corner of everyone's screen which is the correct area to kill. I was clearly out of the RED ZONE when I was killed making this GZ 1.1
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