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Search results

  1. V

    Rejected Constant harassment with lack of RP before initiating RDM | 132208

    The admins can take a look at when you died before my clip and see that you come back even after you die.
  2. V

    Rejected Constant harassment with lack of RP before initiating RDM | 132208

    Only because you go way back doesn't make it an excuse to stop using RP.
  3. V

    Rejected Constant harassment with lack of RP before initiating RDM | 132208

    You know that's not true, he's mentioned to me previously that all you do is harass him for no reason, you're trying to say it's a war but it's not, it's just you trying to start something with us knowing we have done nothing to you. But that's beside the point, even if you did have a war that...
  4. V

    Rejected Constant harassment with lack of RP before initiating RDM | 132208

    why are you trying to manipulate the argument here? I never mentioned anything about you having autism bro, my nephew has autism and I would never disrespect someone's disability so don't try and play that card.
  5. V

    Approved N Word | ID 132208

    I was tabbed out sorting something IRL quickly, and as I tabbed back in this guy decides to come up to me saying the N word.
  6. V

    Rejected Constant harassment with lack of RP before initiating RDM | 132208

    I never said anything bad to you? We've been nothing but respectful to you lot and you constantly harass us for no reason trying to find any way to start a fight. You constantly fail the new life rule by coming for us after you die. We've asked you to leave us alone but you refuse. We'll let the...
  7. V

    Rejected Constant harassment with lack of RP before initiating RDM | 132208

    This Johnny person and their friends are constantly harassing us and our family without involving any form of RP. We have killed them multiple times but they keep coming back after new lives.
  8. V

    Rejected Mercy Kill | ID 99602

    bro you mk'd me to prevent the EMS from reviving me, that is avoiding RP.
  9. V

    Rejected Mercy Kill | ID 99602

    These guys decide to mercy kill me because the medic started reviving me.
  10. V

    Approved N WORD | 209141

    These guys kept ramming us for no reason, then one of them says the n word.
  11. V

    Approved VDM | ID 185032

    Me and my friend were outside a shop, waiting for a firework to go off, then some random guy decides to VDM my friend for absolutely no reason.
  12. V

    Approved RDM before running into house? | 80850

    Me and my friend were unfortunately stranded as a result of no fuel, so we ran into the town and came across someone standing still (maybe AFK) who we thought was an NPC/local so as we run up to them to investigate, they decided to pull their gun out and start shooting us, as we started shooting...
  13. V

    Rejected Pointless VDM on Motorway

    I don't understand why they do it, they clearly wouldn't be doing it if they owned an expensive car IRL, it takes the fun out of the game its RP for a reason. If you have medal, record it and submit a thread, the more threads get created about this topic the better :)
  14. V

    Rejected Pointless VDM on Motorway

    I don't understand people like this. Driving an expensive car, they would definitely not do this IRL. I thought they were just sending a friendly beep, so I beeped back and the immature person decides to do this.
  15. V

    Approved VDM outside Casino | 208373

    Was casually walking out of the casino, and I thought this person had towed my car (wasn't sure if it was a possible thing for them) so I asked them, I couldn't understand what they said, I then noticed my car and proceeded to enter it, it was then they decided to run me over and laugh. Clearly...
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