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  1. Z

    Rejected Unofficial Blacklist | Bobby Pluxury

    With this I'm not saying that the top g or the ninja should have the unnoficial org again, but at least let us, for example, create the ninja 2/ top g 2 and ask for the unnoficial org back. I also say that both sides, I think they have learned that it is not by insulting each other that we will...
  2. Z

    Rejected Unofficial Blacklist | Bobby Pluxury

    and I once again reinforce the idea of reaching an agreement, as it was both sides that were toxic and opened the reports that took away the unofficial org from both of them. Now, not letting more than 500 people play an event 24 times in a day is not correct. I'm not saying that the ninja or...
  3. Z

    Rejected Unofficial Blacklist | Bobby Pluxury

    As you know, the ninja and the top g were blacklisted, the two biggest families on the server can no longer play informally. Despite the reports that were opened by both sides of the families and everything that happened, I think that both sides were harmed. I've seen at least two reports...
  4. Z

    Reviewed Pov Request | 204162

    I was inside the informal already, i was in the roof
  5. Z

    Reviewed Pov Request | 204162

    You dont know gucci Classic ?
  6. Z

    Rejected Unban Appeal | Gucci Magico

    I was banned by rule 4.1 because I used an illegal rev. The rev that was using the charger was a little bigger than normal and I didn't understand where that gave any advantage. But if it's illegal, you shouldn't use it and I apologize. I ask for the unban appeal because I am a player who...
  7. Z

    Approved Pov Request | ID 4098 2x no evento

    Não percebo para que tenho de meter pov fiz o bug sem querer depois vi que entrei e continuei no informal em vez de sair mas posso meter a mesma
  8. Z

    Rejected bug abuse? | 65

    Ahahah meu Deus
  9. Z

    Rejected bug abuse? | 65

    Deste f1 pq estavas a 1 tiro de morrer e estavam 3 gajos a ir para cima de ti
  10. Z

    Rejected Pov request | 25407

    Resposta simples: Mário Gini
  11. Z

    Rejected POV Request I 5276

    Net da África ou o caralho até tu levas na peida desse gajo
  12. Z

    Rejected POV Request I 5276

    Fdss acho engraçado teres reclamado tanto dos alemães que vieram aí turfer a dizer que usam merdas para lagar, e depois tens esse gajo mais lagado do que sei lá o que só falas merda boni
  13. Z

    Rejected POV Request I 5276

    Tavas nervoso, a respirares pareces um cavalo caralho
  14. Z

    Rejected POV Request I 5276

    “Está a cheater este palhaço de merda “ qual foi a cena que n percebeste ?
  15. Z

    Rejected POV Request I 5276

    “Este palhaço de merda está a cheater
  16. Z

    Rejected GHOST PEAK 1D 4098

    Estudasses boneco do caralho amanhã a mais a ver se amanhã tem som BOT
  17. Z

    Rejected GHOST PEAK 1D 4098

    Harry Porter do caralho és um merdas vai aprender a jogar o jogo
  18. Z

    Rejected GHOST PEAK 1D 4098

    Mano fecha está merda só te envergonhas em n saber jogar e vires para aqui chorar
  19. Z

    Rejected GHOST PEAK 1D 4098

    Agr tenho de me na picar todo para me matares xd
  20. Z

    Rejected GHOST PEAK 1D 4098

    És um bot do caralho vens pedir pov no privado e agr das report com o server com 100 pessoas mas eu meto a pov
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