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Search results

  1. 7Don7

    Reviewed POV Request | 156682

    How tf he dint die you shot him multiple times
  2. 7Don7

    Rejected Bug abuse | 226772

    He was using animation when he was stealing the car
  3. 7Don7

    Rejected cheating | 153563

    i think its normal
  4. 7Don7

    Rejected 99301 Cheating

    Bruh its gz bug i called Ryan Coughlin and he try to fix it with me and he told me relog and its fixed
  5. 7Don7

    Rejected Event Rules 1.3 Multipe Familys and IDs

    Damn u have the time to type all this IDs
  6. 7Don7

    Rejected Cheats | ID 11272

    i think just armor bug cz u hit him 53 3 times and 32 1 time
  7. 7Don7

    Reviewed Pov Request | ID 240

    bruh its clear double rev
  8. 7Don7

    Approved Fear rp - ID | 99301

    The pov with out ure voice ?
  9. 7Don7

    Rejected Dm ID|155400

    good job 💯
  10. 7Don7

    Approved OOC | 155576 | 125585 | 197070

    after 14 days we can talk 💤
  11. 7Don7

    Approved OOC | 155576 | 125585 | 197070

    14 d 😴
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