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  1. Z

    Rejected Shooting without giving demands | 35713

    So as you can see in the POV first of all he didnt even give me demands to leave when i wasnt armed and he killed me when i was trying to leave the property with my helicopter.
  2. Z

    Reviewed POV Request | 0000

  3. Z

    Reviewed Pov Request | 203206

    I just want to know how i died in one shot when i full hp.
  4. Z

    Rejected Unban Appeal | Christian Pluxury

    Hello so I dint know about this bug as in the video you can see that i did even try to shoot the guy. I was just back from 3 monts vacation and I didn't know that there was no such a bug when I last played you used to spawn at the same spot dead. And this bunker stuff is something new for me and...
  5. Z

    Reviewed ID: 99316 BUG ABUSE

    btw you have ilegal redux your dead screan has colore when every one els has a black and white one that weard as well
  6. Z

    Rejected Refund request

    Hello so a whyle ago i bought the clothes that you can see on the images that i have put. Befor the copyright stuff happened the clothes used to loock much better and they have nothing to do with the clothes befor the copyright stuff happened. I don't have any picture of there old looks but im...
  7. Z

    Approved RDM + MK | 73008

  8. Z

    Rejected RDM | 209756

    https://streamable.com/h7m2fw https://streamable.com/5fiu8n
  9. Z

    Approved SCAM | 269578

  10. Z

    Rejected event rule 1.2 | family clowns

  11. Z

    Approved RDM | 137495, 73008

    I want a full pov. This pov has been shorten
  12. Z

    Approved CR VMD | 56531

    Men this guy can be your dad. He aint a kid like you.
  13. Z

    Approved Gr 6.8 73008

    bro it was a miss click sholl the pov further i told you
  14. Z

    Approved VDM ?? BY ID 73008

    why are you shooting out of getto thats RDM. Your self reporting
  15. Z

    Reviewed CR + RDM | 73008 + 161211 + 228929 + 94610

    You guys are just crying cus u got claped from buch of Clowns
  16. Z

    Reviewed CR + RDM | 73008 + 161211 + 228929 + 94610

    their was left overs and you where in the area of the event flying oround
  17. Z

    Rejected Close this thread,

    where is the bug abuse
  18. Z

    Rejected Unaccessible location during wepons factory | 186033

    Unaccessible location during wepons factory
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