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Search results

  1. mavi.

    Rejected RDM | Maze Redz

    there were like 5 helis and they all had demands then this guy comes and flies around ofc we are gonna kill him we dont know who is who
  2. mavi.

    Rejected RDM | Maze Redz

    idk what brain they on we are defending our panels and he reports for rdm💀
  3. mavi.

    Rejected Leader of Ballas | Deigo Skyline

    "My goals" Terrorist org
  4. mavi.

    Reviewed Pov Request | 47024

    as you can see in the photo it doesnt say all participants of all events under all spheres must record pov of entering does it???
  5. mavi.

    Reviewed Pov Request | 47024

    ok no one insulting but ok
  6. mavi.

    Reviewed Pov Request | 47024

    are you dumb or what before he entered he doesnt need pov when he enter he needs when he is INSIDE the zone if your outside the zone and do pov request
  7. mavi.

    Reviewed Pov Request | 47024

    no need for off topic yea spamming 4 forums because 1 report
  8. mavi.

    Rejected Wrong Desicion | Maze Redz

    maze legit made the correct choice are you mad cuz you got killed?
  9. mavi.

    Rejected Wrong Desicion | Maze Redz

    if your goal is not spamming threads why are you posting 5 forums about it
  10. mavi.

    Reviewed Pov Request | 47024

    bro stop being forum warrior putting the same thing on 3 times wallah it got rejected 2 times stop spamming
  11. mavi.

    Reviewed pov req | 86859

    my brother is top shooter
  12. mavi.

    Reviewed pov req | 86859

    if you slow the video down to 0,25 or 0,50 you can see you get hit twice can be a rev or it can be the guy with shotgun
  13. mavi.

    Approved GR 6.13, R-word | 00000 + 87326

    in the pov its me your shooting bcz i got a gun in my hand then you come and shoot him for legit no reason
  14. mavi.

    Approved GR 6.13, R-word | 00000 + 87326

    bro killing me when i havent shoot onces
  15. mavi.

    Rejected CL | 389363

    what are you gonna do with voice???
  16. mavi.

    Rejected CL | 389363

    first got rejected for not being 2 minutes heres pov
  17. mavi.

    Rejected CL | 389363

    nothing is edited if longer pov wanted will provide
  18. mavi.

    Rejected CL | 386350

    nothing is edited in the video if wanted ill post longer one
  19. mavi.

    Approved GR 6.15, GR 6.4, Metagaming, State Rule 5.2 | 237635

    legit stfu was it you or me shooting without demands at our fam house and doing nlr?????
  20. mavi.

    Rejected CL | 389363, 386350

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