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Search results

  1. E

    Approved 3.1 3.2 Gen / ID: (16545)-(18316)

    Swearing and speaking other language in green zone
  2. E

    Rejected Gen 3.1 3.2

    This Guys swear to my mom and other guys speaking turkish
  3. E

    Rejected Unban Appeal

    I know if it's wrong, can you help us with this, because we fought for a long time before, the man who complained about us shared only this part of the video, and we are in the ghetto, I'm writing these articles just to get an idea.Thanks
  4. E

    Rejected Unban Appeal

    There is no sexuality and disdain in the dance content we are just dancing don't we need to get a warning or demorgan first for this.
  5. E

    Rejected VDM/CR 15667

  6. E

    Rejected Gen 3.1 9581

    This guy swore at me in Turkish
  7. E

    Approved Bug Abuse |16467, 3741, 11316, 3439,16461

    Video is a proof, share a video, let's believe you, we have proof.
  8. E

    Approved Bug Abuse |16467, 3741, 11316, 3439,16461

    If you think that you accidentally found a bug in the game, you can publish this situation in the form of an admin video.No need to lie, we all know you were there at the time of the shooting, you're a funny little boy, my friend.This is not a very clever lie :) AHAHAH SO FUNNY Mokan and family...
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