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Search results

  1. Y

    Reviewed CR |288819 | 197257

    look at me The effects of bullets emit red rays
  2. Y

    Reviewed Scamar / id 392655

    Scamar all pov
  3. Y

    Rejected conspiracy | Alex odd

    hello admins i want to inform all of the admistrators that i hear from friend of my friend that someone want to scam and send me money like he did before and i got 2 month for nothing so i just want to tell you that am not responsible of any money someone send me in my bank from now on i just...
  4. Y

    Rejected RDM /id 220255

  5. Y

    Rejected Warn removal / Donte shepard

    Hello Admin, as you can see in the video, they revived me. I did not listen when he said, “Follow me.” The first one revived me until I checked the video. Then the second one gave me a 5 seconds warning. Then the second one killed me immediately. They did not give me time. Sorry becous my...
  6. Y

    Reviewed insult : 210122

    where metagaming I called Nadia the paramedic
  7. Y

    Reviewed insult : 210122

    Mother Abusing without any reason
  8. Y

    Rejected insult :id 210122

    i need arabic admin
  9. Y

    Reviewed RDM id 148538

    He killed me for no reason
  10. Y

    Rejected Unban Appeal | Shay Wraith

    I agree with your words now. This person must attend the final of the games because he poses a danger to every player and he tarnishes my reputation and the reputation of my friend.
  11. Y

    Rejected false accusation | id:201847

    And the ID of the owner of the video 221142
  12. Y

    Rejected false accusation | id:201847

    This is your ID 201847 ?
  13. Y

    Rejected false accusation | id:201847

    hey dear admYou will notice something strange in the video, I am the identifier in the video 221142 and who put the form knows 201847 and instead of you you will see that he is lying to us and this is his punishment of 60 days because he deceives the supervisors and distorts the reputation of ID...
  14. Y

    Approved GR 1.3 - 1.4 | 318325

    The supervisor go and check the ID of play 318325 And you'll see everything.
  15. Y

    Approved GR 1.3 - 1.4 | 318325

    Now the punishment for lying is not even for the supervisors 60 days and you have to review the matter and I am waiting for the answer and thank you
  16. Y

    Approved GR 1.3 - 1.4 | 318325

    Dear supervisor this is illogical talk and I don't know any of them and the proof is that I don't have to work or connect to people and this is silly talk and you have to check it
  17. Y

    Approved Bug Abuse | 197257

    What is its punishment?
  18. Y

    Rejected RDM | 197257

    The Video has 26+ seconds I was fighting with him and he escaped to me grin zon
  19. Y

    Approved insult | ID : 315545

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