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Rejected (SAHP) Corrupt Bio | Michelle McKnight | 79288


Michelle Rojas

Dec 4, 2021
Name: Michelle McKnight
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Race: White/Hispanic
Nationality: American
Place of Birth: Washington D.C.
Father: Victor Rojas
Mother: Aubrey Miller
Sexuality: Bisexual
Weight: 158 lbs (71Kg)
Height: 5' 9" (175 cm)
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Blonde
Tattoos: Neck, Arms, Stomach, Chest, Legs, Back
Strengths: Expert Driver, Small Unit Tactics, Expert Medical Knowledge, Loyal
Weakness: More loyal to her family than the law, can be tempted by money.

Life Story:
Michelle's childhood was a relatively normal one. She lived a simple life with her parents and brother in D.C. Her father, Victor Rojas, worked at the International Affairs Agency(IAA) in Langley, VA. He would usually disappear for a bit due to his job but her relationship with her father remained a good one, often doing things together when time allowed. Her mother, Aubrey Miller, worked as a nurse at Georgetown University hospital. She cared for Michelle often doing things with her when time allowed. Her brother, Michael Rojas, was a good friend to Michelle. Of course, they had some sibling rivalry but they generally watched each other's back. They maintained a good relationship with each other even after Victor and Aubrey separated. Victor and Aubrey separated when Michelle was in her early teens. While she did have a good relationship with both of her parents, it did hurt her seeing them part ways. It was also around this time where she started her rebellious streak, making things harder for her father, who ended up taking care of Michelle.

When Michelle finally turned 16, she got involved in some illegal street racing with some of her fellow students. She found a passion in racing and cars because of this. She learned how to control a vehicle throughout the underground races she participated in. She discovered that the excitement and adrenaline rush of driving fast and outrunning cops was something that she enjoyed very much and still continues to strive for. Eventually though, she was caught by the cops during a race where her vehicle broke down. Her father's influence plus the fact that she only turned 17 at the time allowed her to get out of it without a record.

It was around this time where Victor decided to teach Michelle some of his experience and knowledge from his time working in the IAA, in hopes of sorting her out and preparing her for facing the real world. He showed Michelle various tools of the trade, tools like the concealed radio that they used in operations to make communication with his support team harder to detect and the bodycam that the Field Agents wore to capture evidence. Victor also told stories about his experiences in the field of working an informant in a war torn country, interrogation tactics that he used, and the brutality that he witnessed and participated in during his operations. This gave Michelle invaluable knowledge on technology and tactics used by IAA field agents and put her Father in a new light.

Career Story:
When Michelle turned 20 she decided to join the military, following her family's military past. She joined the Air Force deciding to apply for Pararescue. The two year pipeline was intense and incredibly grueling but she got through it due to her determination. Her time as a PJ was a fulfilling one as it satisfied her craving for adrenaline, allowed her to feel like she was doing something worthwhile by saving lives, and also gave her firsthand experience of the brutality that was out in the world. She served as a PJ for 8 years before leaving. It was during this time where she gained her expert medical knowledge and her tactical skills.

After her time as a Pararescue, she decided to move west away from the seat of power. She arrived at Los Santos, San Andreas. She started doing random jobs like working at the lumberyard or on the oil fields until she met a member of the Atkin family, who recruited her shortly after the meeting. The family took care of her and she worked hard for them in their various goals in the city, some criminal. She made quite a few criminal contacts in Los Santos working for the Atkin family, especially when the family leader, Nathan Atkin, became the gang leader for the Families. She kept in contact with her criminal friends after the Atkin Family(now the Jinx Family at this point) worked away from criminal activities. She did this due to the fact that her Father used to have contacts in the underworld helping him with his IAA activities thinking she could do the same in the future.

She continued working for the family until she got a call from her brother, Michael, who used to work at SAHP. He recommended her to apply to SAHP as they needed more personnel and also told her to join the Special Operations Unit. Michelle, craving that adrenaline rush and sense of purpose again, joined SAHP hoping to join the SOU. She worked hard at SAHP, starting out under Ryan Slater's term as a Cadet eventually working her way up to Master Trooper. When the Chief of SRT, Matthew Blackheart, opened recruitment into Special Operations, she jumped on the chance to join the NARC unit, Parks and Recreation Unit, and Trauma Team. She enjoyed her time in those units, especially the Parks and Rec unit. The required tactical thinking and action from their operations was something that she was looking for here in Los Santos.

Towards the end of Ryan Slater's term as Sheriff, the Parks and Rec Unit was dissolved and the NARC and Trauma Team units were added into the Special Response Team. It was also at this time that Michelle was picked by Matthew to become the Deputy Chief of Special Operations, which she was honored to accept. She stayed in SAHP when Frederick Rouges became the Sheriff and continued with her duties as the Deputy Chief of SRT. It was around this time as well where she married Charles McKnight after knowing him since her early days in SAHP. After Frederick’s terms, Charles took over as Sheriff making her and Slavik McKnight as Deputy Sheriffs. As of today, she has been with SAHP for 5 months, without any regrets.

- Michelle, using her medical knowledge from her time in Pararescue and her father's IAA experience, is able to torture/Interrogate/kill for information by using truth serum, even on lawyers.
2 -Michelle can prevent the person they are torturing from passing out, dying from blood loss, or other life threatening issues caused by torture due to her experience in Pararescue.
3 - Michelle can access the organization radio off duty due to her Father's concealed radio that is connected to SAHP transmissions.
4 - Michelle will be able to work with informants to gather/pay for information or evidence
5 - Michelle will be able to sell illegal items that she picked up off gang/family members
6 - Michelle has a hidden camera attached to her clothing that records and uploads to a secure SAHP server when turned on
7 - Michelle can take bribes due to her temptation regarding money
8 - Michelle will let suspects go free if it gives her the ability to gain the trust of a criminal/organization
9 - Michelle can remove criminals from the wanted list or reduce their sentence
10 - Michelle can search and smash/break any bodycams found.
11 - Michelle will use any gun, illegal or legal, on duty or off duty(Exception: Organization Equipment)

Floki Vilgeroarson

New to this
Deputy Chief Administrator
Jun 19, 2021
Outcome 1 use truth serum with /try cmd
Outcome 10 must be used with /try cmd
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