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Your ID
Players nickname
Todd Gypavell
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Jul 1, 2022
Time of violation

Larry Hulk

Jul 23, 2021
Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report

ID 4519 will receive a punishment for RDM in CITY

upon further review of the evidence and the 2 minute long POV provided by Shiffty my punishment will stand
for the simple reason that you gave 0 countdown and as well as such if you issue demands when 4519 is not there then how would he know you gave countdown he wouldn't so for this I will keep current punishment!
oh and there was 0 RP reason to issue demands as you dont own an entire BLOCK of CITY


If you feel the punishment the administrator issued is incorrect feel free to file admin complaint​


Jun 11, 2022
Firstly I was an admin and I am aware of the rules. You were metagaming and you were not following the CCOP with the way you approached the situation. You cannot be rude to civilians for no reason. Nor can you just pull and aim a gun on people who are not aggressive or have weapons pointed at you. Read the fucking CCOP. After the situation was settled and you were NOT detaining us you continued to stay there and harass us when we told you it was a friendly fight that--again--you had no right to get involved in besides you knowing who I was by my ID. We told you several times to leave the area because we don't want to be harassed by FIB, especially someone who obviously does not know what the CCOP says and you chose to stay so we dropped you.

next time show the full situation of you all harassing us, instead of a 18 second clip without context. You pulled up and immediately pulled guns on us and told us to get on the ground which means that RP has started and will continue until the situation is over. We are not detained and I explain its all friendly. You continue to stay in the area and harass us when we tell you to leave us alone.

read the ccop and leave me alone. its weird. and if you harass me anymore (like you did constantly sitting at PD) ill just start reporting the weird behavior.

The first POV also shows that we were getting shot at by randoms (unsure if it was FIB or not) hence why shifty says "look at you zema trying to assassinate an officer?"

Which again shows that we had no idea if it was FIB or not shooting at us. We didnt know if they were talking in radio about us and we defended ourselves.

Shifty Powers

Nov 15, 2021
Firstly I was an admin and I am aware of the rules. You were metagaming and you were not following the CCOP with the way you approached the situation. You cannot be rude to civilians for no reason. Nor can you just pull and aim a gun on people who are not aggressive or have weapons pointed at you. Read the fucking CCOP. After the situation was settled and you were NOT detaining us you continued to stay there and harass us when we told you it was a friendly fight that--again--you had no right to get involved in besides you knowing who I was by my ID. We told you several times to leave the area because we don't want to be harassed by FIB, especially someone who obviously does not know what the CCOP says and you chose to stay so we dropped you.

next time show the full situation of you all harassing us, instead of a 18 second clip without context. You pulled up and immediately pulled guns on us and told us to get on the ground which means that RP has started and will continue until the situation is over. We are not detained and I explain its all friendly. You continue to stay in the area and harass us when we tell you to leave us alone.

read the ccop and leave me alone. its weird. and if you harass me anymore (like you did constantly sitting at PD) ill just start reporting the weird behavior.

The first POV also shows that we were getting shot at by randoms (unsure if it was FIB or not) hence why shifty says "look at you zema trying to assassinate an officer?"

Which again shows that we had no idea if it was FIB or not shooting at us. We didnt know if they were talking in radio about us and we defended ourselves.
No need to Cry when you don't get you're way, You are one to talk about Harassing all you do is Throw tantrums on the forums when stuff dose not go you're way. Kick Rocks Goofy..


Jun 11, 2022
The definition of DM (from GRANDRP discord) Deathmatching (DM) - Killing another person without a sufficient roleplay reason (deathmatching) is not allowed.


Jun 11, 2022
No need to Cry when you don't get you're way, You are one to talk about Harassing all you do is Throw tantrums on the forums when stuff dose not go you're way. Kick Rocks Goofy..
I have not been on the forums LMFAOOOOOO. I have not posted a forum in actual MONTHS, bud. And by DEFINITION, this is not RDM.


Jun 11, 2022
Non-RP - Doing things that are considered not sufficient to be considered good standard roleplay depending on the situation at hand. e.g running around a crime scene for no reason, dancing and screaming in a trollish manner in a serious situation, not roleplaying fear appropriately in situations realistically.

However this is what you were doing. As an FIB agent if you are not detaining anyone and you had also been shot at way before Todd shot you, you would leave the area and fear for your life. Nor would you continue to harass civilians when we explained the situation. Learn how to RP.


Jun 11, 2022
In the rules for powergaming AND Death matching, it does not say ANYTHING about a 5 second count down.

Powergaming (PG) - Powergaming can be defined as performing acts that are not humanlike; forcing roleplay on others without giving them a fair chance; making up things which did not happen so that you can benefit; roleplaying things which are not possible script-wise so that you can gain an unfair advantage. Roleplaying unrealistic things that wouldnt happen in the real world and not allowing others to react to your roleplay. Deathmatching (DM) - Killing another person without a sufficient roleplay reason (deathmatching) is not allowed.

We gave you ample time to leave us alone. And the gun being shot at you before Todd even touched you means that you shouldve been left the area in order to fear for you OWN life.

Larry Hulk

Jul 23, 2021
upon further review and even reading the situation there is not sufficient reason enough to open fire
also your demands are insufficient as you gave them no time frame to leave the area
furthermore when you have weapons to your heads and he gives you a order you failed to follow (no fear rp) but for this scenario i only warn 4519 as the evidence was only sufficient enough punish him
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