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James Kahn
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Aug 16, 2022
Time of violation


Feb 23, 2022
People ask for competition and the same people get people banned for no reason ? How u guys enjoying the server without 100 respect? If I’m honest the events and gang activity are completely dead . If Dior leave the server the little fun and competition it’s in the server will die . Diablos will be at events alone if u guys like to win afk events as it’s going on right now then well played u are doing the right job well done . And regarding Bonifacio as much I don’t get along with most members with 100 respect I do agree he is banned for no reason he plays with default gta graphics he been screen sharing turfs and u could see he is not using anything all of u are trying Harding to be top 1 by killing the competition shame on u . 100 respect left and u guys started doing influence points by attacking their territory I never saw balenciaga . . Metrhala and some other familys doing influence points Bcz when 100 respect was here they would have destroyed you in 2 seconds . Is just a shame how U destroying the sever by getting innocent people when you know well they don’t use anyting that gives them advantage beside some good funk .

And regarding James he has recoil it’s funny how out of nowhere everyone is blaming everyone for no recoil lmfao when most of u have no clue what recoil is o how it works .

And regarding Andy u can clearly see explosive bullets coming from his gun unless there is a new gun added with the new update that shoots fire bullets .

Have a good day I just wanted to say my opinion I hope no one gets offended from what I said
Dont worry they dont get top 1

Broken Barbosa

Mystic Family <3
Feb 9, 2022
People ask for competition and the same people get people banned for no reason ? How u guys enjoying the server without 100 respect? If I’m honest the events and gang activity are completely dead . If Dior leave the server the little fun and competition it’s in the server will die . Diablos will be at events alone if u guys like to win afk events as it’s going on right now then well played u are doing the right job well done . And regarding Bonifacio as much I don’t get along with most members with 100 respect I do agree he is banned for no reason he plays with default gta graphics he been screen sharing turfs and u could see he is not using anything all of u are trying Harding to be top 1 by killing the competition shame on u . 100 respect left and u guys started doing influence points by attacking their territory I never saw balenciaga . . Metrhala and some other familys doing influence points Bcz when 100 respect was here they would have destroyed you in 2 seconds . Is just a shame how U destroying the sever by getting innocent people when you know well they don’t use anyting that gives them advantage beside some good funk .

And regarding James he has recoil it’s funny how out of nowhere everyone is blaming everyone for no recoil lmfao when most of u have no clue what recoil is o how it works .

And regarding Andy u can clearly see explosive bullets coming from his gun unless there is a new gun added with the new update that shoots fire bullets .

Have a good day I just wanted to say my opinion I hope no one gets offended from what I said
Pa sinceramente acho que ninguém vai ler esse texto todo

Arya Savage

Mar 30, 2022
não adianta ficarmos discutindo aqui, melhor deixar os Adms tomarem a decisão e fim. Mas a partir de agora quando pedirmos POV e vocês não tiverem, como já aconteceu, não daremos fair play.

Boa noite e boa purga James <3
Tanto os admins como a maioria de voces nao percebe um caralho de pvp, nao sabe analisar uma pov, nao sabe ver se tem recoil, distance range, mecanicas do jogo, etc etc etc...

O gajo ta com balas explosivas e voces acham que distorcer isso acusando outro de no recoil vai mudar algo(ele tem recoil) seus sacos sem cerebro..



Dec 16, 2021
Tanto os admins como a maioria de voces nao percebe um caralho de pvp, nao sabe analisar uma pov, nao sabe ver se tem recoil, distance range, mecanicas do jogo, etc etc etc...

O gajo ta com balas explosivas e voces acham que distorcer isso acusando outro de no recoil vai mudar algo(ele tem recoil) seus sacos sem cerebro..

Andas todo maluco rapaz hahaha
Norecoil on TOP!


Aug 16, 2021
O gajo a disparar literalmente torpedos e estao acusar o rapaz que colocou a pov do redux e dizerem que nao tem recoil 🤣

Rodrigo Jesus

Mar 9, 2022
Boas, James Dior.
Antes de tudo peço que corrija o formato da reclamação. Verifique as Regras
POV's tem de ser upload no youtube.com
Tem 12 horas, após este tempo, caso nada for alterado, a reclamação será rejeitada.​

Rodrigo Jesus

Mar 9, 2022

Peço o POV do ID 9517 do respetivo evento num prazo de 12 horas.
Caso nada se altere, o jogador será punido.


Aug 17, 2022
Infelizmente não tenho POV dessa kill.
Eu gravo sempre POV em todos os eventos, mas antes desse informal o meu jogo crashou então tive de me reconectar o mais rápido possível para ainda conseguir entrar no circulo. Como podem ver na POV ai apresentada pelo ID 229, eu só consegui entrar quando faltava 7 segundos para o circulo fechar.
Com essa pressa, esqueci-me de por a gravar antes de entrar só me tendo apercebido disso depois dessa kill. Mal me apercebi meti logo a gravar.
Deixo ai a POV do resto do evento onde podem confirmar que foram apenas 22 segundos desde que entro até começar a gravar, onde tive a infelicidade de fazer 1 kill.

Já me pediram várias vezes para mostrar POVs quer outros players em privado, quer o staff de eventos realizados e sempre mostrei sem nenhum problema. Não tenho nada a esconder.
Caso exista alguma duvida, ofereço-me a que realizem um pc check de forma a comprovar que o meu jogo está completamente default e que não uso nenhum tipo de software, apenas o reshade, e que gravo todos os eventos em que participo.
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