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Rejected LSPD Corrupt BIO | Karl McNuggets | 95559

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Karl Ivanov

Nov 29, 2021
Organization: LSPD

Name: Karl McNuggets (Habsburg)
Gender: Male
Age: 55
Nationality: German
Place of Birth: Leipzig, Germany
Sexuality: Male
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Brown
Tattoos: None
Strengths: Leadership, Loud commanding voice, The ability to blend into any surrounding
Weakness: Hot headed and not a good listener
Languages: German, French, Spanish, Chinese and English

Life Story: Karl grew up in Leipzig East Germany in the 1970s/80s and was given the name Karl Habsburg. He lived a quite fancy life, as his Father was a high ranking official in the HVA (Hauptverwaltung Aufklärung). This lead to his Father teaching him the art of being a spy for the Stasi (Ministerium Für Staats Sicherheit). As a young boy he grew fond of the socialist utopia that was the GDR. Therefore he joined the FDJ at the youngest age possible and climbed the ranks to get into the elite school of specially gifted civil servants. He enrolled in the secret service section of the school and landed a job at the HVA like his father before him. After he completed his training his first posting was the Capital of the FRG, Bonn. There he was shown the discrepancy that normal people had in the GDR and the FRG. Where in the GDR the people had less tech and newer stuff they at least ALL had stuff in comparison to the FRG. So he made it his mission to help the East German people as much as possible. He engaged in criminal activity and let criminals go for US dollars, money that he sent back to the GDR, to his family and his country. He developed a very criminal personality undercover in the FRG, however once he returned home to Leipzig he realised that his money was being squandered and started gathering Foreign currency to prepare for the inevitable. 2 months later in February 1989 he was posted to Angola to help the newly formed communist government. Where he learned a lot about weapons smuggling and how to drive in very rough terrain in the very underdeveloped dirt roads there. Then on the 9thof November 1989 the Iron curtain fell. This is where Karl left his posting in Angola and returned back to Germany as fast as possible to retrieve his foreign currency mostly consisting of Deutsch Mark and USD. With this money he moved to West Germany for 5 years before getting arrested for being involved in the HVA and a plot to spy on West Germany. After spending another 5 years in prison he gained much needed criminal Connections that he would use in his later life. Following this He moved to a quite small Island state of San Andreas with the quite new City of Los Santos. Whilst there he made some criminal connections before joining SAHP and serving there for 20 years in those 20 years he was made aware that his prior Prison term sentence was found under his name. And quickly Changed his name to Karl McNuggets before anyone noticed. Following this he worked his way through SAHP, FIB and now LSPD where he rests today still gathering information and doing other Illicit activities to further himself in the state.

Career Story:

From being in the FDJ and working himself up the ranks of the HVA he managed to become the Director of foreign intelligence for the HVA in the region of Africa and Southern Europe in 1988. Following his stints in the GDR and post 1989/1990 he worked as a lowkey Taxi driver in Cologne and gathering connections to the criminal underworld. Then getting imprisoned and moving to San Andreas. He then worked his way up to Deputy Sheriff as Karl McNuggets before Switching to FIB to become the Supervisor of SWAT there. He met a lot of new people both civilian and criminal during this time and grew sympathetic to their cause. And now he rests at LSPD today as chief of staff willing to do many things to further himself.

1. Due to Karl’s Experience in off road driving he can offroad in 4 door cars but sticking to RP driving rules
2. Due to Karl’s constant need to be informed he carries his radio with him off duty
3. Karl will always conceal his ID off duty to keep it on him to get out of sticky situations but if taken hostage, hostage takers can do 2 /try commands to get the ID out of his back pocket where he keeps it hidden.
4. Due to Karl’s Weapon knowledge gained in Angola he can use any weapons that he acquires both Illegal and Legal. (But obviously not org weapons off duty)
5. To get these Illegal weapons he can either go to the black-market the workings of which he knows a lot about due to his time in War torn Angola and his time at FIB performing busts on the market
6. He can also get bribes for weapons and Cash (up to 100K) from individuals to not arrest them. He keeps these weapons and money due to his paranoia of civil unrest and an unstable market as seen in his past.
7. Due to his Prior Intelligence life as a spy he can torture people for Intelligence and has also found a reputable dealer of the infamous truth serum to get information off of people.
8. Karl sells information to gangs and families to undermine the state of San Andreas that he sees as unjustly taxing individuals of poorer areas. These sympathies lie with him due to his socialist path
9. The aforementioned illegal weapons he can also sell at the Black-market or other criminals for a small fee due to his lust for money.
10. To cover his tracks Karl will always try and destroy bodycams of people so they can’t go to court and endite him on his past criminal activities. (2x Try commands)
11. To fit in with the criminals that he works with he can participate in Illegal activities for his family which he cares deeply about. This goes for as long as he doesn’t get caught.
12. These Illegal activities (mentioned in 11) can be committed by him if he is or isn’t on duty. Due to his prior Experience in International intelligence (as long as it doesn’t break script or doesn’t look too unrealistic)
13. Due to Karl’s fondness of socialist ideals and family values. He can if need be give family members reduced sentences if they are to go to jail.
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