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IMPORTANT Applications for Los Santos Vagos

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Kushal Wibowo

Aug 21, 2022
1. Your name IRL:-Kushal shukla
2. Your age:-18
3. Time zone:- GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day:-5 to 7 hours
5. Your Discord:-kushal shukla#2920
6. Your Nickname:-Kushal Pluxury

7. Your ID:-50196

I would like to become the leader of The Los Santos Vagos as I believe I could successfully lead this gang on top. I want to make The Los Santos Vagos one of the most respected gangs of everyone.

- I have gained a lot of experience in gangs and on the streets and I want to pass this experience on to my friends. Organizations should make everyone feel welcome and close, so that they can work better. A leader should be someone who is committed to helping their members out and pushing them to be the best. The people of the ghetto know me. The most loyal members of The Los Santos Vagos
would follow me, as me and my boys have dominated almost every gang event.

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

-My advice to Improve the rp is to Make keep my gang alive. I will attend all Of the IC+OOC event Such as cland , Battle ship , Subs , Vehicle theft and etc. My another objective to make the gang active is Be active in ghetto , Get 100%graffiti every hours. I will also organize event like FZ raid, Store robbery , Gun store robbery every day so I can keep my gang member active. Also I will give bonuses to my gang member every day. I will always observe event activities and I will always give rank ups to active member of gang. I will get the best negotiator of The city in my gang to beat leo in every situation and protect my gang members. Another thing I will never allow any kind of toxicity in my gang. I will not give any chance to toxic people.

Thanks for reading 💙😊

Alex Demonn

Feb 12, 2023
1. Jaideep
2. 17
3. GMT+5:30
4. 7-8 Hours ( sometimes more than 10 hrs )
5. GabbarSingh#3529
6. Gabbar Singh
7. 63440
Additional information
1. Leader of Blood Street Gang
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

+ i am playing in this city more than 6 months and i love gang life here , i love illegal rp i have never joined any legal organization , i said never not even once not even in other cities and this makes me a lot experienced guy in the crime section

+ i have been high command in every gang , and this moment i know how to run a gang im full capaible to run a gang , i have spend a lot of time in ballas and i have a feeling with this particular gang that i cannot explain and ofcourse Nostlagia

+ i have seen many gang leader who just stay in hq or do nothing maybe 1 event in whole day ? which effect the Gang well i will not do this mistake as long as im in the city i will do multiple events everyday we can do store robbery , gun store robbery . clands , Hostage situation and multiple Fort zancudo , i will also never allow my graffiti team to go down more than 5000 profit i want my graffiti profit at peak , ghetto clapping with all my gang members , i want to make my gang dominating gang in the city

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
my mostly time has spent in gangs and the gangs has everything but also lack Of Rp , RP situatuons , in my gang i will Make a good enviornment for everyone will make small changes , the changes will imporove the Rp , No Toxicity , And will try best to deal with legal org and will make conversations intresting while doing negotiations , and also i would love to do team ups with other gangs , for example asking other gang for help or helping other gang for illegal stuff.

Neon Anderson

Dec 30, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Indranil Das
2. Your age: 22
3. Time zone: (GMT+5:30)
4. Average online per day: 12-15 hours
5. Your Discord: Neon Killa#2984
6. Your Nickname: Neon Killa
7. Your ID: 90461
Additional information
1. Leader of Los Santos Vagos
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I want to give a good experience to the server by playing a gang leader roleplay. I have a decent experience in gangs also a decent experience as a leo.
I'll recruit some knowledgeable members and deputies to the gang to get it moving. I greatly like the role-playing that comes from illegal organisations, and I want to help others have the same kind of RP so they can enjoy the server more.
Due to my prior involvement in illegal organisations, I believe I can manage this organisation and that I would do a great job of keeping the gang together.
3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.
For improving the roleplay level in organization me and my deputies will help the new gang members to learn the rules and regulations perfectly. If I am given the position of leader, I will put in place a detailed testing process to ensure that everyone in the gang is aware of not only the ghetto regulations but also the general rules, event rules, etc. To ensure the gang receives no warnings and succeeds all the way to the top, I want to establish particular groups across the gang, such as a group of sprayers, a group of turfers, a group of event leaders, and the rigorous high leadership. Lower ranks were given numerous opportunities to negotiate, organise events, and lead them under my supervision. I will make sure that my gang members will follow all the rules carefully.
To improve productivity, organisations should make everyone feel comfortable and close.

Ranking System
13- Deputy
12- Under Deputy
11- Chief Enforcer
10- Turfer
9- Caporegime
8- Hitman
7- Grafitist
6- Gangster
5- Shooter
4- Soldier
3- Young Vagos
2- Associate
1- Freeze

Manas Badmash

1. Your name IRL: Manas Satya
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: IST
4. Average online per day: 8 hour
5. Your Discord: Manas#0343
6. Your Nickname: Manas Badmash
7. Your ID: 3318

1. Leader of Vagos

2. Why do u want to be leader?
i. I want to be leader as i think that I can easily manage the gang events and end the term without having any warning. I will regularly do FZ raid, 24/7 Store robbery and gun store robbery.

ii. I have a good experience in both legal and illegal organization and know how to manage the things and in illegal activities how to help to escape everyone and make higher profits every hour

iii. I will be hiring recruiters, turfers and defenders for different purposes the recruiters will be recruiting more and more turfers and defenders so that gang never get dead and will do more and more Graffiti with help of defenders and Turfer

i. I will be diving Gang system with different ranks for Graffiti, robberies and raids So, that we can manage to run the gang easily and on a very large and active base with members.

ii. We will be keeping paint balloon, Guns and ammunation in Armory and warehouse So, that no one is without weapon in any type of Robbery or Raid
we can easily manage to allot weapons and increase the warehouse.

iii. Will be Keeping active deputy that have are previous leaders or have a great experience in gangs and know well how to manage the gangs

iv. After every event the bonus will be alloted to keep the gang active and raise everyone with gang

v. To keep the graffiti and territory capture active and as well as the bonus collection i will be alloting seperate bonus for it every hour so that all members get active and everyone get a good profit and remains in gang for a long

My Goals For the Vagos Term :-

1. 100% Turf
2. 100% Spray
3. 30+ FZ
4. 40+ Store robberies



{13}-God Father

{12}-Under G









{3}-OG Vagos



I can Manage the gang easily due to my previous experiences
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Thomas Pluxury

Thomas Parker
Sep 17, 2022
1. Your name IRL - Debarjun
2. Your age - 18
3. Time zone - GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day - 8hr weekday / 10hr weekend
5. Your Discord - Substitute Gaming#0001
6. Your Nickname - Thomas Pluxury
7. Your ID - 16306
Additional information

1. Leader of: The Los Santos Vagos

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

i. Making the Gang more active:
I am in the city for more than 1 year. But during last few months, I have not seen Vagos active in the game, so I want to make the Vagos active the one I was before by recruiting more active members who will know all the rules properly.

ii. Recruiting more experienced member:
I have seen that the members of the gang didn't know most of the important rules, as a result they makes some rule break which result to a warning for the gang, so I want to recruit members who are more experienced who will also help other new members to maintain all the city rules.

iii. Training the new members:
As I mentioned above that for some players that didn't know proper city rules the org get a warn, so I want to arrange a training session for the new comers who didn't know about rules, they can get a proper training before going for gang activity.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization:

i. There should be more strict rule of leaving the RP situations. Some of the gang members leave the RP when they got caught by officers. So this things should be stopped by making more strict rules.

ii. The second most important, I have seen that some high commands willingly or unwillingly hired family members, friends, people without any interview, or helped or hindered those with insufficient experience or even lack of education in reaching high ranks. So this will be stopped by me in Gang I will not allow anyone to hire any inexperienced people.
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Dede Choo

EX Leader of bloods
Nov 28, 2022
1. Your name IRL - Dejohn
2. Your age - 18
3. Time zone -EST
4. Average online per day - 8-10 hours
5. Your Discord -dede2wavy#7299
6. Your Nickname - dede
7. Your ID -70317
Additional information
1. Leader of: The Los Santos Vagos

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

i. i want to be leader of this organization because i have been high command as well as deputy in almost all the gangs and i seen alot of bad leadership when it comes to gangs. i feel if i get leadership i can change that have the most enjoyable term i possibly can with max numbers

ii.i would make sure to recruit some people who understands and knows how gangs work as high commands who can help recruit as well as lead the gang.

iii. a well as the new comers who has never been in a gang befor or dont know anything about a gang i will explain to them what is the pros and cons about being in a gang and what expectations there is as well as a brief training

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization:
i would make sure all gang members knows all gang rules as well as city rules
i would make sure gang members using proper rp commands in rp scenarios.

as well as giving bonuses to people who are active and helping out gang.


Feb 17, 2022
1. Your name IRL- Emir
2. Your age- 22
3. Time zone- GMT+03:00
4. Average online per day 8-10 hours
5. Your Discord- Bad #9511
6. Your Nickname- Javez Black
7. Your ID- 14315

1. Leader of... Los Santos Vagos

Additional information

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation).

-I think that I have come to a place in RP and I have mastered the rules, and I want to take a leadership this time because I have previous experience.
-By taking the Los Santos Vagos, I want to communicate with people I don't know in the game, share what I learned with them, and make our valuable time fun by producing Store robbery and similar events in the game
. -If I can, I want to spend time with my family by producing and participating in events, and also to achieve success in gang turf.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

-We will experience it together to show people what gang is, how to turn a rooler and how to spend time in the game with rp.
-I will try to show the truth in the game with fun
-I'm thinking of creating activities that that gang can do by entering roles with the Leo and increasing the game and rp quality for them.

Daisy Pluxury

EX Curator Of NG
Jan 6, 2023
1. Your name IRL Jaxon
2. Your age 25
3. Time zone BST
4. Average online per day 5 -6 Hours
5. Your Discord Jaxon Harlow#1895
6. Your Nickname Jaxon Harlow
7. Your ID 60153

1. Leader of... Los Santos Vagos

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
I want to be a leader of Vagos because it always had a special place in my heart

It was the first gang I joined and I always loved how gangs worked. I’ve been under deputy of Vagos and now I want to take it 2 steps higher and become the leader of Vagos

3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

I believe that if you be strict and also have fun with your people the RP level will be insane. I want to add new levels to gangs which might even be new way to train in combat. I also want to focus on my turfs a lot.

Ranking System:

13- Big Boss
12- Boss
11- Under Boss
10- Turfer
9- Recruiter
8- King Pin
7- Vandalist
6- Spray Member
5- Gangster
4- Shooter
3- Thug
2- Teen
1- Freeze
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Dylan Gomez

Jul 26, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Dylan Gomez
2. Your age: 20
3. Time zone: EST (GMT-4)
4. Average online per day: 4-5
5. Your Discord: Dfalt#8812
6. Your Nickname: Dylan Gomez
7. Your ID: 16267
Additional information
1. Leader of... Vagos

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I would love to be leader of Vagos due to my very high knowledge on gangs i feel like im most fit to run a gang and lead the gang to 100% turfs i have a turf team ready. I have really good knowledge in leadership skills due to me having a family that has never got a warn. My last reason i want to be the leader of vagos is because i want to improve RP within the server rather than shoot people like other gangs i want to have and give that RP experience to other players to enjoy

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I want to have a very stable and understanding gang that actually knows what they are doing and in doing this or making this happen is to actually have a clear proficiency and to have awareness of the rules meaning that the person that is joining knows the basic rules as RDM, VDM, and have knowledge of the crime rules as well. What we want vagos to be is number 1 we dont want number 2 or 3 its simply not good enough we want Vagos to stand on top and be well known, we want power, money, guns, and cars in order to achieve this we need to do events

We want to make Vagos more better superior than it originally was. My gang if chosen will have really good quality RP with not a single rule break if we find someone is breaking rules within the gang we will permanently blacklist the person from the gang

We take the rules very seriously, which means that any rules broken will always result in a punishment, and the punishment will not be light, with only one warning given depending on the severity of the rule broken. We want everyone to be friendly and not toxic, and both administrators and high command must be respected!

We will achieve 100% turfs in Vagos, We will be the most superior gang to ever exist in Grand RP

Thank you for reading..

hassan knight

Dec 20, 2022
1:Name IRL: Hassan

2: Your Age: 16

3:Time Zone: GMT +5

4. Average online per day: 6 to 7 hours

5. Your Discord: Hassan Thug#5006

6. Your Nickname: Hassan Thug

7. Your ID: 89866

---Additional Information---

1. Leader of...vagos

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2: The first reason iam playing Grand RP for long time and well exprianced and many times High Command in gangs and i know i have enough expriance to be an leader and i will help new guys in gang our gang will become number one gang in los sontos i will make fair ranking system i will try to do 100% Turfs.

2:I will try to make vagos Best gang in city i will try to do events on daily bases many people join our gang after watching the criminal activicitys in city i will try to join every event as a leader and will make bonus system for every one in every event.

2:I will add different people for different purpose like recruiters , Turfers and people who will do grffiti. vagos will be stongest gang in city.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1: Try to do as much event as you can.

2: Dont be toxic with anyone in gang.

3: Make Role Play Friendly.

4: Try to give bonus after evert event

5: Dont Dishert anyone in your gang.
4. My goals for vagos:

1)Increase rate of crime in the city
2)Respect every gang member
3)100% Spray
4)100% Turf
5) win every event that is possible
Thanks For reading


Liza Hayashi

EX General
Jul 14, 2022
Information :

1- Your name IRL
: Smit Shinde
2- Your age : 17
3- Time zone : GMT+5:30
4- Average online per day : 4 to 6 hours
5- Your Discord : Smit )#5761
6- Your Nickname : Elon Walker
7- Your ID : 31600

Additional information :

1- Leader of Vagos

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

Ever since I moved to this city, I have always formed gang fraternities and had great success with these brothers. Protecting my brothers gave me the feeling of family I've been looking for all my life, and now my brothers are looking for a ringleader and they say they want to see me on their leader. I want to be the ringleader because I want to achieve greater success with my brothers.

- I am a very cold-blooded person, I trust the decisions I made in bad conditions and I think that I can get my brothers out of any situation and I think that we will spend quality times while doing this.

- In every gang I joined, I had the trust of the people and served as a high command. During these times, I gained a lot of experience and I can easy pass it on just others.

- Considering all these, I believe that I can easily fulfill this task and I aim to be the nightmare of the security forces and other gangs.

3- Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I will make sure recruits know the rules

- I know all the graffiti locations in the city and with my members I will always keep them on hand and in doing so we will be one of the most active gangs in the city

- The current security forces are in really large numbers and to fight them, I will keep the best men in town by my side and fight them as best I can.

- I'll try to hold all the territories in the gangs with my turf crew.

- Another situation is that the gang activities are ordinary and done incorrectly, I have prepared my new plans for them and I want to increase the gameplay quality for everyone.

- I am a sharing person and i will share everything i get with my friends so not me, we will always win.


Aug 27, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Emirhan Yücesoylar
2. Your age: 23
3. Time zone: Utc+3
4. Average online per day: 6-8 hour
5. Your Discord: 'RimE#0001
6. Your Nickname: Rime Stoler
7. Your ID: 57941

(1) Leader of Vagos
(2) Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
I participated in gang events and gangs many times, but I enjoyed the events and gangs most when I was in the Vagos gang, so I felt that my first gang application should belong to Vagos.

2.1 = I want to be leader because already i have turf team and our first goal is a hundred percent turf map.On the other hand, there are many events in the gang, so we will not understand how the time will pass as we will constantly be dealing with something.
2.2 = New players come to the city every day and they don't know exactly what to do. They can be shy about being a member of any gang, so if I become the leader of Vagos, the members with the Rule Freak rank we have actively appointed will help them with the gang rules, event rules. They will not be bored and they will want to be more active in the game.
2.3 = As an active gang, I want to be the leader of this organization in order to carry our name to high places in the city by being present in most events. Nowadays, many gangs are opening and closing, I want to go until the end of my leadership period. There are certain rules even for gang members who do not attend the events.

(3) Your advice for improving RolePlay level in the organization.

1- By actively providing graffiti robbery and various gang events, ensuring that gang members are not bored and have fun.
2- In the gang warehouse, to keep ammunition such as weapons, bullets and armor, and to provide these ammunition to the gang members in case of a possible situation.
3- To make an agreement with the players who are known in the gangs and who will benefit the gang and include them in the gang.
4- Inclusion of the existing team and other players in this gang, making the name of the Vagos gang announced in the city and attracting the attention of the players who want to enter any gang.
5- Establishing an environment for gang members who want to make financial gains in the game, as well as active graffiti leader, for those who want to make graffiti from gang chat, and filling the graffiti areas every hour.
6- Explaining the rules and what to do before each event for new comers or new gang players and ensuring that they are informed about the events.






8-Rule Freak

7-Grafitti Leader


5-Ghetto Clapper


3-Gang Rember



Interview Questions;
1- How many people and how many cars you need to rob someone? (They must be aware of the new rule with 2 cars and 4 members)

2- Where can you rob people?

3- If you rob someone, what items can you take from them?

4- If you are being chased can you go back to HQ or to greenzone?

5- Can you enter another gang's HQ without permission from the Leader/Deputy?

6- Can you shoot people inside HQ?

7- Can you search/rob/revive someone with your gun out?

8- If you died can you go back to the same place?

9- What cars do you need to use for gang events, can you use a personal?

10- At a gunstore robbery, can you be on the roof?

11- At a FZ raid, can you be on the roof?

12- What do you do when a police officer shoots you from outside the zone at a gunstore robbery? Can you shoot back?

13- Define (Power Gaming) with an example

14- Define (Fear RP) with an example

15- Define (Meta Gaming) with an example

Famiglia di Nemici

Jun 14, 2021
1. Your name IRL Kaiden
2. Your age 18
3. Time zone PST
4. Average online per day 7-8 hours weekdays 12-14 hours weekends
5. Your Discord SleepyEnemy#7784
6. Your Nickname Dave Winters
7. Your ID 3099

Additional information
1. Leader of Los Santos Vagos
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
2.1 Leadership: There's been some amazing leadership for the first term to this last one but i think i can go above and beyond and be the best leader Vagos has ever seen i know who i want for certain positions already i have everything mapped out.
2.2 Family: this last term made me realize so much, Vagos needs better leadership someone who will step up to the plate when needed someone who can get along with other leaders and not fight with them.
2.3 Discipline: I plan on implementing a lot of discipline but i also want people to be able to have fun while be smart about it i don't want people breaking rules and getting kicked out of the org for stupid reasons.
3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.
3.1 Structure: I'm going to implement enough structure and discipline to where people know how to have fun while not breaking the rules.
3.2 Ranks: I'm going to give people ranks/roles based on experience if they deserve it and if they can show me there fit for that role/rank.
3.3 Corruption: I want to be able to have corrupt cops on a payroll or to help us out in situations where we could use a corrupt cop.

3.4 I want this next term to have the best roleplay experience while still having structure.

My goals for Vagos:
Having the strongest members that can display the highest level of Rp Possible
Another goal is to have the best Capture/Turf team possible i plan on getting some of the best team players and sharpshooters.
Another goal is to have the best Spray team that can bring a lot of profit in
Another goal is to have the best members in general from the best a following rules to the best at being able to bring profit in from everything.
My last goal is to have extremely active members to high activity in city to high activity during every event.

12 Founder [Leader]
11 Warlord [Deputy]
10 Chief Enforcer [3rd Command]
9 Hitman [4th Command]
-------HIGH COMMAND-------
8 Capo
7 Turfer
6 Graffitist
5 Soldier
4 Runner
3 Scout
2 Associate
1 Suspended
The Punishment system will be.

Strike 1 warning
Strike 2 Demotion
Strike 3 Kicked out of the ORG.

Hela Juzo

EN2 PC Checker 🤩 Curator of Ballas💜
Sep 8, 2022
The Following Players are Invited to the Vagos Leader Interview at 16:00 Sever Time on Saturday (25/02/2023)

@Dfalt#8812 - Dylan Gomez - 16267
@Substitute Gaming#0001 - Thomas Pluxury - 16306
Neon Killa#2984 - Neon Killa - 90461

Vagos Leader Application are closed

Kushal Wibowo

Aug 21, 2022
1. Your name IRL:-Kushal shukla
2. Your age:-19
3. Time zone:- GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day:-5 to 7 hours
5. Your Discord:-kushal shukla#2920
6. Your Nickname:-Kushal Pluxury
7. Your ID:-50196


I would like to become the leader of The Los Santos Vagos as I believe I could successfully lead this gang on top. I want to make The vagus one of the most respected gangs of everyone.

- I have gained a lot of experience in gangs and on the streets and I want to pass this experience on to my friends. Organizations should make everyone feel welcome and close, so that they can work better. A leader should be someone who is committed to helping their members out and pushing them to be the best. The people of the ghetto know me. The most loyal members of The Vagos gang would follow me, as me and my boys have dominated almost every gang event. Also i have previous experience as how to make a gang on top and how to maintain it.............

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

---My advice to Improve the rp is to Make keep my gang alive. I will attend all Of the IC+OOC event Such as cland , Battle ship , Subs , Vehicle theft and etc. My another objective to make the gang active is Be active in ghetto , Get 100%graffiti every hours. I will also organize event like FZ raid, Store robbery , Gun store robbery every day so I can keep my gang member active. Also I will give bonuses to my gang member every day. I will always observe event activities and I will always give rank ups to active member of gang. I will get the best negotiator of The city in my gang to beat leo in every situation and protect my gang members. Another thing I will never allow any kind of toxicity in my gang. I will not give any chance to toxic people.

Thanks for reading 💙😊
Kushal Pluxury

bewakoof lol

Oct 8, 2022
1. Your name IRL :samad
2. Your age: 20 years old
3. Time zone: IST
4. Average online per day 5-8 hours
5. Your Discord Sammm#6832
6. My Nick Name: Sam badmash
7. Your ID 69411

Additional information
1. Leader of Los Santos Vagos
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
Since the day I joined the city I always wanted to lead Los Santos Vagos, and I always wanted to show my origination as the most organized Gang, and also I want the players to enjoy playing under the name of Los Santos Vagos Ganag.

I have good skills as leader ship, I don't want to file the right leader chose the right position for each gang member and I have good
vision of getting to know the right people in the right place at the right time, especially the recruiting employee, as he is the main factor in building the organization by testing people well because they are not doing a disruptive role play.

Before I move to this city I was one of the high ranks of Los Santos Vagos and also of middle command in all the other illegal organizations like the families and the ballas etc…. I gained a lot of experience and benefited from the mistakes of the leaders there and from their right actions as well, so I believe that experiences are the most important thing where you can deal with all the difficult situations that may harm the organization from my previous experiences.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

My advice in to improve RolePlay in the organization members should not take things personally and also all members should be respected whether they are leaders or by members, also members should impersonate mafia members properly and do their best to impersonate.

Palma Blu

Apr 30, 2022
1. IRL name
: ralfs
2. Age: 19
3. Time zone:GMT+3
4. Average daily online: 7-12 hours
5. Your Discord: palma#4299
6. Your Nickname: Palma Quinn
7. Your ID:46548

Additional information

1. Leader of...vagos
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

Since my first day I have been involved in gang activity. the ghetto has taught me illegal RP and I have understood the terms and rules of the city in a proper way.I can also handle any type of situations in the crime world. I will make sure that I have a gang with skill based people and help us rule the ghetto. my strengths are that I am very confident and can lead people. I will also make sure that every single person in the gang follow RP rules strictly. and people are satisfied with my leadership. in the most generous way believe that I am perfectly fit for the leadership role of the the vagos.

3. How will I improve RP.
I will make sure that every member of my Gang is following all the rules and befor people join the gang i will have them take a test of thare knowledge. I will try to solve all the issues in IC rather than going on forums but if needed I will do the other way too. and i will have a strike system.
1)strike: verbal strike
2)strike: derank
3)strike: kik/black list (depending on the circumstances)

4. My goals for vagos:
1)Increase rate of crime in the city
2)Respect every gang member
3)100% Spray
4)100% Turf
5) win every event that is possible

Palma Quinn
Ex Bloods leader EN2 | Ex marabunta leader EN2 | Ex families deputy leaderEN2

hassan knight

Dec 20, 2022
1:Name IRL: Hassan

2: Your Age: 16

3:Time Zone: GMT +5

4. Average online per day: 6 to 7 hours

5. Your Discord: Hassan Knight#5006

6. Your Nickname: Hassan Thugs

7. Your ID: 89866

---Additional Information---

1. Leader of...vagos

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

2: The first reason iam playing Grand RP for long time and well exprianced and many times High Command in gangs and i know i have enough expriance to be an leader and i will help new guys in gang our gang will become number one gang in los sontos i will make fair ranking system i will try to do 100% Turfs.

2:I will try to make vagos Best gang in city i will try to do events on daily bases many people join our gang after watching the criminal activicitys in city i will try to join every event as a leader and will make bonus system for every one in every event.

2:I will add different people for different purpose like recruiters , Turfers and people who will do grffiti. vagos will be stongest gang in city.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1: Try to do as much event as you can.

2: Dont be toxic with anyone in gang.

3: Make Role Play Friendly.

4: Try to give bonus after evert event

5: Dont Dishert anyone in your gang.
4. My goals for vagos:

1)Increase rate of crime in the city
2)Respect every gang member
3)100% Spray
4)100% Turf
5) win every event that is possible
Thanks For reading

2X-Deputy of Vagos / EX-Families Deputy EX ALL GANG HC


Skye Blu

Aug 28, 2021

1. Your name IRL : Skye
2. Your age: 20
3. Time zone: GMT+2
4. Average online per day: 8hrs +
5. Your Discord: EvilKxrn#2214
6. Your Nickname: Skye Blu
7. Your ID: 157

Additional information

1. Leader of Los Santos Vargos

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

-1 I have done a lot since the start of the city been legal and illegal organizations , threw all this experience the gang life has always been more interested me in the way thing work from turfs to the sprays and event robbery of FZ. Getting to know the way that all this works.

-2 I had previously been leader of bloods street gang and it was my first time as a gang leader and things happened and going into another leadership I will at least know what to expect and ways to prevent the bad things happening. Knowing that there are gonna be some challenges if I were selected but it would be really great to show what me as a person can bring to the table not only being a leader but being a leader means not that you just show that you lead by example but you also willing to do what it takes to be a great leader, and I feel that I can make that come true. Also my skills and abilities which I work with on a day to day basis makes it easier to understand and acknowledge how a leader should show themselves to others around them by setting an example.

-3 I feel that it is time that Vargos are feared just like the rest of the other gang, last few terms have been good but also very quiet, I feel that we can make the org not only a good gang but it will not be a bunch of rule breakers!

-4 I would also love to try and get a turf team in that will be able to make 100% turfs!

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

My advice is the For starters when a person joins you gang you make sure that they abide by the rules and make sure that we all follow demands that they get given by not only there High Command but also there fellow gangster's.

Another one to make sure they work as a team and when it comes to a robbery they know how to treat a hostage or even the legal organizations. In saying this we will actually RP the whole thing out and not rush it all.

When it come to events, we need to make sure that what ever happens we will split the money made equally and fair! Even if people land up in prison!
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