1. Your name IRL: Andrew Martinez
2. Your age: 22
3. Time zone: IST
4. Average online per day: 8-9 hours
5. Your Discord: Jizzy #0652
6. Your Nickname: John Doe
7. Your ID: 904
Additional information
1. Leader of: Lifeinvader Media company
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
- As a person who's worked with
Lifeinvader before, I have the experience of a Deputy Head of the department for advertisements. I've also been a part of the journalism team, helping members report incidents and other global events taking place across Los Santos. I've also assisted the previous leader with various activities in and around
Lifeinvader. Thanks to my balanced work and play schedule(OOC work), I would be able to run the organization without much hassle.
- Lifeinvader is more than just an advertisement company. It is a place, where people work not just to earn bread, but to find the best workplace environment, without much stress and more fun. Organizing events, making posters and reporting various activities happening around the city is what a media company must do and I will make sure to do my best that all of the occurs flawlessly. In the past,
Lifeinvader has been criticized by many for doing advertisements wrong and not following the internal policy. I will make sure, that each and every person joining the advertisement team will have undergone rapid training on not just
how to edit advertisements, but also
specific rules to be followed while editing one. On the other hand, the journalism and creativity team will be reporting almost every incident happening across the city by broadcasting recorded footage, and interviews conducted on some high profile personalities. The media company is like a home to me. I've always loved working with members of the organization and tried my best to make sure by the end of the day, these employees go home with a smiling face

- I am a very patient person, the kind of person who doesn't just outright bust out on every situations. As a leader, it is always important to keep your calm and composure together, and work as a team. I will do my best, to make sure no stone is left unturned and make
Lifeinvader the best media company in the city. I will establish public relations with other organizations to help and support our company, and will keep any feud(OOC or IC) away from the company. I will try my best to be available for the most of the time, to help out not just my fellow employees, but also anyone seeking help or a request from Lifeinvader. I shall choose my deputies and other high ranking officials wisely to make sure that there are no discrepancies in employee and workplace treatment.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Lifeinvader is a company associated with the media, hence making it a News company as well. Broadcasting news and reporting them to the editorials to print newspapers for the general public to read, in-case they missed the broadcast would not only help spread information, but also help nourish RP as we experience it today. The company owns a lot of assets including vehicles that would be suitable not just for reporting incidents, but also get a better perspective of every situation. While Lifeinvader employees may not be able to reach certain areas due to the restrictions placed by the state organizations, they can use the drones to get a better scope up of the location. The media company is an important commodity for election campaigns. Instead of just placing posters and announcing party agendas,
Lifeinvader can help all the parties host events to get a better reach out to the citizens of Los Santos. This city is an avid place for people to shine, and it would be a shame if they couldn't get the opportunity to share their stories to spread light on various obstacles they've crossed to get here. And
Lifenvader, can conduct interviews with them for the citizens to gain some knowledge on what's right and what's wrong. Conducting talk shows like Stand Up comedies, Friday Night Live(FNL) and talent shows would help escalate the amount of RP one can experience in an organization.
I hope I get this leadership and I'm ready to do my best at each and every situation possible. I would be happy to implement not just my ideas, but the ones that the citizens of Los Santos recommend to make a
Lifeinvader a better media company everyday.
I wish all the other applicants good luck!
-Thank you,