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IMPORTANT Applications for National Guard

Sam Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 7, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your IRL age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Tony Flynn

Tony Dundee
May 9, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Josh
2. Your age: 18
3. Time zone: AEST
4. Average online per day: 7 - 12 Hours
5. Your Discord: Provoke#6582
6. Your Nickname: Tony Dundee
7. Your ID:
Additional information
1. Leader of National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I want to be the leader of the National Guard as

1. I am experienced in the National Guard field, being a Staff Sergeant for 4 months within the National Guard
2. I have leadership skills and my main priority is to improve the NG and make it the best.
3. Help all the other organizations. I have been in every organization in this city during my 9 months on the server. I know NG is a vital part of the organization and I want to make sure NG will always be there.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Start using all of our resources for OOC problems.

Bear Kennedy

Oct 20, 2021
1. Keith Tinnel
2. 22
3. EST
4. Online 8 + hours a day
5. Discord: Crixxis#9163
6. Nickname: Bear Kennedy
7. ID:N/A

Additional Information
1. Leader of National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

The national guard may be out of the city, but they are still one of the most important parts of keeping the city safe. I want the citizens of LS to know who the NG are, and they are here to help when they need it most.

I have been in every legal organization possible, and want to put my own spin on the NG leadership, using the knowledge and ideas I have learned from the other leaders in the city that have passed before me.

I want us to be at the forefront of events when possible. No longer will the other orgs ask "When is NG coming?" it will be "NG were the first ones here?".

3.Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I want the people of Los Santos to know the NG. To do this I will try to put in the works some spectacles that citizens can come and attend. Such as, aerial shows, parades, recruitment drives, and much much more. Just because we are out of the city doesn't mean we are not a key part of the mainframe of the city.

vince masuka

Oct 31, 2021
1. Your name IRL = Myneni Deepak Raj Chowdary
2. Your age = 15
3. Time zone = Indian Standard Time
4. Average online per day = 5hrs
5. Your Discord = DeepakTG#3034
6. Your Nickname = Deepak Chowdary
7. Your ID = No id yet in server 2 Server 1 = 73796
Additional information
1. Leader of National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

A) Providing Motivation Motivation is the will to accomplish a task. By learning about your Soldiers and their capabilities, you will soon be able to gear the team to the mission. Once you have given an order, don’t micromanage the process—allow your Soldiers to do their jobs to the best of their abilities. When they succeed, praise them. When they fail, give them credit for the attempt, and coach them on how to improve. Remember that it takes more than just words to motivate. The example you set is at least as important as what you say and how well you manage the work. Stay involved and motivate yourself to attain the best mission result, and your enthusiasm will carry over. A leader’s role in motivation is to understand the needs and desires of others, to align and elevate individual drives into team goals, and to influence others and accomplish those larger aims. You’ll find that some people have high levels of internal motivation to finish a job, while others need more reassurance and feedback. Motivation spurs initiative when something needs to be accomplished.

B) Providing Direction When giving direction, you make clear how you want your Soldiers to accomplish a mission. You prioritize tasks, assign responsibility for completing them (delegating appropriate authority), and make sure subordinates understand the Army standard for the tasks. You decide how to accomplish a mission with the available people, time, and resources. It is your subordinates’ job to carry out your orders. But to do that, they need clear direction. Give just enough direction to allow Soldiers to use their initiative, abilities, and imagination—and they will surprise you with the results.

C) Providing Purpose and Vision By providing purpose, you enable your Soldiers to see the underlying rationale for a mission; you provide them the reason to act in order to achieve a desired outcome. Leaders should provide clear purpose for their followers; they do that in a variety of ways. They can use direct means through requests or orders. As time goes on, your subordinates will notice that you communicate in a consistent style of command and decision making that builds their trust and confidence. Your Soldiers will eventually be able to read a situation and anticipate your intentions and actions. This trust in turn leads to a cohesive, integrated, and effective unit. Vision is another way that leaders provide purpose. Vision refers to an organizational purpose that may be broader or have less immediate consequences than other purpose statements. Higher-level leaders carefully consider how to communicate their vision.

3.Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
  1. Get To Know Your Character Before You Roleplay.
  2. Read Your Partner's Reply Well And When You're Done, Read It Again.
  3. Write Your Replies To The Length Of Your Partner's.
  4. Make Clear Separations Between Dialogue And Action.
  5. Shake Up Your Storyline With Conflict.
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Israel NinthStreet

Big Man - Israel NinthStreet
Jun 5, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. James
2. 16
3. GMT
4. 4-7
5. goodpigeon#3404
6. Israel Aladdin
7. 156

Additional Information...

1. Leader of National Guard

2. I would like to be the leader of national guard for many reasons, firstly I think this role is perfect for me because I am very experienced in role play and I have been rping for over 5 years now. In other cities apart from grand RP I have been high command ranks in the military on white list and public servers which has given me the experience to apply confidentiality for the leader of NG on grand RP which is one of the best and biggest RP servers.

I Would like to be the leader of National Guard because I want to improve RP in this server especially because it is new people who are new to RP may not be experienced and I would like to assist them and build a community to improve RP levels all around.

Lastly, I would like to be the leader of National Guard because I think I am perfect for this role and my past experience and RP standards could lead this organisation to success.

3. I will improve all RP standards by instead of the common legal org applications online I will offer mass recruitment where I interview on the spot and for people to come to the National Guard Hq for recruitment where one of my carefully chosen high command or I will interview them on the RP rules. I would not make it so that people who want to join need to know commands because I can teach them myself or one of the Field Training Officers are able too. Online applications are not good because people are able to search up questions which means that in reality they could not know server rules and basic RP rules like mg, Pg and fear RP.

I will improve RP Levels all around in the server by training all of my officers in RP situations training them every day to spread RP levels as all around.

Lastly NG ON TOP...
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Tom Verlice

OG Player
Aug 13, 2021
1. besher
2. 18
3. UTC +3
4. +5 Hours
5. ! LORD. ᵛᶤᵖ
6. Lord Ponch [old name Elina Ponch ]
7. 670
Additional information
1. Leader of National Guard

2. I would like to lead National Guard for this reasons

#1 | i was Platoon Sergeant in English server #1 i learned a lot of thing , i found may good / bad thing wrote for National Guard Rules etc. my duty as ng leader to fix all problems and let ng units have best rp game play

#2 | like i have many new ideas and new thing / updates to ng (its not just text if i accepted to the interview ill say some) and ill start doing it according to Real army system

#3 | to lead one of states org you have to do everything fair and seriously and ill try me best to lets our units have fair , serious and funny RP game play with new events , rules , ng laws and new divisions

3. My advice's for improving Roleplay level in organization

#1 | ill bring new laws and rules to let every single thing rp (according to Real National Guard)
#2 | ill Stay in touch with state orgs to support them if needed
#3 | as i said above ill bring many divisions as combat medics , air force , Rapid Support Forces , more and more

in the last the only thing i want is let national guard strongest org because national guard must be always ready , always there in sky on water , on ground every time ready!
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Nov 6, 2021
1. Your name IRL : Kyle
2. Your age : 33
3. Time zone : Central US
4. Average online per day : 2-5
5. Your Discord : AnonymousGamer™
6. Your Nickname : Anonymous
7. Your ID : 1899
Additional information
1. Leader of... National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. I served 8 years IRL Airforce would love to lead team against gangs and would be robbers.
2. Would love to do military show of power event down on beach near pier
3. Would love to have a good in game job with structure and duty also to up hold FREEDOM!
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Sadly i have no experience in this organization new to the new server would run things as is in IRL military with training events driving flying fighting. Protect the freedom of this GTA world.


Sep 3, 2021
1. Your name IRL : Baraka
2. Your age : 26
3. Time zone : GMT +2
4. Average online per day : 8 hours
5. Your Discord : ๖̶̶̶ζ͜͡ BarakaS#8621
6. Your Nickname : Baraka West
7. Your ID : 280
1. Leader of National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
1) I was Master Sergeant as SASD I was leading some of the operations and I was suggesting some decisions that were confirming the success of the missions I served within this organization for a number of months I know very well how to make the organization go the right way and without any problems.
2) I gained many experiences from the leaders I served under and learned from their mistakes and decided to do better.
3) I also learned how to deal with the members of the organization and make them feel that this place is our home and make them members of an organization whose leader is sure to change in a short period into a family that always communicates with each other and make each of them a leader one day.
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
. I would make sure that i have active people. Each day they need to play at least 5 hours. If they cannot play that day they should inform us on the e-mail. I will make sure that i am in good contact with all LEOs. I will archive that by helping them as much as possible(providing them with ammoruns, helping them in any possible situation). Also ill do mass recruitment like 2 times in the beginning one at the morning and the other one at the midnight to make sure that I can be confident that I can cover the city at all times and prove the effectiveness of the organization.
. I will also teach all members of the organization their respect for each other and their respect for other organizations and to maintain communication and intertwining between us and finally to respond quickly to any request from other organizations to maintain the security and safety of the city and citizens

Pranay Chinnu

it is what it is
May 18, 2021
No Offtopic Message please this is strictly only for Leader Application any more Offtopic Message leads to

Forum Account Ban


Nov 6, 2021
1. Your name IRL hema
2. Your age 23
3. Time zone GMT+2
4. Average online per day 10
5. Your Discord xxXXhemaXXxx#0102
6. Your Nickname hema pounch
7. Your ID 782

Pranay Chinnu

it is what it is
May 18, 2021
The Following Players are selected for the National Guard Leader Interview at 16:00 Sever Time on Monday 8th November.

1. Tony Dundee (Provoke#6582) ID:N/A

2.Israel Aladdin (goodpigeon#3404) ID :156

3. Lord Ponch (! LORD. ᵛᶤᵖ

4. Baraka West (๖̶̶̶ζ͜͡ BarakaS#8621) ID: 280

5. Bear Kennedy( Crixxis#9163) ID:N/A
Applications for National Guard Leader is now CLOSED

MR hood spongebob

Aug 12, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Leeroy Singh
Indian Standard timezone
3-5 hours depends
USSS | Jay Thrust | 2058#9200
Jay Thrust

Leader of national gaurd

I wanna become the leader of national gaurd cause i have been working NG for months and have great experience how to deal with situations and more and my NG experience might help NG to be most strict and dicipline organisations and one of the most powerful organisations in the city

I would advice more time on duty and more trainings which will harden NG soldiers and more branches hiring soldiers for ex Combat medics , SEAL , Airforce and also on duty gates and very quick responses so that we can catch the tresspassers as quick as possible
. Even more NG participation in the NG events and more dicipline at duty


Sep 6, 2021
1.Arshraj Singh
3. EST
4. Online 8 + hours a day
5. Discord: arshraj singh#0336
6. Nickname:Arshraj
7. ID:1726

Additional Information
1. Leader of National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

The national guard may be out of the city, but they are still one of the most important parts of keeping the city safe. I want the citizens of LS to know who the NG are, and they are here to help when they need it most.

I have been in every legal organization possible, and want to put my own spin on the NG leadership, using the knowledge and ideas I have learned from the other leaders in the city that have passed before me.

I want us to be at the forefront of events when possible. No longer will the other orgs ask "When is NG coming?" it will be "NG were the first ones here?".

3.Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I want the people of Los Santos to know the NG. To do this I will try to put in the works some spectacles that citizens can come and attend. Such as, aerial shows, parades, recruitment drives, and much much more. Just because we are out of the city doesn't mean we are not a key part of the mainframe of the city and also i will add more rules
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Tom Verlice

OG Player
Aug 13, 2021
1. besher
2. 18
3. UTC +3
4. +5 Hours
5. ! LORD.#8436
6. Lord Ponch
7. 670
Additional information
1. Leader of National Guard

2. I would like to lead National Guard for this reasons

#1 | i was Colonel in National Guard i learned a lot of thing , i found may good / bad thing wrote for National Guard Rules etc. my duty as ng leader to fix all problems and let ng units have best rp game play

#2 | like i have many new ideas and new thing / updates to ng (its not just text if i accepted to the interview ill say some) and ill start doing it according to Real army system

#3 | to lead one of states org you have to do everything fair and seriously and ill try me best to lets our units have fair , serious and funny RP game play with new events , rules , ng laws and new divisions

#4 | I will orgnize everything step by step

#5 | National Guard doesnt have real duty exept ammoruns , for that ill do my best to bring new duty for national guard but contact high admins and ng curators

#6 | I will let national guard ready for any duty

#7 | according to member count in this city its hard to get many units so as i did in past and get more then 25 units without mass recruitment ill do my bestto let national guard have more then 50 units

#8 | I have knowlage about real national guard and ill improve national guard rp according to real NG!

3. My advice's for improving Roleplay level in organization

#1 | ill bring new laws and rules to let every single thing rp (according to Real National Guard)
#2 | ill Stay in touch with state orgs to support them if needed
#3 | as i said above ill bring many divisions as combat medics , air force , Rapid Support Forces , more and more

in the last the only thing i want is let national guard strongest org because national guard must be always ready , always there in sky on water , on ground every time ready!


May 8, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Armaan Takkar
2. Your age : 18
3. Time zone : IST (+5:30)
4. Average online per day : 4-6 hours
5. Your Discord : ARMAAN#4912
6. Your Nickname : Armani TenFour
7. Your ID : 122
Additional information
1. Leader of National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
(i) Experience:- I have alot of experience in NG as i was a part of it in EN1 for over 2 months and would love to lead.
(ii) Leadership :- I can handle stressful situations and manage everything flawlessly.
(iii) Good Sense of RP :- I've been playing alot of whitelist servers and know how the things should go in RP.
3. Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.
National Guard soldiers needs to get a proper training and know all the rules, I'll make sure everything goes as planned and proper time to time trainings and meetings to improve the roleplay while following all the rules

Pranay Chinnu

it is what it is
May 18, 2021
The Following Players are selected for the National Guard Leader Interview at 15:00 Sever Time on 17th November.

1. Lord Ponch (! LORD.#8436) ID:670

2.Armani TenFour (ARMAAN#4912) ID :122

Applications for National Guard Leader is now CLOSED


Aug 14, 2021
1. IRL Name: Marco Inverno

2. Age: 43

3. Time zone: Same as the City

4. Average online per day: 4/8 hours

5. Discord name: Mark Winter

6. Nickname: Mark Winter

7. ID: 2083

Additional information

1. Leader of Natonal Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

1 I Have IC experience in National Guard for 3 months in EN1 with 3 Generals, also i have IRL experience 2 years in special forces in my country, so it easy for me to role play this leader.

2 I also know every procedure inside National Guard and i had be involved in recent activities in EN1 as Master Sergeant, and i want to pass my knowlagement to the future soldiers, COs and NCOs of this org by give them the training based my experience in field, because like everything in life, for the moust you can know the rules, always will be new different situations happening and only experiencing that it makes us better.

3 I Came to this City because had been asked me to give some help to the previous term, and it was a pleasure to have been the deputy of this organization in the past 10 days.

My advice to improve the level of the organization, is to IC more realistic as possible in every situation, starting by the clothing to the activities in field, i also planning to open different divisions to give the people more different interaction and responsibility in the field battles and the opportunity to them feel the importance of any division on the daily activities.

MR hood spongebob

Aug 12, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Leeroy Singh
Indian Standard Timezone
3-5 hours depends
Jay Reborn | Gat Jordan | 2058#9200
Gat Jordan

Leader of National Gaurd

Q2) Why I want to become the leader of NG ?

1) I want to become the leader of national gaurd because i have great experience as an NG soldier which will help NG to overcome some situations

2) Also i am very friendly to anyone and also i listen to people if they are right and as an NG leader i would co operate with everyone to make NG the best Legal ORG

3) Maximum security at the Base under my leadership of NG also we would updating everything at base time to time

4) More participation from NG in events for example = Ammo run , Bank Protection , Prison protection , Prison escape

5) Also i under my leadership i will try to gather more people for branches like SEAL , COMBAT MEDICS , AIR FORCE , Military Police so that our soldiers can be multi task soldiers

6) Training will be held every week so that our soldiers are ready for any upcoming conditions like quick respond while the base is getting raided or any unofficial org attack or any trespasser in base

Q3) What i would suggest to improve the RP

1) I would suggest that being Full professional while on duty and being respect full to everyone

2) Staying in touch all the times with the other legal organisations all the times if they need help or an Ammo run

3) Being Strict to the juniors if they do something wrong and help juniors teach them what's right and what's wrong and teaching them instead of being to much strict

As an NG leader i would ensure 100% from every soldier that i would have under my command also

I would be thankfull with all respect if this application gets selected
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Boss Gaming

May 27, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
2. 26
4. 6-8 Hours
5. BAD_BEAST#4252
6. AJ Richman
7. 1122
Additional information
1. Leader of

National Guard

2. I would like to lead National Guard for this reasons

#1 | i was captain in English server #1 and Lt. Colonel in English server #2 i learned a lot of thing , i found may good / bad thing wrote for National Guard Rules etc. my duty as ng leader to fix all problems and let ng units have best rp game play

#2 | like i have many new ideas and new thing / updates to ng (its not just text if i accepted to the interview ill say some) and ill start doing it according to Real army system

#3 | to lead one of states org you have to do everything fair and seriously and ill try me best to lets our units have fair , serious and funny RP game play with new events , rules , ng laws and new divisions

3. My advice's for improving Roleplay level in organization

#1 | ill bring new laws and rules to let every single thing rp (according to Real National Guard)
#2 | ill Stay in touch with state orgs to support them if needed
#3 | as i said above ill bring many divisions as combat medics , air force , Rapid Support Forces , more and more

in the last the only thing i want is let national guard strongest org because national guard must be always ready , always there in sky on water , on ground every time ready!

NG ON TOP!!!!!!!
Top Bottom