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IMPORTANT Applications for National Guard


Manas Badmash

1. Manas Satya
2. 17
3. IST/GMT+5.30
4. 8 Hours
5. Manas#0343
6. Manas Badmash
7. 3318

Additional Information

1. Leader of National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

i. I want to be leader of national guard as i want to stop the Store robberies and crime in the city and make sure that no one tries to enter the fort Zancudo and Steal the ammunation . Will make a strict Strike system and make sure that National Guard is corruption free and no one is there who sell our secret information to anyone .

ii. I would represent the better image of National Guard and will increase the national guard roleplay experience and re-improve it's Radio Codes , Code of Conduct and System of Events.
A new bonus system would be issued that is the following :-
Gate Keeping - 10k Per hour
Person Trained - 10k Per person
Ammo Run - 5k Per Person
Military base Robbery -
Lose - 5k Per Raid
Won - 10k Per Raid
Store Robbery - 8k Per robbery
Escorting to DOC - 5k per person (Safely)
Ghetto Patrol - 10k per patrol
Sandy Shores Patrol - 10k per patrol

(These Bonus System will fluctuate according to the need)
iii. I would Make the Uniform System to be Strict and make the radio system good so that no one does OOC things there and shout , will make the radio system professional. The High command and rank system would be maintained in a Good manner . National Guards would be having professionalism , proper Attiquates and Well Mannered . Will be only issuing higher Ranks to those Who are capable of it .

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Will Divide National Guard into different departments
1. Air Force (AF) - This Department would be giving support to National Guard from the Air and will be heavily trained to drive Air Transport Fastly and Professionaly . They would be trained in different Phases So they can control it in any situation and give the best air support to all organizations.
2. Human Resource and Training (HRT) - This Department would be keeping the Track of Arms and ammunations of all organizations and check that How much Arms and ammunation we are supplying to them to make sure that no organization is stealing. This department would also be Recruiting and Training the person. This department would be keeping a truck full of Medics, Repair Kits and Fuel Canisters . They would Keep The track of all illegal Items that are found and confiscated from the person.
3. Internal Affairs (IA) - This Department would keep the check of the recent Patrols and make the proper Weekly Schedule. They Would be issuing Strikes to the Person who is not following rules , unprofessional and doing things without High Command Permission etc.
4. Special Operation Force (SOF) - This Team would be heavily Trained and would be taking over all the special operation including patrols would have a Proper Sniper Team and Would be taking over the Special operations in Store robberies and Hostage Situations . They would be given Training for Every thing .
5. Military Police (MP) - These Will be protecting the base taking the frontier in Every Event and would be doing negotiations in Hostage Situations as well as Store Robberies and in military base robbery they would be fully covering alarms and generators and cover The Gates

This would be the rank System of the organization when I would be leading :-
30. General ( The Main Leader of the organization - Myself )

29. Lt. General ( Deputy )
28. Chief of staff ( This Would be the taking over the Charges and would be keeping the track of all departments )
27. Colonel ( These would be the Head of Departments )
26. Major
25. Captain
High commands
National Guards 👇

24. First lieutenant
23. Second lieutenant
22. Chief Warrant Officer
21. Warrant Officer
20. Gunnery Sergeant
19. Sergeant
18. Major Specialist
17. Master Specialist
16. Senior Specialist
15. Junior Specialist
14. Specialist
13. Major Corporal
12. Master Corporal
11. Senior Corporal
10. Junior Corporal
9. Corporal
8. Major Private
7. Master Private
6. Senior Private
5. Junior Private
4. Private
3. Trainee
2. On Leave / Loa
1. Suspended

All The Decisions Would be Taken by the High Commands, They would be having power to do everything (Except Captains And Majors)

My Previous Experiences -
1. National Guard Colonel (High Command)
2. National Guard Major (High Command)

3. Federal Investigation Bureau Black Ops Agent (High Command)
4. Government Senior Staff
5. Emergency Medical Service Professor (High Command)
6. Emergency Medical Service Air Rescue Officer (High Command)

7. Ballas Grafitti worker
8. The Families Warlord (High Command)

- Regards Manas Badmash

Last edited by a moderator:

Micheal Tucker

Dec 1, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Jack Clinkom
2. 21
3. GMT
4. 4-7
5. Jack Clinkom#4165
6. Jack Clinko
7. 81819

Additional Information...

1. Leader of National Guard

2. I would like to be the leader of national guard for many reasons, firstly I think this role is perfect for me because I am very experienced in role play. In other cities apart from grand RP I have been high command ranks in the military on white list and public servers which has given me the experience to apply confidentiality for the leader of NG on grand RP which is one of the best and biggest RP servers.

I Would like to be the leader of National Guard because I want to improve RP in this server especially because it is new people who are new to RP may not be experienced and I would like to assist them and build a community to improve RP levels all around.

Lastly, I would like to be the leader of National Guard because I think I am perfect for this role and my past experience and RP standards could lead this organisation to success.

3. I will improve all RP standards by instead of the common legal org applications online I will offer mass recruitment where I interview on the spot and for people to come to the National Guard Hq for recruitment where one of my carefully chosen high command or I will interview them on the RP rules. I would not make it so that people who want to join need to know commands because I can teach them myself or one of the Field Training Officers are able too. Online applications are not good because people are able to search up questions which means that in reality they could not know server rules and basic RP rules like mg, Pg and fear RP.

I will improve RP Levels all around in the server by training all of my officers in RP situations training them every day to spread RP levels as all around.

Alfie Lander

Alfie Landa | Ex NG General
Jul 6, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Alfie Lander
2. Your age : 16
3. Time zone : GMT
4. Average online per day : 8 Hours +
5. Your Discord : AlfLan#1734
6. your Nickname : Alfie Lander
7. Your ID : 36948

Additional information

1. Leader of the National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

I would love to be the leader of the National Guard as I have been in NG for 6 months in EN2, I saw great leaders and how they leader NG, I was LT General in EN2 and became LT general in EN3 under Abdul, I have been a HC in every org and NG is by far the best, I love this org i have dedication, passion and the time for the organisation to work and spend time making it the most powerful it can be. I have been a USSS Director within Government, Major of SWAT within LSPD, Chief of staff in SAHP and also Supervisor of department in FIB so i know all the other orgs i know how they operate and also how I can help them, and they can help me
When I first joined the city at age 5, I joined NG knowing nothing, this helped me learn all the OOC rules everything I know now is from then, and i want to help people become great soldiers and to show people their true potential and what they can be and achieve
I Have a lot of people who I know are the best soldiers and are prepared to dedicate time to the org and to help me, we are all passionate and I believe with their help NG would be on top.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in the organization.

I would implement 2 individual tests, one of these a recruit would take after his training regarding OOC rules, IC rules and generally how to perform their basic duties with the upmost ability and would allow for 1 marginal error if you get more than 1 wrong your contract within the national guard would be terminated and you would be asked to leave, the other test I would have would be a HC test as from my experience I have seen a lot of HC that know nothing and are making way to many mistakes so i would make a test that they have to complete 1 single error and they will be demoted as HC are positions to be earned not be gifted you have to work and must know everything

I would make sure that each division is active as much as possible, to achieve this I would implement weekly tasks for divisions and division strikes where if they do not adhere to the minimum expectations, they would receive a strike 3 strikes they are gone, however in order to encourage departments into doing good I would implement a weekly bonus where the division that has performed and been the most active would receive a bonus of 300k or any appropriate amount depending on the org balance.
Regarding to divisions I would make sure that each division has the necessary equipment to work.. I would also make it so that at the end of each week a meeting would be held with myself my Deputys and the head of departments where they can request things from curators etc. so I can them report back to them.

From my personal experience within NG is people need to be encouraged to do things so I would implement a bonus scheme which is mainly aimed at the lower ranks like privates, specialist etc. where they will be rewarded for doing things. This would encourage privates and everyone to attend global and generally just do their duties as they are getting some good money for it

My departments -

Military Police – This is a specialised division who track down on corruption within the National Guards soldiers, they will be the “Internal Affairs” Of the National Guard, they hand out strikes, look into officers and make Case Files on Corrupt officer and in the rare case can stop, track down and apprehend officers gone “AWOL” And bring them into court. These small group of officers can only answer to the general, and can skip the Chain of Command if they withhold classified information

Infantry – This is a basic division which new troops are put into as they first so they can learn about the National Guard and how to improve, The leader of Infantry must be very experienced within all division and he must be a friend yet also a leader to all new troops he must advise them in what to do and give them information on other divisions so they can join them after they are ready, This division specialises in base duties such as gate keeping, raids and basic events. This will build our soldiers up to be the very best possible, in order to leave this division, you must be promoted past corporal and must join another division, People bellow Corporal can only be promoted by the Major general of infantry

Air Force – This is an elite division made of the best pilots in the city, There main duty is to patrol the skies looking for on coming threats for example raids, They also perform extractions when are fellow soldiers are in danger and can take them to safety, This is a divisions also made for counter intelligence as they are used as scouts on base and are also the first people on the scene to a global events and relay the information to the Air traffic tower who can dispatch the appropriate response, There guys must always be on the ball and react to react

SASD – This is a division of highly skilled soldiers with the best tactical ability, Gun skills and situational skills, they will host events such as Ammo runs and ghetto patrols and attend global at the advice of the Air Force, this would be one of the biggest divisions excluding infantry.

Regarding the recruitment side of National Guard, there will be a Google Forum Document where High commands officers will use a script so that anyone can take an interview and then if they pass they will be passed on through to infantry

My ranking system

30x General

29x LT. General

28x Major General of the army

27x Major General – Head of Divisions

26x Brigadier General – Head of a Subdivisions

25x Colonel

24x LT Colonel

23x Major

22x Captain

21x Lieutenant

====== High Command ======

20x Command Sgt Major

19x Sergeant Major

18x First Sergeant

17x Master Sergeant II

16x Master Sergeant

15x Sergeant 1st Class

14x Sergeant III

13x Sergeant II

12x Sergeant

11x Corporal 1st Class

10x Corporal III

9x Corporal II

8x Corporal

7x Specialist 1st Class

6x Specialist 2nd Class

5x Private II

4x Private

3x Recruit

2x Leave of Absence

1x Suspended

Thank you for reading my application have a good day


Zak Shota

NG Improver
Aug 3, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Alfie Lander
2. Your age : 16
3. Time zone : GMT
4. Average online per day : 8 Hours +
5. Your Discord : AlfLan#1734
6. your Nickname : Alfie Lander
7. Your ID : 36948

Additional information

1. Leader of the National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

I would love to be the leader of the National Guard as I have been in NG for 6 months in EN2, I saw great leaders and how they leader NG, I was LT General in EN2 and became LT general in EN3 under Abdul, I have been a HC in every org and NG is by far the best, I love this org i have dedication, passion and the time for the organisation to work and spend time making it the most powerful it can be. I have been a USSS Director within Government, Major of SWAT within LSPD, Chief of staff in SAHP and also Supervisor of department in FIB so i know all the other orgs i know how they operate and also how I can help them, and they can help me
When I first joined the city at age 5, I joined NG knowing nothing, this helped me learn all the OOC rules everything I know now is from then, and i want to help people become great soldiers and to show people their true potential and what they can be and achieve
I Have a lot of people who I know are the best soldiers and are prepared to dedicate time to the org and to help me, we are all passionate and I believe with their help NG would be on top.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in the organization.

I would implement 2 individual tests, one of these a recruit would take after his training regarding OOC rules, IC rules and generally how to perform their basic duties with the upmost ability and would allow for 1 marginal error if you get more than 1 wrong your contract within the national guard would be terminated and you would be asked to leave, the other test I would have would be a HC test as from my experience I have seen a lot of HC that know nothing and are making way to many mistakes so i would make a test that they have to complete 1 single error and they will be demoted as HC are positions to be earned not be gifted you have to work and must know everything

I would make sure that each division is active as much as possible, to achieve this I would implement weekly tasks for divisions and division strikes where if they do not adhere to the minimum expectations, they would receive a strike 3 strikes they are gone, however in order to encourage departments into doing good I would implement a weekly bonus where the division that has performed and been the most active would receive a bonus of 300k or any appropriate amount depending on the org balance.
Regarding to divisions I would make sure that each division has the necessary equipment to work.. I would also make it so that at the end of each week a meeting would be held with myself my Deputys and the head of departments where they can request things from curators etc. so I can them report back to them.

From my personal experience within NG is people need to be encouraged to do things so I would implement a bonus scheme which is mainly aimed at the lower ranks like privates, specialist etc. where they will be rewarded for doing things. This would encourage privates and everyone to attend global and generally just do their duties as they are getting some good money for it

My departments -

Military Police – This is a specialised division who track down on corruption within the National Guards soldiers, they will be the “Internal Affairs” Of the National Guard, they hand out strikes, look into officers and make Case Files on Corrupt officer and in the rare case can stop, track down and apprehend officers gone “AWOL” And bring them into court. These small group of officers can only answer to the general, and can skip the Chain of Command if they withhold classified information

Infantry – This is a basic division which new troops are put into as they first so they can learn about the National Guard and how to improve, The leader of Infantry must be very experienced within all division and he must be a friend yet also a leader to all new troops he must advise them in what to do and give them information on other divisions so they can join them after they are ready, This division specialises in base duties such as gate keeping, raids and basic events. This will build our soldiers up to be the very best possible, in order to leave this division, you must be promoted past corporal and must join another division, People bellow Corporal can only be promoted by the Major general of infantry

Air Force – This is an elite division made of the best pilots in the city, There main duty is to patrol the skies looking for on coming threats for example raids, They also perform extractions when are fellow soldiers are in danger and can take them to safety, This is a divisions also made for counter intelligence as they are used as scouts on base and are also the first people on the scene to a global events and relay the information to the Air traffic tower who can dispatch the appropriate response, There guys must always be on the ball and react to react

SASD – This is a division of highly skilled soldiers with the best tactical ability, Gun skills and situational skills, they will host events such as Ammo runs and ghetto patrols and attend global at the advice of the Air Force, this would be one of the biggest divisions excluding infantry.

Regarding the recruitment side of National Guard, there will be a Google Forum Document where High commands officers will use a script so that anyone can take an interview and then if they pass they will be passed on through to infantry

My ranking system

30x General

29x LT. General

28x Major General of the army

27x Major General – Head of Divisions

26x Brigadier General – Head of a Subdivisions

25x Colonel

24x LT Colonel

23x Major

22x Captain

21x Lieutenant

====== High Command ======

20x Command Sgt Major

19x Sergeant Major

18x First Sergeant

17x Master Sergeant II

16x Master Sergeant

15x Sergeant 1st Class

14x Sergeant III

13x Sergeant II

12x Sergeant

11x Corporal 1st Class

10x Corporal III

9x Corporal II

8x Corporal

7x Specialist 1st Class

6x Specialist 2nd Class

5x Private II

4x Private

3x Recruit

2x Leave of Absence

1x Suspended

Thank you for reading my application have a good day


Punar Badmash

Ex-Marabunta Leader
Oct 26, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Alfie Lander
2. Your age : 16
3. Time zone : GMT
4. Average online per day : 8 Hours +
5. Your Discord : AlfLan#1734
6. your Nickname : Alfie Lander
7. Your ID : 36948

Additional information

1. Leader of the National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

I would love to be the leader of the National Guard as I have been in NG for 6 months in EN2, I saw great leaders and how they leader NG, I was LT General in EN2 and became LT general in EN3 under Abdul, I have been a HC in every org and NG is by far the best, I love this org i have dedication, passion and the time for the organisation to work and spend time making it the most powerful it can be. I have been a USSS Director within Government, Major of SWAT within LSPD, Chief of staff in SAHP and also Supervisor of department in FIB so i know all the other orgs i know how they operate and also how I can help them, and they can help me
When I first joined the city at age 5, I joined NG knowing nothing, this helped me learn all the OOC rules everything I know now is from then, and i want to help people become great soldiers and to show people their true potential and what they can be and achieve
I Have a lot of people who I know are the best soldiers and are prepared to dedicate time to the org and to help me, we are all passionate and I believe with their help NG would be on top.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in the organization.

I would implement 2 individual tests, one of these a recruit would take after his training regarding OOC rules, IC rules and generally how to perform their basic duties with the upmost ability and would allow for 1 marginal error if you get more than 1 wrong your contract within the national guard would be terminated and you would be asked to leave, the other test I would have would be a HC test as from my experience I have seen a lot of HC that know nothing and are making way to many mistakes so i would make a test that they have to complete 1 single error and they will be demoted as HC are positions to be earned not be gifted you have to work and must know everything

I would make sure that each division is active as much as possible, to achieve this I would implement weekly tasks for divisions and division strikes where if they do not adhere to the minimum expectations, they would receive a strike 3 strikes they are gone, however in order to encourage departments into doing good I would implement a weekly bonus where the division that has performed and been the most active would receive a bonus of 300k or any appropriate amount depending on the org balance.
Regarding to divisions I would make sure that each division has the necessary equipment to work.. I would also make it so that at the end of each week a meeting would be held with myself my Deputys and the head of departments where they can request things from curators etc. so I can them report back to them.

From my personal experience within NG is people need to be encouraged to do things so I would implement a bonus scheme which is mainly aimed at the lower ranks like privates, specialist etc. where they will be rewarded for doing things. This would encourage privates and everyone to attend global and generally just do their duties as they are getting some good money for it

My departments -

Military Police – This is a specialised division who track down on corruption within the National Guards soldiers, they will be the “Internal Affairs” Of the National Guard, they hand out strikes, look into officers and make Case Files on Corrupt officer and in the rare case can stop, track down and apprehend officers gone “AWOL” And bring them into court. These small group of officers can only answer to the general, and can skip the Chain of Command if they withhold classified information

Infantry – This is a basic division which new troops are put into as they first so they can learn about the National Guard and how to improve, The leader of Infantry must be very experienced within all division and he must be a friend yet also a leader to all new troops he must advise them in what to do and give them information on other divisions so they can join them after they are ready, This division specialises in base duties such as gate keeping, raids and basic events. This will build our soldiers up to be the very best possible, in order to leave this division, you must be promoted past corporal and must join another division, People bellow Corporal can only be promoted by the Major general of infantry

Air Force – This is an elite division made of the best pilots in the city, There main duty is to patrol the skies looking for on coming threats for example raids, They also perform extractions when are fellow soldiers are in danger and can take them to safety, This is a divisions also made for counter intelligence as they are used as scouts on base and are also the first people on the scene to a global events and relay the information to the Air traffic tower who can dispatch the appropriate response, There guys must always be on the ball and react to react

SASD – This is a division of highly skilled soldiers with the best tactical ability, Gun skills and situational skills, they will host events such as Ammo runs and ghetto patrols and attend global at the advice of the Air Force, this would be one of the biggest divisions excluding infantry.

Regarding the recruitment side of National Guard, there will be a Google Forum Document where High commands officers will use a script so that anyone can take an interview and then if they pass they will be passed on through to infantry

My ranking system

30x General

29x LT. General

28x Major General of the army

27x Major General – Head of Divisions

26x Brigadier General – Head of a Subdivisions

25x Colonel

24x LT Colonel

23x Major

22x Captain

21x Lieutenant

====== High Command ======

20x Command Sgt Major

19x Sergeant Major

18x First Sergeant

17x Master Sergeant II

16x Master Sergeant

15x Sergeant 1st Class

14x Sergeant III

13x Sergeant II

12x Sergeant

11x Corporal 1st Class

10x Corporal III

9x Corporal II

8x Corporal

7x Specialist 1st Class

6x Specialist 2nd Class

5x Private II

4x Private

3x Recruit

2x Leave of Absence

1x Suspended

Thank you for reading my application have a good day

Plz dont give this dumb kid NG leadership

Kakashi Pluxury

I fear only god, not his creations.
Apr 8, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Vansh Saxena
2. Your age: 18
3. Time zone : GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day: 4-6 hours
5. Your Discord: 1sh#4518
6. Your Nickname: Kakashi Pluxury
7. Your ID: 15849
Additional information

1. Leader of...National Guard

2. The reason I want to be the leader of this specific department is:

i. NG is one of the most important department to protect the city and help other departments like LSPD,FIB & SAHP by providing backup. I have been in NG for 4 terms serving the state and learning about the state myself and I Think I am ready to become the leader of NG and bring some good changes.

ii. As I have been in NG for too long now I have seen many backsteps of NG which in my opinion should not be in such a big organization. I have seen Favourism and Discrimination
between the male citizens and female citizens. This is so disguised in my opinion.

iii. I have some pre-selected Soldiers who are well experience and well mature to understand the problems of the state and the organizations.
The new upcoming Soldiers will not be just tought how to do the cop things but also to respect the citizens and follow all kind of instructions given.
Even if they are new for Legal organization all the other officers including me will guide him and make him a good Soldier.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

i. All Soldiers will be getting a quickest strike if they dont follow a proper RolePlay even after knowing about the RP.

ii. I being the leader of NG will make sure that there are not such Non-RP Soldiers and the Internal affairs team will be working as good as a new great organization

iii. I will add a new Department for New Soldiers which will train them perfectly and make every soldier unique.

My Past Experiences are:-
Chief Of Staff NG
Chief Of Staff LSPD
FIB 00 Agent
Currently Commander in LSPD

Thanks for reading my application
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Nov 7, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
7+ Hours
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
Ashleyy Haze
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

(1) I want to be leader of National Guard because I want to protect the state of san andreas, I want to help the legal organizations such as FIB, SAHP, LSPD, GOV to always have ammunition at their disposal, I have been in all the legal organizations so I know how it feels to not have ammunition due not National Guard not doing what they are supposed to.

(2) I want to make sure that we always have as many people as possible to any event that we are needed at, I want to assure that whenever legal organizations need support that we will be there to assist to the best of our ability.

(3) I want to make sure that fort zancudo is always under surveillance 24/7 so that we can always stand guard towards any attacks or obstacles that come our way, I want to make nobody wants to try to attempt to mess with the National Guard.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I would start by doing active ammo shipments daily and whenever legal organizations need them, I also would try to give out bonuses as often as possible to make others feel motivated on the line of duty, I would like to have combat practice in the arena every so often to insure that everyone has something to do and to not feel bored, I want to make multiple divisions for whatever type of life the soldiers of National Guard want to live, I want there to be a division for everyone to feel like they have something to do within National Guard regardless if it is within the air force, or within being a navy seal. To assure that everyone has a place where they feel appreciated to be apart of the National Guard.

Thank you for reading my application. I really hope to bring this amazing org the activity that it deserves.
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Neel Xavier

Sep 7, 2022

1. Your name IRL : Soham Sengupta
2. Your age: 21
3. Time zone: (IST+5:30)
4. Average online per day: 7-8 Hours
5. Your Discord: Neelx7340#2532
6. Your Nickname: Neel Xavier
7. Your ID: 75748


1. Leader of National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

Being the MP Deputy and RR Head, I have been holding my rank of Lt. Colonel and worked under many generals of EN1. It will be my main motive to focus on the recruitment and special forces. Aims would also include to recruit and train the new trainee . The military police special forces adequately checks licenses on a daily basis. I would also keep a daily check on suspicious people by MP. Hence, focussing on all these factors would make the organization much more efficient and powerful.

Although, in the current time National guard is being on top, yet I would like to come up with certain changes like-
To make the scouts more effective to get proper outcomes from them. My process may include to scout every 5 minutes which would result in more intel and checking the raid logs and to go for scouting at that point of time therefore winning the raids easily.

3. Your advice for improving Role play level in organization:

I would like to motivate my COs and NCOs by placing each of them on the gate followed by new recruits and give the maximum bonuses as well as some good combat training with SASD and other organizations so that they have a good enjoyment which will help us to get an improved RP at base.

Hiring Org Hopers should be prohibited inorder to resist the destruction of the Pure RP.

My Departments-----

1. Recruitment Retention : Being the spine behind the National Guards, Recruitment Retention deals with recruiting and training.

2. Combat Medic : Combat medic works to save, provide with revive whenever needed, support with guns and ammunitions to others in any global event or any other events,

3. SASD Division : Here comes the well trained and fully equipped units for any situation, They are always ready to face any critical situation even if it is global
4. Air Force : Air Force units have the task to fly every 5 minutes to keep an eye on any activity that is going on outside the base.

5. Military Police: They have the responsibility to check backgrounds , search license and maintain activity in org.

It will be my responsibility to make NG a very well maintained organization on which i would focus a lot and put all my efforts to get the best outcome, I would try my best to make NG one of the state organization in the city as it was back in the olden days and make sure it does not get disbanded due to violation of rules.

Lt. Colonel ( EN 1)
Neel Xavier

Vansh Kumar

Curator Of NG, Curator of Unoff-Org
Jun 10, 2022
No off topic messages like vouch

You can just like the post if you feel the applicant is good

Umut Marcellus

Jul 1, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Umut
2. Your age: 23
3. Time zone: GMT+3
4. Average online per day: MİN 6 hours
5. Your Discord: Umutt404#2463
6. Your Nickname: Umutt Marcellus
7. Your ID: 34810
Additional information

1. I want to become Leader of National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

a. I want to be the leader of the national guard because I have the experience and knowledge about what missions the national guard can and cannot go to, and where and what they should do, especially the game and role play rules. For example, I know that when an organization asks us for help, it has to be there. But I also know that they can't go on a store robbery. In short, I am confident that I have sufficient knowledge and experience to become leader of the national guard.
I was high command in the national guard for about 6 terms (I was high command in all organisations like LSPD depuy). I know the door watch rules and other national guard operating rules, and I know that when something illegal is done, they should be punished or someone wearing the wrong uniform should be warned.

c. If I become the leader of the national guard, it will not be easy to be a soldier of the national guard. In order to enter the organization, they will have to pass oral and written interviews and those who can pass will undergo training for 3 days. In these trainings, radio codes, door watch rules, weapon training, special duty training (such as ammo run) and the most challenging will be air force training. In short, I will maintain discipline and order in the National Guard.

Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.

My top priority will be the National Guard, the highest among the organizations. To do this, I will first establish order and discipline in the organization. not everyone will be able to enter this organization at random, and those who enter will be trained and assigned in the best way possible. The layout inside will be as follows: 2 guards at each door, 2 cars patrolling inside, 2 helicopters with air force training will patrol. I will give the necessary training on how the order should not be in a raid situation and how the spikes should be placed.
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