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IMPORTANT Applications for National Guard

Sharath Rich

Jun 6, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1.Sharath Chandra
5.KGF Sharath YT#0001
6.Sharath Rich

Additional information

1.Leader of National Guard


2.Why do you want be a leader of this specific organization?(List the three reasons with explantion)
When i have joined the city i decided i need to join only legal orgs my first legal orgs is is SAHP first time when i came to NG first thing i like the base when i became a leader i will modify and develop the base in the NG we need to work hard we need to take in our org the good citizens who can do job correctly i need to train them as a professional

2.this is chance for the new citizens to join NG who knows city rules we will train them every single thing .In the NG i like the events Ammorun and Military base robbery in the Ammorun our NG soliders we will get the ammunation for other Legal orgs In the Military Base robbery we need protect our base from gangs

3.when i joined NG i have worked 1term I got total experience about NG i have worked as a Lieuteant rank.and i was the FTO and IA , Why like the NG Because There many divisons Like SOF,MP,FTO,IA,AF I like the divisons NG
and the Base because soliders can join which is there Favourite

4.i have more experience as Major of FTO i have qualities of the leader

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I will recruit experienced and dedicated leaders to every departments like AF, FTO, IA , MP, SOF IA- I will hire the best possible soldiers to this department who knows rules AF - i will make the leader who knows how to fly air vehicles
MP - I will make the person leader who are experienced as police
SOF - this department is a important department so i will make the person leader who knows the rules and how to manage
IA- I will hire the best possible soldiers to this department who knows rules
AF - i will make the head who knows how to fly air transportation
FTO - this is the most important department of the organization , so i will personally test the person whom i will make major of this department And i will make special training guide if respected curators accept that

-Sharath Rich
thanks for reading my application

Flame Kai

Active Member
Leader of unofficial org
May 12, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Mohsin Rasul
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT+5
4. Average online per day: 3 to 6 hours
5. Your Discord: Flame Mafia#6593
6. Your Nickname: Flame Mafia
7. Your ID: 28402
Additional information

1. Leader of the National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

I want to be the leader of the national guard because I have the experience and knowledge and the NG base I was a past Major and Head of SOF in the last term. I think I can control the NG base and protect it from gangsters by hiring good officers both in aim and experience

b.I have also experience with other legal orgs and how to deal with them I have experience in leading a family and the SOF team as for the unofficial status it will be removed if I got selected for the Interview

c. If I become the leader of the national guard, I will hire an army soldier who will pass the interview and the aim test because no army should hire someone if they don't know how to speak with the other orgs and don't know how to use a gun. A person will only be able to be a soldier if he passes the interview and the training, that I will suggest. I rules may be strict but they will be for the betterment of NG.

Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

My top priority will be the National Guard. To do this, I will first establish discipline in the organization. No one can enter the base without asking permission and verifying their identity with professionalism no ranks will be directly it will be only on hard work and sincerity on weeklyy bases.There are more ideas that I want to imply after I will get selected

Thanks for reviewing my application
Flame Mafia

Bilall Yama

Num 1 Yapper
Feb 1, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Rabih alshami
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day 5 - 7 hours
5. Your Discord: Bilal Yama#8384
6. Your Nickname: Biilal Yama
7. Your ID: 3851
Additional information
1. Leader of National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1. i want to be leader of National Guard because i want to help and protect the citizens of los Santos.

2. i want to be leader of National Guard Because i know i cane make Big changes to the org

3. i cane get and will get a lot of people to the the org very easy

4. i have a lot of experience in National Guard i was National Guard LT general in Anas term and National Guard HC in Sabah term and i know that i will make this term the best of all the other ones with events and more.

5. i want to be leader because i want to make gate keeping more fun and give out bonuses for it so people will be exited when they do it and know they wil get something from it.

6. i want to be Leader bc i want to attend most events that National Guard cane attend like Gang Raid, Prison protection, aircraft Protection; Ghetto Patrol and more.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. promotions

2. Rank ups

3. No favorizem because i don't want to gibe high command to people that don't know how to do there job many Leaders were and are still doing it it just ruins the Rp experience

4. IC events like races and more

5. bonuses for Gate keeping

6. better convoy for ammo runs so we don't cr people and vdm people


Thanks for reading my application Best regards - Bilal Yama :)

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Behroz shah

Jun 30, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Mohsin Rasul
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT+5
4. Average online per day: 3 to 6 hours
5. Your Discord: Flame Mafia#6593
6. Your Nickname: Flame Mafia
7. Your ID: 28402
Additional information

1. Leader of the National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

I want to be the leader of the national guard because I have the experience and knowledge and the NG base I was a past Major and Head of SOF in the last term. I think I can control the NG base and protect it from gangsters by hiring good officers both in aim and experience

b.I have also experience with other legal orgs and how to deal with them I have experience in leading a family and the SOF team as for the unofficial status it will be removed if I got selected for the Interview

c. If I become the leader of the national guard, I will hire an army soldier who will pass the interview and the aim test because no army should hire someone if they don't know how to speak with the other orgs and don't know how to use a gun. A person will only be able to be a soldier if he passes the interview and the training, that I will suggest. I rules may be strict but they will be for the betterment of NG.

Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

My top priority will be the National Guard. To do this, I will first establish discipline in the organization. No one can enter the base without asking permission and verifying their identity with professionalism no ranks will be directly it will be only on hard work and sincerity on weeklyy bases.There are more ideas that I want to imply after I will get selected

Thanks for reviewing my application
Flame Mafia
Gl bro 💜

Jhony Grey

Sep 15, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Péter

2. Your age: 16

3. Time zone: GMT+2

4. Average online per day: 6-8 hours

5. Your Discord: ToxiGeak#8877

6. Your Nickname: Liam Vercetti

7. Your ID: 42498

Additional information

1. Leader of
The National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

First of all, I always wanted to be a leader of a state org and especially national guard, I always had a dedicated team behind me following me around with my every move , of course this is natural for me I have always been a natural leader I got the perfect knowledge of NG and the State organisations to make the NG the best it has ever been. As a second reason I really want to Lead the national guard and see it prosper as it has always had potential but due to the "Boringness" of the organisation (which does not exist in my opinion) detered a lot of people from joining, now I am very much ready to do anything To make national guard interesting and loved. As a Last reason I want a safe place for all leos to rest that being Fort Zancudo/FZ and where all leos can unite, to be able to achieve that I need to be the leader as no one was this open minded to before.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

First of all it is important to make the IC powers of NG known such as being able to govern the state when the governor is not present to do so, or the fact it is allowed to open a military/federal court and many more special kind of traits that the other LEO orgs don't share.

I want to reform the NG Divisions ( I spent days making a Document for this featuring the entire plan in more detail)

This is an accurate description of the D.O.C.M Otherwise known as The Division of Medics.

The 4 ranks of the medical division consist of the

- Head of Division
-Deputy Head of Division
- Combat Medic
- Combat Medic Trainee

The sole purpose of the medical division is to take on the regular duties of an on-duty soldier and to maintain the health of all civilians and his fellow soldiers.

In order to achieve said goal a combat medic’s duty must involve a variety of health checkups and healing in dangerous situations. Their responsibilities are to make sure their fellow soldiers are healthy and are psychologically happy and complete.


This is an accurate description of the D.O.N.S Otherwise known as The Division of National Security.

The 4 ranks of the D.O.N.S division consist of the

-The Director of National Security
-Deputy Director of National Security
- National Security agent
- National Security trainee

The Sole purpose of the D.O.N.S division is to maintain national security and a special task force trained to climb dangerous terrain, swim in any waters with any amount of gear weighing them down and to traverse any territory with a select amount of specialized military vehicles. Besides this they of course need to maintain normal on-duty soldiers duties and they must .


This is an accurate description of the N.S.W.D.G. Otherwise known as The Division of Navy special Warfare Development Group.

The 8 ranks of the N.S.W.D.G. division consist of the
  • Head of Naval Warfare
  • Head of Aerial Warfare
  • Deputy Head of Naval Warfare
  • Deputy Head of Aerial Warfare
  • Naval unit
  • Aerial Unit
  • Naval Trainee
  • Aerial Trainee

The Sole purpose of the N.S.W.D.G. is To Secure and protect where Normal Soldiers cannot reach, for example The air and The Sea. It is their job to accompany hostage situations with appropriate helicopter and naval equipment and to secure the Submarine that is trying to extract drugs into the city using their superior naval equipment.


This is an accurate description of the H.R.T. Otherwise known as The Human Resources and Training Division.

The 4 ranks of The H.R.T division consist of the
  • Director of H.R.T
  • Deputy Director of H.R.T
  • Senior H.R.T
  • Jr H.R.T

    The Sole purpose of the H.R.T Is To Deal and eliminate any deserters or other internal issues like famines and riots. Besides they are responsible for the training of all Privates/Soldiers and the Recruitment of civilians, as well as the important responsibility of issuing Military License and speaking to the public as well as to keep them safe and informed at the time of Martial Law.


Shown by the amazing divisions with their ranks and leaders I would like to make the national guard Great again. I want to add some more RP to ammo runs and other such activities and special thing for all divisions to do like naval partrol or Medical checkups.

Thank You For reading my application

GL Bro❤️

Shiva Marneedi

Grand Roleplay
Jul 2, 2021
The following players have been selected for NG Leader interviews at 16:00 server time on Thursday 20th of October.
1) Liam Vercetti 42498 (ToxiGeak#8877)
2) jimmy kirigaya 16011 (DarkIr1sh#8412)
3) sharath Rich 29920 (KGF Sharath YT#0001)
4) Alfie Lander 36948 (AlfLan#1734)
Applications for National Guard are now CLOSED.


malik azan9090

Aug 23, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL malik azan
2. Your age 22
3. Time zone gmt 5
4. Average online per day 8 to 9 minimum max 10 to 14 hours
5. Your Discord malikazan#9010
6. Your Nickname malik
7. Your ID id 46038
Additional information
1. Leader of National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

Providing Motivation Motivation is the will to accomplish a task. By learning about your Soldiers and their capabilities, you will soon be able to gear the team to the mission. Once you have given an order, don’t micromanage the process—allow your Soldiers to do their jobs to the best of their abilities. When they succeed, praise them. When they fail, give them credit for the attempt, and coach them on how to improve. Remember that it takes more than just words to motivate. The example you set is at least as important as what you say and how well you manage the work. Stay involved and motivate yourself to attain the best mission result, and your enthusiasm will carry over. A leader’s role in motivation is to understand the needs and desires of others, to align and elevate individual drives into team goals, and to influence others and accomplish those larger aims. You’ll find that some people have high levels of internal motivation to finish a job, while others need more reassurance and feedback. Motivation spurs initiative when something needs to be accomplished.

Providing Direction When giving direction, you make clear how you want your Soldiers to accomplish a mission. You prioritize tasks, assign responsibility for completing them (delegating appropriate authority), and make sure subordinates understand the Army standard for the tasks. You decide how to accomplish a mission with the available people, time, and resources. It is your subordinates’ job to carry out your orders. But to do that, they need clear direction. Give just enough direction to allow Soldiers to use their initiative, abilities, and imagination—and they will surprise you with the results.

Providing Purpose and Vision By providing purpose, you enable your Soldiers to see the underlying rationale for a mission; you provide them the reason to act in order to achieve a desired outcome. Leaders should provide clear purpose for their followers; they do that in a variety of ways. They can use direct means through requests or orders. As time goes on, your subordinates will notice that you communicate in a consistent style of command and decision making that builds their trust and confidence. Your Soldiers will eventually be able to read a situation and anticipate your intentions and actions. This trust in turn leads to a cohesive, integrated, and effective unit. Vision is another way that leaders provide purpose. Vision refers to an organizational purpose that may be broader or have less immediate consequences than other purpose statements. Higher-level leaders carefully consider how to communicate their vision.

3.Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Stop the rasict thing and strong rp thing like
Improve states and add new thing etc
Also improve in activity and more event My advice to improve the level of the organization, is to IC more realistic as possible in every situation, starting by the clothing to the activities in field, i also planning to open different divisions to give the people more different interaction and responsibility in the field battles and the opportunity to them feel the importance of any division on the daily activities.
Thank you grand on top and ng
Thank for reading

Dark Pluxury

Dec 20, 2021
1. Your name IRL - Shashvat Jain
2. Your age - 19
3. Time zone - IST
4. Average online per day - 7-8 hours
5. Your Discord - Dark Akatsuki | 7098#2303
6. Your Nickname - Dark
7. Your ID - 7098
Additional information

1)Leader of National Guard

2) Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1= I am having the experience of National Guard as a Staff Sargent when Kazuto Kirigaya is a leader and now i am in SAHP as a Sargent so i know what the important task we have to do when a man becomes a official leader.

2= I want to give a chance to every new and old member who want to join the NG but the condition is only to know all the rules and second think i like NG work which they do just like Ammorun and NG Raid

3= I want to become a leader because now NG is also able to attend Store robbery and i also want to tell that how we make a fine and another thing and Important think is never do the differentiation with new and old NG member

3) Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organisation

Best way to improve the roleplay is to listen every old and new player advice which i use when i become a leader of NG
I never do differentiate with anyone, and one more think if a player is not knowing the rules if he is old or a new and also if he is new in a city then i tell all things which is necessary .

Thankyou for see my thinking
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Scarlett James

Chief Of Detectives
Nov 6, 2022


1. Your name IRL A. Ansari
2. Your age 18
3. Time zone GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day 8-9 Hours
5. Your Discord Scarlet James#1587
6. Your Nickname Scarlett James
7. Your ID 47485
Additional information

1. Leader of... National Guards
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1:- Experience in National Guard
I have been in the city from a long time, during that time I have been in many orgs either legal or illegal. I have been in NG as Lt.General, in Luka's terms Also he was in LOA for some days so i was managing org and as per my perspective, currently i am Deputy of Marabunta it's given me enough experience to become a leader of this great organization.

2:- Areas of correction
2.1:- I had worked in gangs and legal organizations, i noticed that some of the organizations promoted/favoured their friend and family members rather than giving chance to once who deserve it. This following reason leads to affect people's minds, and they leave the organization, which affects the organization indirectly. I want to be fair to everyone and provide my service at the best level, so people also enjoy their job and stay motivated to work with org. Moreover, I will try to make the radio very professional which will also assist in maintaining RP at a high level.

2.2:- I have seen the current rank system in NG and as per my view it is messed up, so if I get the opportunity to become the leader of the national guard, I will change the rank system not actually change but in a clean way

2.3 People of NG are working day and night to protect Fort Zancudo, so they deserve appreciation in terms of bonuses and promotion

2.4 I saw sometime like soldiers are not present at gate duty, So I will try my best to keep minimum 2 People in each gate (North gate and South Gate)

2.5 Legal Orgs ask for ammo run and some time because of not enough units we were not able to give them. If I became leader, then they will get instant order delivery.


3;- Good Coordination
Basically, in national guard co-ordinations plays a very crucial role in different scenarios either in a global situation or any other, i will make good coordination within Ng and also to other legal orgs. Furthermore, during the haptic situations, people become confused about what to do and what not which makes confusion during raids and global
For example: during raid time gangs enter the base, all employees follow them, and no one is left at the gates which gives a very positive advantage to gangs to escape from FZ I will try to impose very good coordination between each other

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.

3.1 Bodycam checks by Internal Affairs randomly and to make sure everyone have their body cams on even if they are just doing gate duties (Last 5 minutes)

3.2 Training everyone in the national guard about the use of PDA as many of the High Commands need that training also about a few things.

3.3 Active use of radio and only important things to be transmitted through the radio while on raid hours.

3.4 High commands and Soldiers would be responsible for the troops on their duty timings, for example if there is a HC on-duty and multiple troops he would be responsible to give them orders regarding gate duties and guarding the base, and to communicate with anyone regarding any situation same goes for Soldiers if he is on-duty he would be responsible for everyone going on the base.

3.5 HC and Soldiers would have to focus on laws getting sanctioned by the government and to check what’s going on in the city and in the county.

3.6 Focus on the quality of National Guard members rather than the quantity.


Scarlett James,
Lt. General.

Hexton Froster

A ruthless veteran of the ghetto !
Jul 18, 2022
1. Your name IRL
-Arosh Rayhan
2. Your age
3. Time zone

+6 GMT
4. Average online per day
6- 10 Hours
5. Your Discord
Hexton Froster#1856
6. Your Nickname
Hexton Frosster
7. Your ID

Additional information
1. Leader of... National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I want to become leader of a specific org ( National Gurad ) Because its the org where I learned How to work for city . How legal org works . This is my first Legal org that I joined after I left Criminal RP life in en1 . I really enjoyed in NG I got so many supportive friends in NG who can help me to run my ORG perfectly . I have managed 3 department at a time in NG . After 2 terms I got deputy leader and the term was so successful but my RP carrier did not last long in en1 after 1.2 years . I got shifted en2 because my all friends left en1 I was getting boared . But in en2 I mate kazuto ( General ) He gave me a chance and trusted me and I made the most active department of NG after 3 months I got deputy of NG . So I have worked from every rp perspective I got so much experience in both server. Now I want to try it out to get the leadership in new masterpiece of grand rp

--I have connections with experienced NG soldier who can help me with everything in my term. I got supportive Families who always got my back when I am busy. Also When ever I Lead to protect a raid I always get success. I have knowledge about all event of National guard event. As I am in ORG from a long time I know so many hidden things about the base that everyone dont know

NG is the ORG that I started my Journey with. I got so much experience in the ORG I know How to deal with the problems of NG. I started my journey with private rank Then after my hard work I got Lt. General. But, as everyone know Deputy dont have that much control ing ORG so I promise If I get the leadership I will make the Org more active then EMS.

--- I know How to use everything in NG, Also I have my friendship with other legal org Leader who can help me with my department.

Department Plan

Air Force : Patrolling in Air and Looking for possible raids Giving ride to any High command.

Bonus system for Airforce : 15k each scout

Military Police : This department will search trunks of bandits and will process 10-15 and hand over them to FIB/LSPD/SAHP

Bonus system for Military Police : 5k for each trunk they searched. Also 20k for each 10-15 they processed

Human recourse: To train new candidates and test new candidates. Giving promotions to active soldiers.

Bonus system for HR : Each interview 3k

Each training : 8k

Each promotion 6k

Internal affairs : To punish people if they did any mistake.

Bonus system for I/A : Each strike : 10k

SOF : This department will lead all of the ammo run and special operations like ghetto patrol and etc. It will be the team of most professional shooters of NG. Also, they will do foot patrol in FZ area and Mut area near FZ

Bonus system for SOF

Each ammorun leaded by sof : 5k to every sof member

Each foot patrol : 7k to sof member who attended

Each ghetto patrol : 10k who ever attended

Seals : This department will work for Hostage situations and protection of the general if general is gonna attend a meeting they will be with general to protect him from bandits. Also they will be the negotiator from NG.

Bonus system for seals

Each negotiation : 10k

Military attorney : This department will handle the case against NG and the corruption of NG soldiers also they will handle a case of 10-15.

MA bonus system : 20k for each case.

Bonus for Normal soldiers :

Gate Keeping :- 5k per hour Per
Raid :- 6k
Bank Robbery :- 10k
Store Robbery :- 9k
Ammo will be Per truck delivered:- 4k
Aircraft Carrier :6k

I also got a punishment system ready
#strike 1 = verbal warning
#strike 2 = demotion
#strike 3 = fired from org / Blacklist from org (depends of the situation )

Ranking system :

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- High commissioned officers

29-Lt. General

28- Cheif of staff

27- Colonel



24-First Lieutenant

23-Second Lieutenant --------------------------------------- High command line

22-Chief Warrant Officer

21-Warrant Officer

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Junior commissioned officers
20- Sergeant Major

19-First Sergeant

18-Master Sergeant

17- Sergeant First Class

16-Gunnery Sergeant

15-Staff Sergeant

14-Sergeant V

13-Sergeant IV

12-Sergeant III

11-Sergeant II

10-Sergeant I

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Non commissioned officer


7-Private First Class


5-MP Trainee

4-AR trainee




3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I want to make this org as active as possible. I will be doing as much as rp possible by my org. I will try to do 4 global events in 2 weeks . I will try to organize ghetto patrol by fib and attend all ghetto patrol by every org . I will try to attend all store robbery , black market raid , gang raid and I will always protect our home from criminal gangs and win all of fz raid .I will organize So many IC global.

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Manas Badmash

1. Manas Satya
2. 17
3. IST/GMT+5.30
4. 8 Hours
5. Manas#0343
6. Manas_Badmash
7. 3318

Additional Information

1. Leader of National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

i. I want to be leader of national guard as i want to stop the Store robberies and crime in the city and make sure that no one tries to enter the fort Zancudo and Steal the ammunation . Will make a strict Strike system and make sure that National Guard is corruption free and no one is there who sell our secret information to anyone .

ii. I would represent the better image of National Guard and will increase the national guard roleplay experience and re-improve it's Radio Codes , Code of Conduct and System of Events.
A new bonus system would be issued that is the following :-
Gate Keeping - 10k Per hour
Person Trained - 10k Per person
Ammo Run - 5k Per Person
Military base Robbery -
Lose - 5k Per Raid
Won - 10k Per Raid
Store Robbery - 8k Per robbery
Escorting to DOC - 5k per person (Safely)
Ghetto Patrol - 10k per patrol
Sandy Shores Patrol - 10k per patrol

(These Bonus System will fluctuate according to the need)
iii. I would Make the Uniform System to be Strict and make the radio system good so that no one does OOC things there and shout , will make the radio system professional. The High command and rank system would be maintained in a Good manner . National Guards would be having professionalism , proper Attiquates and Well Mannered . Will be only issuing higher Ranks to those Who are capable of it .

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

Will Divide National Guard into different departments
1. Air Force (AF) - This Department would be giving support to National Guard from the Air and will be heavily trained to drive Air Transport Fastly and Professionaly . They would be trained in different Phases So they can control it in any situation and give the best air support to all organizations.
2. Human Resource and Training (HRT) - This Department would be keeping the Track of Arms and ammunations of all organizations and check that How much Arms and ammunation we are supplying to them to make sure that no organization is stealing. This department would also be Recruiting and Training the person. This department would be keeping a truck full of Medics, Repair Kits and Fuel Canisters . They would Keep The track of all illegal Items that are found and consficated from the person.
3. Internal Affairs (IA) - This Department would keep the check of the recent Patrols and make the proper Weekly Schedule. They Would be issuing Strikes to the Person who is not following rules , unprofessional and doing things without High Command Permission etc.
4. Special Operation Force (SOF) - This Team would be heavily Trained and would be taking over all the special operation including patrols would have a Proper Sniper Team and Would be taking over the Special operations in Store robberies and Hostage Situations . They would be given Training for Every thing .
5. Military Police (MP) - These Will be protecting the base taking the frontier in Every Event and would be doing negotiations in Hostage Situations as well as Store Robberies and in military base robbery they would be fully covering alarms and generators and cover The Gates

This would be the rank System of the organisation when I would be leading :-
1. General ( The Main Leader of the organization - Myself )
2. Lt. General ( Deputy )
3. Chief of staff ( This Would be the taking over the Charges and would be keeping the track of all departments )
4. Colonel ( These would be the Head of Departments )
5. Major
6. Captain
High commands
National Guards 👇
7. First lieutenant
8. Second lieutenant
9. Warrant Officer
10. Major Sergeant
11. Senior Sergeant
12. Junior Sergeant
13. Gunnery Sergeant
14. Major Corporal
15. Senior Corporal
16. Junior Corporal
17. Major Specialist
18. Senior Specialist
19. Junior Specialist
20. Private Major
21. Private Master
22. Private Senior
23. Private Junior
24. Master Soldier
25. Senior Soldier
26. Junior Soldier
27. Soldier (Rank After Completing Training)
28. Trainee
29. On Leave / Loa
30. Suspended

All The Decisions Would be Taken by the High Commands, They would be having power to do everything (Except Captains And Majors)

My Previous Experiences -
1. National Guard Colonel (High Command)
2. National Guard Major (High Command)
3. Federal Investigation Bureau Black Ops Agent (High Command)
4. Government Senior Staff
5. Emergency Medical Service Professor (High Command)
6. Emergency Medical Service Air Rescue Officer (High Command)
7. Ballas Grafitti worker
8. The Families Warlord (High Command)

- Regards Manas Badmash
Badmash On TOP
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Blade Carter

Sep 5, 2022
1. Manas Satya
2. 17
3. IST/GMT+5.30
4. 8 Hours
5. Manas#0343
6. Manas_Badmash
7. 3318

Additional Information

1. Leader of National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

i. I want to be leader of national guard as i want to stop the Store robberies and crime in the city and make sure that no one tries to enter the fort Zancudo and Steal the ammunation . Will make a strict Strike system and make sure that National Guard is corruption free and no one is there who sell our secret information to anyone .

ii. I would represent the better image of National Guard and will increase the national guard roleplay experience and re-improve it. A new bonus system would be issued that is the following :-
Gate Keeping - 10k Per hour
Person Trained - 10k Per person
Ammo Run - 5k Per Person
Military base Robbery - 5k Per Person
Store Robbery - 8k Per robbery
(These Bonus System will fluctuate according to the need)
iii. I would Make the Uniform System to be Strict and make the radio system good so that no one does OOC things there and shout , will make the radio system professional. The High command and rank system would be maintained in a Good manner . National Guards would be having professionalism , proper Attiquates and Well Mannered . Will be only issuing higher Ranks to those Who are capable of it .

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Will Divide National Guard into different departments
1. Air Force (AF) - This Department would be giving support to National Guard from the Air and will be heavily trained to drive Air Transport Fastly and Professionaly . They would be trained in different Phases So they can control it in any situation and give the best air support to all organizations.
2. Human Resource and Training (HRT) - This Department would be keeping the Track of Arms and ammunations of all organizations and check that How much Arms and ammunation we are supplying to them to make sure that no organization is stealing. This department would also be Recruiting and Training the person. This department would be keeping a truck full of Medics, Repair Kits and Fuel Canisters . They would Keep The track of all illegal Items that are found and consficated from the person.
3. Internal Affairs (IA) - This Department would keep the check of the recent Patrols and make the proper Weekly Schedule. They Would be issuing Strikes to the Person who is not following rules , unprofessional and doing things without High Command Permission etc.
4. Special Operation Force (SOF) - This Team would be heavily Trained and would be taking over all the special operation including patrols would have a Proper Sniper Team and Would be taking over the Special operations in Store robberies and Hostage Situations . They would be given Training for Every thing .
5. Military Police (MP) - These Will be protecting the base taking the frontier in Every Event and would be doing negotiations in Hostage Situations as well as Store Robberies and in military base robbery they would be fully covering alarms and generators and cover The Gates
his would be the rank System of the organisation when I would be leading
1. General ( The Main Leader of the organization - Myself )
2. Lt. General ( Deputy )
3. Chief of staff ( This Would be the taking over the Charges and would be keeping the track of all departments )
4. Colonel ( These would be the Head of Departments )
5. Major
6. Captain
High commands 👆
National Guards 👇
7. First lieutenant
8. Second lieutenant
9. Lieutenant first Class
10. Sergeant major
11. Sergeant 5
12. Sergeant 4
13. Sergeant 3
14. Sergeant 2
15. Sergeant 1
16. Sergeant first class
17. Specialist 3
18. Specialist 2
19. Specialist 1
20. specialist First class
21. Private Major
22. Private 3
23. Private 2
24. Private 1
25. Soldier First Class
26. Soldier Second class
27. Soldier
28. Trainee Phase 1
29. On Leave / Loa
30. Suspended

All The Decisions Would be Taken by the High Commands they would having power to do everything (Except Captains And Majors)

My Previous Experiences -
1. National Guard Colonel
2. National Guard Major
3. Federal Investigation Bureau Black Ops Agent
4. Government Senior Staff
5. Emergency Medical Service Professor
30. Suspended

All The Decisions Would be Taken by the High Commands they would having power to do everything (Except Captains And Majors)

My Previous Experiences -
1. National Guard Colonel (High Command)
2. National Guard Major (High Command)
3. Federal Investigation Bureau Black Ops Agent (High Command)
4. Government Senior Staff
5. Emergency Medical Service Professor (High Command)
6. Emergency Medical Service Air Rescue Officer (High Command)
7. Ballas Grafitti worker
8. The Families Warlord (High Command)
he should be selected for the interview as he has enough knowledge of the game and experience and he is very humble person

Bharma Kirigaya

Dec 18, 2021
1. Manas Satya
2. 17
3. IST/GMT+5.30
4. 8 Hours
5. Manas#0343
6. Manas_Badmash
7. 3318

Additional Information

1. Leader of National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

i. I want to be leader of national guard as i want to stop the Store robberies and crime in the city and make sure that no one tries to enter the fort Zancudo and Steal the ammunation . Will make a strict Strike system and make sure that National Guard is corruption free and no one is there who sell our secret information to anyone .

ii. I would represent the better image of National Guard and will increase the national guard roleplay experience and re-improve it. A new bonus system would be issued that is the following :-
Gate Keeping - 10k Per hour
Person Trained - 10k Per person
Ammo Run - 5k Per Person
Military base Robbery - 5k Per Person
Store Robbery - 8k Per robbery
(These Bonus System will fluctuate according to the need)
iii. I would Make the Uniform System to be Strict and make the radio system good so that no one does OOC things there and shout , will make the radio system professional. The High command and rank system would be maintained in a Good manner . National Guards would be having professionalism , proper Attiquates and Well Mannered . Will be only issuing higher Ranks to those Who are capable of it .

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
Will Divide National Guard into different departments
1. Air Force (AF) - This Department would be giving support to National Guard from the Air and will be heavily trained to drive Air Transport Fastly and Professionaly . They would be trained in different Phases So they can control it in any situation and give the best air support to all organizations.
2. Human Resource and Training (HRT) - This Department would be keeping the Track of Arms and ammunations of all organizations and check that How much Arms and ammunation we are supplying to them to make sure that no organization is stealing. This department would also be Recruiting and Training the person. This department would be keeping a truck full of Medics, Repair Kits and Fuel Canisters . They would Keep The track of all illegal Items that are found and consficated from the person.
3. Internal Affairs (IA) - This Department would keep the check of the recent Patrols and make the proper Weekly Schedule. They Would be issuing Strikes to the Person who is not following rules , unprofessional and doing things without High Command Permission etc.
4. Special Operation Force (SOF) - This Team would be heavily Trained and would be taking over all the special operation including patrols would have a Proper Sniper Team and Would be taking over the Special operations in Store robberies and Hostage Situations . They would be given Training for Every thing .
5. Military Police (MP) - These Will be protecting the base taking the frontier in Every Event and would be doing negotiations in Hostage Situations as well as Store Robberies and in military base robbery they would be fully covering alarms and generators and cover The Gates
his would be the rank System of the organisation when I would be leading
1. General ( The Main Leader of the organization - Myself )
2. Lt. General ( Deputy )
3. Chief of staff ( This Would be the taking over the Charges and would be keeping the track of all departments )
4. Colonel ( These would be the Head of Departments )
5. Major
6. Captain
High commands 👆
National Guards 👇
7. First lieutenant
8. Second lieutenant
9. Lieutenant first Class
10. Sergeant major
11. Sergeant 5
12. Sergeant 4
13. Sergeant 3
14. Sergeant 2
15. Sergeant 1
16. Sergeant first class
17. Specialist 3
18. Specialist 2
19. Specialist 1
20. specialist First class
21. Private Major
22. Private 3
23. Private 2
24. Private 1
25. Soldier First Class
26. Soldier Second class
27. Soldier
28. Trainee Phase 1
29. On Leave / Loa
30. Suspended

All The Decisions Would be Taken by the High Commands they would having power to do everything (Except Captains And Majors)

My Previous Experiences -
1. National Guard Colonel
2. National Guard Major
3. Federal Investigation Bureau Black Ops Agent
4. Government Senior Staff
5. Emergency Medical Service Professor
30. Suspended

All The Decisions Would be Taken by the High Commands they would having power to do everything (Except Captains And Majors)

My Previous Experiences -
1. National Guard Colonel (High Command)
2. National Guard Major (High Command)
3. Federal Investigation Bureau Black Ops Agent (High Command)
4. Government Senior Staff
5. Emergency Medical Service Professor (High Command)
6. Emergency Medical Service Air Rescue Officer (High Command)
7. Ballas Grafitti worker
8. The Families Warlord (High Command)
Worked with him knows NG wery well


Dec 9, 2021
1. Your name IRL: Jack
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: GMT+0
4. Average online per day: 4-8hours
5. Your Discord: Darkness26#4847
6. Your Nickname: Jack
7. Your ID: 2387

Applying for Leader of National Guard

2) Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1) National Guard is a very interesting Organisation in the sense that all the other Organisations in the city depend greatly on the existence and training of National Guard to be able to provide them with security and replenish their warehouses when needed.
2) Ive been in NG for a long time and know all the rules and know how to improve certain areas for it
3) I want to expand on the capabilities of National Guard as I feel a lot of people feel like NG is boring and not that interesting as other orgs

3) Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

I want to create a system where all orgs know what to do when raids happen for example where to go and stuff so for example NG would be at alarms whilst the other orgs are in different places in the base killing gang members

Following that, NG is allowed to patrol in sandy we can also check for illegal items at the airport as many people get away with it.
so another division could be made
Head of SDA
solider of the SDA
Trainee of the SDA
Last edited:

Alfie Lander

Alfie Landa | Ex NG General
Jul 6, 2022
1. Your name IRL : Alfie Lander
2. Your age : 16
3. Time zone : GMT
4. Average online per day : 8 Hours +
5. Your Discord : AlfLan#1734
6. your Nickname : Alfie Lander
7. Your ID : 36948

Additional information

1. Leader of the National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

I would love to be the leader of the National Guard as I have been in NG for 6 months in EN2, I saw great leaders and how they leader NG, I was LT General in EN2 and became LT general in EN3 under Abdul, I have been a HC in every org and NG is by far the best, I love this org i have dedication, passion and the time for the organisation to work and spend time making it the most powerful it can be. I have been a Senator of State Congress within Government, Major of SWAT within LSPD, Deputy Chief of SWAT in SAHP and also Supervisor of department in FIB so i know all the other orgs i know how they operate and also how I can help them, and they can help me
When I first joined the city at age 5, I joined NG knowing nothing, this helped me learn all the OOC rules everything I know now is from then, and i want to help people become great soldiers and to show people their true potential and what they can be and achieve
I Have a lot of people who I know are the best soldiers and are prepared to dedicate time to the org and to help me, we are all passionate and I believe with their help NG would be on top.

3. Your advice for improving Roleplay level in the organization.

I would implement 2 individual tests, one of these a recruit would take after his training regarding OOC rules, IC rules and generally how to perform their basic duties with the upmost ability and would allow for 1 marginal error if you get more than 1 wrong your contract within the national guard would be terminated and you would be asked to leave, the other test I would have would be a HC test as from my experience I have seen a lot of HC that know nothing and are making way to many mistakes so i would make a test that they have to complete 1 single error and they will be demoted as HC are positions to be earned not be gifted you have to work and must know everything

I would make sure that each division is active as much as possible, to achieve this I would implement weekly tasks for divisions and division strikes where if they do not adhere to the minimum expectations, they would receive a strike 3 strikes they are gone, however in order to encourage departments into doing good I would implement a weekly bonus where the division that has performed and been the most active would receive a bonus of 300k or any appropriate amount depending on the org balance.
Regarding to divisions I would make sure that each division has the necessary equipment to work for example CRM I would make sure they always have enough pills, med kits etc. I would also make it so that at the end of each week a meeting would be held with myself my Deputys and the head of departments where they can request things from curators etc. so I can them report back to them.

From my personal experience within NG is people need to be encouraged to do things so I would implement a bonus scheme which is mainly aimed at the lower ranks like privates, specialist etc. where they will be rewarded for doing things
- Each hour on gates 5k
- Person interviewed - 2.5k
- Person Trained - 5k
- Events attended - 3k
- Stop a raid - 10k
- Fail to stop a raid - 5k
This would encourage privates and everyone to attend global and generally just do their duties as they are getting some good money for it

My departments -
These would be best of the best soldiers who have the best gun skills and would be our units that would attend all global and think how to deescalate the situation if that is negotiating or flanking the enemy, this would be the best divisions and the hardest to join, they would work side by side with the air force to improve their response time and also their parachute drops, extractions etc.

Air Force
This would be a division that sores through the sky and lives in the clouds, there main jobs are to provide transport to global and events and to also look out for future attacks and to relay the information to the marines.

Public Relations
This would be a new division implemented which would take control of making IC events for all citizens to play from races to Hide and seeks their main job would be to build NGs reputation with other orgs, they would also deal in complaints against NG or a soldier, they could have training programs, Induction programs to NG to try and get more soldiers to join

Internal Affairs
These would hand out strikes to officers who are doing something wrong and are also in control of the department strikes, they investigate corrupt soldiers and would build a case file against them, they would work side by side with public relations when someone has put in a complaint about a NG soldier

Recruitment Representative
This division would take charge on training and interviewing new recruits, they must train people very strictly and prepare them for NG, they would also review application and either accepted or deny them
Thank you for reading my application have a good day

Ronny Rich

Aug 21, 2021
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL Jayden
2. Your age 21
3. Time zone EST
4. Average online per day 5 to 10 hours
5. Your Discord Jayy420#7284
6. Your Nickname Ronny Rich
7. Your ID 8712
Additional information
1. Leader of... National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1st reason I want to be leader of National Guard is because I’ve been high command of some many legal organizations I feel like I could bring strong numbers and great leadership to national guard with the respect of the past leaders I feel like also sense learning so much about legal side I have been chief of fto chief of detective major of swat captain of swat DHOD of IA current HOD of IA former familes gang leader former deputy leader of bloods ballas vagos and marabunta i have knowledge of both side if given the chance I would have the most trained guards and very experienced high command I would also like to if given the chance at leadership i would like to train my guards at the fz shooting range to make sure my guards are the most trained that they possibly can be if given the opportunity I wouldn’t let you guys down I would be able to bring strong numbers I feel because I have had a lot of people that wanted me to apply for leadership again because they really liked my familes gang leadership I would really love to work alongside you guys thanks for your time!

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization. My advice for improving roleplay is to train properly with going threw with the right procedure and protocols to make sure at all time to have the best people possible within the organization make sure to always have active numbers guarding the gates at all time doing more recruitment drives making sure we have people also responding to store Robbery’s when they happen and making sure they are doing everything correctly.

Axo Carter

Always Respect Everyone & Follow Every Rules
Jul 2, 2022
1. Your name IRL
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1.Your name IRL: Subhajit Mal
2. Your age: 21
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 8 - 10 hours
5. Your Discord: AxoFear#7900
6. Your Nickname: Axofear Badmash
7. Your ID: 12377

Additional information

1. Leader of National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

i ) Also I want the leadership cause from the starting I was in gangs for a long time ( leader of marabunta & ballas before ) there for I know how gangs works, how they deal with situation so through this experience I can protect our base from gangs , I can understand what their next step will be it will be so easy to the us .

ii ) I will make sure that we provide Ammo runs to all other Legal orgs when they need without any issue, i will change the application to join the NG i will make it more difficult so only good people who knows all rules can join NG only it will make NG lot of good. we will make new dress code for the Departments which will be made by the Head of that department.

iii ) I want to be the leader of national guard to stop the crime happening in the city and to keep the city crime free as the leader of the national guard i will keep the ammunition of our base safe , citizens to be safe and want to ensure the best image of national guard in the eyes of the citizens

iv ) The National Guard Suffers from Guards Scarcity, I will try to Do more and More Open Recruitment Drive and will make the Human Resource Department Active so that they check more and more applications in a regular manner so that this problem never every occurs in my term

v ) If I were to become a leader, I intend to often organize recruitments and other global events in collaboration with other organizations in order to have a more direct interaction with all citizens, thus creating entertainment that entertains both us organizations and civilians.

3. My Advice Improving Roleplay Level

( I ) I will Divide the National Guard further into Sub departments:-

i ) Combat Medic - This Department is for Filling Up our Medic Cars with Fuel canisters , Repair Kit , Med kits and Disease Pills
ii ) Special Military Police - This is the main Military that will be trained specially and would be allowed to carry heavy weapons and to serve the nation they will be specially trained for doing special operations
iii ) Internal Affairs - This department would be Keeping the Check of Every Person and will be alloting Strikes with the Strict Strike and Code of Conduct System. They will have direct coordination With the Other Organizations
iv ) Human Resource and Training - This Department would be Training and keeping Track of ammunations of other departments and would be keeping all data of Patrols, Military Base Robbery, Store Robberies And any even Held .
v) Air Force - This department would serve the National Guard with the help of Helis and will make sure that they have full training of it . They will be allowed to drive every heli and will be given training by their head of Air Force

( II ) For more activity I will make a Bonus System :-
We should give Bonus at least 2 times and rank up every week to appreciate National Guards for their works and efforts they did towards their Organization to boost them and to increase their morale.

1. Military Base Raid - 10k
2. Store Robbery - 5k
3. Ammo Run - 5K
4. Bank Robbery Protection - 15k
5. Any Event Attended - 5k

Motivate New comers : -
Placing one HR and High command on gates with new recruits for their motivation and and giving max bonuses with some good combat training with SASD and other ORGs for their enjoyment and in this way we can improve the RP at base

New Rank System (HR & HIGH Command)

1. General ( My self )
2. Lt. General ( deputy )
3. Chief of staff
4. Colonel
5. Major
6. Captain
High commands

7. First lieutenant
8. Second lieutenant
9. Lieutenant first Class
10. Sergeant major
11. Sergeant Master
12. Gunnery Sergeant
13. Sergeant 3
14. Sergeant 2
15. Sergeant 1
16. Sergeant first class
17. Specialist 3
18. Specialist 2
19. Specialist 1
20. specialist First class
21. Private Major
22. Private 3
23. Private 2
24. Private 1
25. Master Corporal
26. Senior Corporal
27. Corporal
28. Trainee
29. On Leave / Loa
30. Suspended

Kevin Wesker

Oct 16, 2022
1.Your name IRL: Subhajit Mal
2. Your age: 21
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 8 - 10 hours
5. Your Discord: AxoFear#7900
6. Your Nickname: Axofear Badmash
7. Your ID: 12377

Additional information
1. Leader of National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

i ) Also I want the leadership cause from the starting I was in gangs for a long time ( leader of marabunta & ballas before ) there for I know how gangs works, how they deal with situation so through this experience I can protect our base from gangs , I can understand what their next step will be it will be so easy to the us .

ii ) I will make sure that we provide Ammo runs to all other Legal orgs when they need without any issue, i will change the application to join the NG i will make it more difficult so only good people who knows all rules can join NG only it will make NG lot of good. we will make new dress code for the Departments which will be made by the Head of that department.

iii ) I want to be the leader of national guard to stop the crime happening in the city and to keep the city crime free as the leader of the national guard i will keep the ammunition of our base safe , citizens to be safe and want to ensure the best image of national guard in the eyes of the citizens

iv ) The National Guard Suffers from Guards Scarcity, I will try to Do more and More Open Recruitment Drive and will make the Human Resource Department Active so that they check more and more applications in a regular manner so that this problem never every occurs in my term

v ) If I were to become a leader, I intend to often organize recruitments and other global events in collaboration with other organizations in order to have a more direct interaction with all citizens, thus creating entertainment that entertains both us organizations and civilians.

3. My Advice Improving Roleplay Level

( I ) I will Divide the National Guard further into Sub departments:-

i ) Combat Medic - This Department is for Filling Up our Medic Cars with Fuel canisters , Repair Kit , Med kits and Disease Pills
ii ) Special Military Police - This is the main Military that will be trained specially and would be allowed to carry heavy weapons and to serve the nation they will be specially trained for doing special operations
iii ) Internal Affairs - This department would be Keeping the Check of Every Person and will be alloting Strikes with the Strict Strike and Code of Conduct System. They will have direct coordination With the Other Organizations
iv ) Human Resource and Training - This Department would be Training and keeping Track of ammunations of other departments and would be keeping all data of Patrols, Military Base Robbery, Store Robberies And any even Held .
v) Air Force - This department would serve the National Guard with the help of Helis and will make sure that they have full training of it . They will be allowed to drive every heli and will be given training by their head of Air Force

( II ) For more activity I will make a Bonus System :-
We should give Bonus at least 2 times and rank up every week to appreciate National Guards for their works and efforts they did towards their Organization to boost them and to increase their morale.

1. Military Base Raid - 10k
2. Store Robbery - 5k
3. Ammo Run - 5K
4. Bank Robbery Protection - 15k
5. Any Event Attended - 5k

Motivate New comers : -
Placing one HR and High command on gates with new recruits for their motivation and and giving max bonuses with some good combat training with SASD and other ORGs for their enjoyment and in this way we can improve the RP at base

New Rank System (HR & HIGH Command)

1. General ( My self )
2. Lt. General ( deputy )
3. Chief of staff
4. Colonel
5. Major
6. Captain
High commands

7. First lieutenant
8. Second lieutenant
9. Lieutenant first Class
10. Sergeant major
11. Sergeant Master
12. Gunnery Sergeant
13. Sergeant 3
14. Sergeant 2
15. Sergeant 1
16. Sergeant first class
17. Specialist 3
18. Specialist 2
19. Specialist 1
20. specialist First class
21. Private Major
22. Private 3
23. Private 2
24. Private 1
25. Master Corporal
26. Senior Corporal
27. Corporal
28. Trainee
29. On Leave / Loa
30. Suspende

1.Your name IRL: Subhajit Mal
2. Your age: 21
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 8 - 10 hours
5. Your Discord: AxoFear#7900
6. Your Nickname: Axofear Badmash
7. Your ID: 12377

Additional information
1. Leader of National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

i ) Also I want the leadership cause from the starting I was in gangs for a long time ( leader of marabunta & ballas before ) there for I know how gangs works, how they deal with situation so through this experience I can protect our base from gangs , I can understand what their next step will be it will be so easy to the us .

ii ) I will make sure that we provide Ammo runs to all other Legal orgs when they need without any issue, i will change the application to join the NG i will make it more difficult so only good people who knows all rules can join NG only it will make NG lot of good. we will make new dress code for the Departments which will be made by the Head of that department.

iii ) I want to be the leader of national guard to stop the crime happening in the city and to keep the city crime free as the leader of the national guard i will keep the ammunition of our base safe , citizens to be safe and want to ensure the best image of national guard in the eyes of the citizens

iv ) The National Guard Suffers from Guards Scarcity, I will try to Do more and More Open Recruitment Drive and will make the Human Resource Department Active so that they check more and more applications in a regular manner so that this problem never every occurs in my term

v ) If I were to become a leader, I intend to often organize recruitments and other global events in collaboration with other organizations in order to have a more direct interaction with all citizens, thus creating entertainment that entertains both us organizations and civilians.

3. My Advice Improving Roleplay Level

( I ) I will Divide the National Guard further into Sub departments:-

i ) Combat Medic - This Department is for Filling Up our Medic Cars with Fuel canisters , Repair Kit , Med kits and Disease Pills
ii ) Special Military Police - This is the main Military that will be trained specially and would be allowed to carry heavy weapons and to serve the nation they will be specially trained for doing special operations
iii ) Internal Affairs - This department would be Keeping the Check of Every Person and will be alloting Strikes with the Strict Strike and Code of Conduct System. They will have direct coordination With the Other Organizations
iv ) Human Resource and Training - This Department would be Training and keeping Track of ammunations of other departments and would be keeping all data of Patrols, Military Base Robbery, Store Robberies And any even Held .
v) Air Force - This department would serve the National Guard with the help of Helis and will make sure that they have full training of it . They will be allowed to drive every heli and will be given training by their head of Air Force

( II ) For more activity I will make a Bonus System :-
We should give Bonus at least 2 times and rank up every week to appreciate National Guards for their works and efforts they did towards their Organization to boost them and to increase their morale.

1. Military Base Raid - 10k
2. Store Robbery - 5k
3. Ammo Run - 5K
4. Bank Robbery Protection - 15k
5. Any Event Attended - 5k

Motivate New comers : -
Placing one HR and High command on gates with new recruits for their motivation and and giving max bonuses with some good combat training with SASD and other ORGs for their enjoyment and in this way we can improve the RP at base

New Rank System (HR & HIGH Command)

1. General ( My self )
2. Lt. General ( deputy )
3. Chief of staff
4. Colonel
5. Major
6. Captain
High commands

7. First lieutenant
8. Second lieutenant
9. Lieutenant first Class
10. Sergeant major
11. Sergeant Master
12. Gunnery Sergeant
13. Sergeant 3
14. Sergeant 2
15. Sergeant 1
16. Sergeant first class
17. Specialist 3
18. Specialist 2
19. Specialist 1
20. specialist First class
21. Private Major
22. Private 3
23. Private 2
24. Private 1
25. Master Corporal
26. Senior Corporal
27. Corporal
28. Trainee
29. On Leave / Loa
30. Suspended
he is very experienced we should give him leadership if we not we are losing a gem

Punar Badmash

Ex-Marabunta Leader
Oct 26, 2022
1.Your name IRL: Subhajit Mal
2. Your age: 21
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 8 - 10 hours
5. Your Discord: AxoFear#7900
6. Your Nickname: Axofear Badmash
7. Your ID: 12377

Additional information
1. Leader of National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

i ) Also I want the leadership cause from the starting I was in gangs for a long time ( leader of marabunta & ballas before ) there for I know how gangs works, how they deal with situation so through this experience I can protect our base from gangs , I can understand what their next step will be it will be so easy to the us .

ii ) I will make sure that we provide Ammo runs to all other Legal orgs when they need without any issue, i will change the application to join the NG i will make it more difficult so only good people who knows all rules can join NG only it will make NG lot of good. we will make new dress code for the Departments which will be made by the Head of that department.

iii ) I want to be the leader of national guard to stop the crime happening in the city and to keep the city crime free as the leader of the national guard i will keep the ammunition of our base safe , citizens to be safe and want to ensure the best image of national guard in the eyes of the citizens

iv ) The National Guard Suffers from Guards Scarcity, I will try to Do more and More Open Recruitment Drive and will make the Human Resource Department Active so that they check more and more applications in a regular manner so that this problem never every occurs in my term

v ) If I were to become a leader, I intend to often organize recruitments and other global events in collaboration with other organizations in order to have a more direct interaction with all citizens, thus creating entertainment that entertains both us organizations and civilians.

3. My Advice Improving Roleplay Level

( I ) I will Divide the National Guard further into Sub departments:-

i ) Combat Medic - This Department is for Filling Up our Medic Cars with Fuel canisters , Repair Kit , Med kits and Disease Pills
ii ) Special Military Police - This is the main Military that will be trained specially and would be allowed to carry heavy weapons and to serve the nation they will be specially trained for doing special operations
iii ) Internal Affairs - This department would be Keeping the Check of Every Person and will be alloting Strikes with the Strict Strike and Code of Conduct System. They will have direct coordination With the Other Organizations
iv ) Human Resource and Training - This Department would be Training and keeping Track of ammunations of other departments and would be keeping all data of Patrols, Military Base Robbery, Store Robberies And any even Held .
v) Air Force - This department would serve the National Guard with the help of Helis and will make sure that they have full training of it . They will be allowed to drive every heli and will be given training by their head of Air Force

( II ) For more activity I will make a Bonus System :-
We should give Bonus at least 2 times and rank up every week to appreciate National Guards for their works and efforts they did towards their Organization to boost them and to increase their morale.

1. Military Base Raid - 10k
2. Store Robbery - 5k
3. Ammo Run - 5K
4. Bank Robbery Protection - 15k
5. Any Event Attended - 5k

Motivate New comers : -
Placing one HR and High command on gates with new recruits for their motivation and and giving max bonuses with some good combat training with SASD and other ORGs for their enjoyment and in this way we can improve the RP at base

New Rank System (HR & HIGH Command)

1. General ( My self )
2. Lt. General ( deputy )
3. Chief of staff
4. Colonel
5. Major
6. Captain
High commands

7. First lieutenant
8. Second lieutenant
9. Lieutenant first Class
10. Sergeant major
11. Sergeant Master
12. Gunnery Sergeant
13. Sergeant 3
14. Sergeant 2
15. Sergeant 1
16. Sergeant first class
17. Specialist 3
18. Specialist 2
19. Specialist 1
20. specialist First class
21. Private Major
22. Private 3
23. Private 2
24. Private 1
25. Master Corporal
26. Senior Corporal
27. Corporal
28. Trainee
29. On Leave / Loa
30. Suspended
This guy must get a opportunity to be ng leader

Majnu Pluxury

Jun 28, 2022
1.Your name IRL: Subhajit Mal
2. Your age: 21
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 8 - 10 hours
5. Your Discord: AxoFear#7900
6. Your Nickname: Axofear Badmash
7. Your ID: 12377

Additional information
1. Leader of National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

i ) Also I want the leadership cause from the starting I was in gangs for a long time ( leader of marabunta & ballas before ) there for I know how gangs works, how they deal with situation so through this experience I can protect our base from gangs , I can understand what their next step will be it will be so easy to the us .

ii ) I will make sure that we provide Ammo runs to all other Legal orgs when they need without any issue, i will change the application to join the NG i will make it more difficult so only good people who knows all rules can join NG only it will make NG lot of good. we will make new dress code for the Departments which will be made by the Head of that department.

iii ) I want to be the leader of national guard to stop the crime happening in the city and to keep the city crime free as the leader of the national guard i will keep the ammunition of our base safe , citizens to be safe and want to ensure the best image of national guard in the eyes of the citizens

iv ) The National Guard Suffers from Guards Scarcity, I will try to Do more and More Open Recruitment Drive and will make the Human Resource Department Active so that they check more and more applications in a regular manner so that this problem never every occurs in my term

v ) If I were to become a leader, I intend to often organize recruitments and other global events in collaboration with other organizations in order to have a more direct interaction with all citizens, thus creating entertainment that entertains both us organizations and civilians.

3. My Advice Improving Roleplay Level

( I ) I will Divide the National Guard further into Sub departments:-

i ) Combat Medic - This Department is for Filling Up our Medic Cars with Fuel canisters , Repair Kit , Med kits and Disease Pills
ii ) Special Military Police - This is the main Military that will be trained specially and would be allowed to carry heavy weapons and to serve the nation they will be specially trained for doing special operations
iii ) Internal Affairs - This department would be Keeping the Check of Every Person and will be alloting Strikes with the Strict Strike and Code of Conduct System. They will have direct coordination With the Other Organizations
iv ) Human Resource and Training - This Department would be Training and keeping Track of ammunations of other departments and would be keeping all data of Patrols, Military Base Robbery, Store Robberies And any even Held .
v) Air Force - This department would serve the National Guard with the help of Helis and will make sure that they have full training of it . They will be allowed to drive every heli and will be given training by their head of Air Force

( II ) For more activity I will make a Bonus System :-
We should give Bonus at least 2 times and rank up every week to appreciate National Guards for their works and efforts they did towards their Organization to boost them and to increase their morale.

1. Military Base Raid - 10k
2. Store Robbery - 5k
3. Ammo Run - 5K
4. Bank Robbery Protection - 15k
5. Any Event Attended - 5k

Motivate New comers : -
Placing one HR and High command on gates with new recruits for their motivation and and giving max bonuses with some good combat training with SASD and other ORGs for their enjoyment and in this way we can improve the RP at base

New Rank System (HR & HIGH Command)

1. General ( My self )
2. Lt. General ( deputy )
3. Chief of staff
4. Colonel
5. Major
6. Captain
High commands

7. First lieutenant
8. Second lieutenant
9. Lieutenant first Class
10. Sergeant major
11. Sergeant Master
12. Gunnery Sergeant
13. Sergeant 3
14. Sergeant 2
15. Sergeant 1
16. Sergeant first class
17. Specialist 3
18. Specialist 2
19. Specialist 1
20. specialist First class
21. Private Major
22. Private 3
23. Private 2
24. Private 1
25. Master Corporal
26. Senior Corporal
27. Corporal
28. Trainee
29. On Leave / Loa
30. Suspended
this man is very old and experienced in the city i work with him in ballas(when he was leader) and families gang. he also have high rank in gang. so i think you have to give him one chance in legal too. he will never disappoint you i assure you.
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