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IMPORTANT Applications for National Guard

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Deputy Of Tzariars
Aug 18, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Shohag

2. Your age IRL: 24


4. Average online per day: 8 Hours

5.. Your Discord : shohag01

6. Your Nickname : MARKY TZARIAR

7. Your ID : 113465

Additional information

1. Leader of National Guard (NG)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I would like to lead National Guard for this reasons

(I) In English city 2, I was Assistant General in Army National Guard. I served in the NG for nearly 3 terms. In this term I learn lot of things and i have fully experienced these term. I saw NG gates being vulnerable to gang threats. Also, I saw that there's a lot of gaps between low rank to high rank officers. My duty as NG Leader is to fix all these problems and let NG units have best RP game play. I also have experience as HC in SAHP, DHOHD in LSPD which is right now and HC in other orgs like, in my twin I was DHOD in FIB, DOC WARDEN in GOV and in EMS as Jr. Doctor. I have become a Deputy of an active family, you can say I'm managing a family while experiencing Leo as HC I have a quite good management experience because of my management skill. I want to use these stills experience as a leader.

(II) I have many new ideas and new thing / updates to NG (It's not just text if I accepted to the interview I'll say some) and I'll start doing it according to Real army system. I will discuss them in the interview.

(III) To lead one of states org you have to do everything fair and seriously and I'll try my best to lets our units have fair, serious and funny RP game play with new events, rules, NG laws and new divisions. NG has been regarded as one of the best orgs in the past, because of this, it will create a good impression about in the mindset of the citizen. My desire to govern National Guard is mostly motivated by my interest to participate in fantastic role-playing games, have fun following the rules with my friends, and expand our city's community.

3. Your advices for improving Role Play level in organization:

My advice's for improving Roleplay level in organization:

My advice for improving Roleplay level-

(I) Making the members skilled when they join. Hosting special training sessions.
(ii) Making plans before attending every event and discuss with high command.
(iii) Keep the org alive and protect the base.
(iv) Attend all events with other LEOs.
(v) give bonuses to everyone to be more active.
(vi) some secret tasks if they do properly, they will get bonuses for that

#Bonus System

Gate Keeping -10k (Per Hour)
FZ and Gang Raid - 10k (Per Raid)
Bank Robbery -10k
Store Robbery -15k
Ammo Run - 8k (Per Truck Delivered)
Aircraft Carrier -15k
Good Training (ISSB)- 20k
Officer of the week- 50k

#Punishment system:
Verbal 1 - warning
Strike 1 - Demotion
Strike 2 - Suspend + retrain
Strike 3 - Honorary Discharge from the ORG


Military Police: The division that takes control of Areas of NG base. tow unwanted vehicles and will do the work of handover the 10-15 to DOC. And Fight against internal corruption of NG and weekly background and license check of officers.

Air Force: One of the finest Division Of the NG, which does Air Patrol to gather intel around and outside the military base. They provide air support in special operations and transport soldiers to their designated area of operation

Rapid Action Battalion (RAB): The front liner, they are the first one to push every fight they are highly skilled in marksman and very skilled in be able to communicate during situations. They generally accompany the NG leader on missions outside base. Gather Intel and do covert operations approved by leader.

Inter Service Selection Board (ISSB): Train all the new recruits basically the heart of NG they will lead training simulations and seminars.

in the last the only thing I want is let National Guard strongest org because national guard must be always ready, always there in sky on water, on ground every time ready!

New ranking system:

1. Suspended

2. Tranee

3. Soldier

4. Specialist

5. Lance Corporal

6. Corporal

7. Sergeant 1

8. Sergeant 2

9. Sergeant 3

10. Staff Sergeant

--------NCO's [Non-Commissioned officers] -------

11. Field Officer 1

12. Field Officer 2

13. Senior Sergeant

14. Master Sergeant

15. Warrant officer 1

16. Warrant officer 2

----------Junior commissioned officers---------

17. Senior Warrant officer

18. Master Warrant Officer

19. Chief Warrant Officer

20. 2nd Lieutenant

21 1st Lieutenant

22. Captain

----------High Command---------

23 . Major

24. Lieutenant Colonel

25. Colonel [ Head of the Dept ]

26. Chief of Staff [ Curator of Dept ]

27. Brigadier General

28. Major General [ Under deputy / 3rd Command]

29. Lieutenant General [Deputy]

30. General [Myself]

Long Live NG !!!!!!!
Thanks for reading my application.

-Marky Tzariar

Jaat Aadhar

May 18, 2024
1. Your name IRL
2. Your IRL age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL = Jaat Aadhar
2. Your age (IRL) = 19
3. Time zone = Indian Standard Time
4. Average online per day = 6 hrs
5. Your Discord = aadhar21
6. Your Nickname = Aadhar
7. Your ID = 148507

Note :- I really Feel My Self that I will be a good leader and lead my ORG to another Level AND I also work as a NG High Command and I have a good experience in NG As High Command So I think I will be Good Leader Of NG .

1. Leader of... NG
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1) Leadership: As a leader, I bring a forward-thinking to this organization. I am driven to guide its direction towards innovation and growth. With my strategic Power, I aim to make the organization to new heights of success and impact.

2) Passion : My passion towards the mission and values of this organization runs deep. I believe that assuming a leadership role will enable me to drive positive change more effectively. By channeling my passion into action, I aim to inspire others and rally them behind our common purpose.

3) Empowering Others: I am dedicated to culture of empowerment and collaboration within the organization. As a leader, I prioritize the development and well-being of my team members, empowering them to unleash their full potential. By cultivating a supportive environment where everyone feels valued and heard, I believe we can achieve remarkable results together.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. By Create an immersive environment by providing costumes, and setting the scene to make role-play more realistic and engaging.

2. As the Grand RP National Leader, actively participate in role-play sessions and demonstrate enthusiasm to inspire others to get involved.

3. Recognize outstanding performances and contributions to role-play sessions through rewards or acknowledgment ceremonies to motivate participants.

Thanks For Giving Your Time .

Louis Perfect

Am I really the best IA Chief?
Jun 3, 2024
1. Your name IRL
2. Your IRL age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Amit Raj
2. 24
3. GMT+5:30
4. 2-3 Hours
5. louis_perfect
6. Louis Perfect
7. 89883
1. Leader of National Guard [ 💂‍♂️ ]
2. First reason is to improve the quality of National Guard project. A lot of civilians of the city are doubtful that there is nothing to do in NG. But, they are not aware about the exciting & and amazing part of National Guard. I am going to revolutionalize the NG`s working condition by hiring good HR officers, good Deputies, good High Commands. I will make an attraction for everyone towards National Guard and will work on this project to make this organization equally interested as others are. I have been Major General (Chief of Staff) in National Guard once and there I saw the poor working of NG by their leaders. But, as its my term, I will work on this.

Second reason is that I want to introduce new departments that are going to add to the good working of National Guard. The departments will include: 1) Cyber Command (work will be to conduct internal enquiries and maintain working in NG). 2) Human Reseources (work will be to take interviews, train new officers and clear off their doubts). 3) Aviation (The aviation department will focus upon rescuing officers of NG who have lost in some mission or so and to patrol Fort Zancudo via Helis and Jets). 4) Special Forces (work will be to react on the globals, store robbery and other events). With these new departments, NG will look enhancive and attractive to all citizens.

Third reason is that why I want to become leader of National Guard is that I have very good experience in all organizations. I am aware of all rules and regulations in the city so that I can work with proper RolePlay in National Guard. I will recruit officers with 3 Phase training (In Phase I, they will be given tour of National Guard, about NG, its location and all. In Phase II, they will be trained about rest of all things like how to react on globals, PDA and all. Also, they will be told how to hand over a 10-15 to some other Police Officer). I believe these small things will add to National Guard and will make this term of National Guard, the best term ever!

3. My advices to improve RolePlay level are that first of all, rank system should be replaced with a realistic one (given at the end) and better High Commands should be there. Better interview questions and at least 3 officers including 2 High Commands should take the interview and that too in the Recruiting office ICly so that proper RP can be maintained. Proper training & execution of officer must be there which is 100% going to be in my term. Proper bonus system, proper punishment system and proper charter should be there.

Rank System:

30. General
29. Lieutenant General
28. Major General (Chief of Staff)
27. Judge Advocate General
26. Brigadier General (HOD)
25. Colonel (DHOD)
24. Lieutenant Colonel
23. Major
22. Captain
21. Lieutenant
----------High Commands----------
20. Chief Warrant Officer III
19. Chief Warrant Officer II
18. Chief Warrant Officer I
17. Warrant Officer
16. Sergeant Major
15. Master Sergeant
14. Senior Sergeant
13. Junior Sergeant
12. Senior Corporal
11. Junior Corporal
10. Senior Specialist
09. Junior Specialist
08. Subedar III
07. Subedar II
06. Subedar I
05. Private First Class
04. Private
03. Trainee
02. LOA
01. Suspended

Punishment System:

Strike III (Dismissal from organization)
Strike II
Strike I



Nov 16, 2023
1. Your name IRL: enes

2. Your age IRL: 18

3. Time zone: GMT+03:00
4. Daily average online: 12 Hours

5.. Your Discord: 99enessss

6. Your Nickname: Enes Acimasizz

7. Your ID: 143814

Additional Information

1st National Guard Leader (NG)

2. Why do you want to be the leader of this particular organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

For these reasons, I would like to lead the National Guard

(I) Because I worked hard at NG, I know where and what to do. I am a person who is very familiar with NG rules. And I have a leadership instinct in my soul. I am sure that I will keep the city safe and that I will choose good warriors for myself. If I am elected, I am sure that I will make my term 100/100.

(II) As far as I have seen in the previous terms, there are missing people in the NG, some of them do not know English, some do not know the rules, there is no room for them in my term, I will promise myself that if the NG is mine, good soldiers will be with me, I will not hire low-level people, I will hire strong people, there will be a high-level defense in the NG.

(III) I will motivate my employees at NG very much and I will give them nice bonuses and gifts for the good work they do. I want there to be people I can trust at NG. Of course, it is important for them to trust me too. Bad people in the city will look for a place to escape when they hear the word (NG is coming here), I'm sure I will choose very good warriors for myself.

3. Your recommendations for improving the level of Role Playing in the organization:

My advice to improve the level of Role Playing in the organization:

My advice to improve Role Playing level-

(I) train my soldiers in the best conditions and motivate them
(ii) Planning before attending every event and explaining it to them well.
(iii) keeping soldiers alive and protecting the base.
(iv) Participate in all events with other LEOs.
(v) giving everyone bonuses to make them more active.
(vi) if they perform some secret missions properly, they will get bonus for the same

#Bonus System

Door Holding -13k (Per Hour)
FZ and Gang Raid - 13k (Per Raid)
Bank Robbery -15 thousand
Store Robbery -15 thousand
Ammo Rush - 12k (Per Truck Delivered)
Aircraft Carrier -15 thousand
Good Education (ISSB) – 20k
Officer of the week – 55 thousand

#Penal system:
Verbal 1 - warning
Attack 1 - Fall
Strike 2 - Suspend + retrain
Strike 3 - Honorary Dismissal from ORG


Military Police: The section that takes control of areas of the NG base. will tow unwanted vehicles and handle transferring 10-15 to DOC. And he will check NG's internal corruption and soldiers' licenses.

Air Force: It is one of the best Departments of NG that conducts Air Patrol to gather intelligence around and outside military bases. They provide air support in special operations and transport soldiers to designated operational areas.

Rapid Action Battalion (RAB): On the front lines, they are the first to push in every fight, are highly skilled at marksmanship, and are very skilled at communicating in situations. They often accompany the NG leader on off-base missions. Collect intelligence and carry out secret operations approved by the leader, and I will give these people great training.

Inter Service Selection Board (ISSB): They will basically train all new recruits as the heart of NG, they will lead training simulations and seminars, I will specifically select a person who will explain to them everything they do not know, one by one.

Finally, the only thing I want is to allow the strongest organization of the National Guard, because the national guard should always be ready, and they should do the work themselves, without needing anyone else.
New ranking system:

1. Suspended

2. Intern

3. Soldier

4. Expert

5. Corporal

6. Corporal

7. Sergeant 1

8. Sergeant 2

9. Sergeant 3

10. Staff Sergeant

-------- Petty Officers [NCOs] -------

11. Field Officer 1

12. Field Officer 2

13. Staff Sergeant

14. Master Sergeant

15. Warrant officer 1

16. Warrant officer 2

---------- Junior officers-----------

17. Senior warrant officer

18. Master Warrant Officer

19. Chief Warrant Officer

20. 2nd Lieutenant

21 1st Lieutenant

22. Captain

----------High Command ---------

23rd commander

24. Lieutenant Colonel

25. Colonel [Head of Department]

26th Chief of General Staff [Department Curator]

27th Brigadier General

28th Major General [Deputy / 3rd Command]

29. Lieutenant General [Member of Parliament]

30. General [Myself]
𝐈'𝐦 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠


Jhony Davids

State Curator
Apr 13, 2022
Applications for NG Leader are now CLOSED

The following players have been selected for NG Leader interview today (Wednesday 5th of June) at 17:30 Server Time

99enessss - Enes Acimasizz - 143814
louis_perfect - Louis Perfect - 89883

Aayush Pluxury

May 24, 2024
1. Your name IRL- Aayush
2. Your IRL age- 18
3. Time zone- GMT +5:30
4. Average online per day- 4-8 hrs
5. Your Discord- aayushbhargav
6. Your Nickname- Aayush Pluxury
7. Your ID- 154707

Additional information
1. Leader of... National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I want to become the leader of this organisation because I am playing on this server from a very long time and gained a lot of experience in the city and have been played as an HC in every legal organisation. Through my experience and time spent in the orgs I came to know that NG is the most important org for every org to run as NG provides them ammunition to whole organisation which is the most important. NG is the backbone of the whole city which server the city very well. I think i am able to handle the organisation very well as a leader and will try my best to handle it.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
I) Better and skilled HCs.
ii) Daily bonuses .
iii) Regular training and shooting sessions
iv) Active Employees.

Thankyou for reviewing my application.
Solid Regards,
Aayush Pluxury.​

Federal Mayank

Business Mafia
Mar 3, 2024

1. Your Name IRL:
2. Your Age: 18
3. Timezone: GMT +5:30
4. Average Online Per Day: 5-6 Hours
5. Your Discord: mayankfed
6. Your Nickname: Mayank Federal
7. Your ID: 117476

Additional Information
1. Leader of...

Ans- National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1) I want to become the leader of National Guard because of my experience in this organisation. I have been in this org for so long and gained alot of experience in this specific organisation and now i think its time for me to lead the National Guard and show this city the Real Power of National Guard.

2) I have been in NG for a long time and i know how NG works and functions so it will be easy for me to work and handle the organisation. I will effectively engage with the soldiers and maintain a good relationship with other Orgs leaders. There will be no such news in the city about NG not being active or being toxic with other state organisations. There will be a Military Police department who will look into the behaviour of Soldiers.

3) I will fix the departments in National Guard by only making 4 Major departments and that will be AIRFORCE, NSG Commandos, Military Police and Infantry. The work of Airforce will be to Patrol the base by flying and giving pickup or proividing assistance to NSG commandos and Soldiers. NSG Commandos will be led by a NSG Handler who will be experienced in combat training and knows what he/she is doing. NSG Commandos will be the elite members of NG and NSG Handler will directly report to the General. Military Police will take the 10-15s to the DOC and check if any corruption is going on in NG or not. Infantry department will be led by a Infantry Head who have experience of NG and this department will directly report to the Lt. Generals.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1-) I will introduce a new department which will be National Security Guards (NSG Commandos). In Total we will have 4 Departments: INFANTRY | MILITARY POLICE | AIRFORCE | NSG COMMANDOS. The New Department NSG will be the elite department in NG and will get access to almost everything and will help other Organisation whenever they are in need.
2-) By making real life scenarios and doing NG RP by discussing it with the curators.
3-) Organising Public Events hosted by NG
4-) Giving Combat Training Once in a week to every Org in the NG Base
5-) Hiring a Good and Experienced Lawyer as a JAG to help us in every Legal Situation.


Verbal I
Verbal II
Strike I
Strike II
Strike III + Suspension


30. General
29. LT. General
28. Assistant General
27. Chief of Staff
26. NSG Handler
25. Judge Advocate General
24. Major General (Head of Department)
23. Brigadier General (Deputy Head of Department)
22. NSG Commando
21. Colonel
20. Lt. Colonel


19. Major
18. Commanding Major
17. First Sergeant
16. Master Sergeant III
15. Master Sergeant II
14. Master Sergeant I
13. Second Sergeant
12. General's Elite Staff
11. Corporal First Class
10. Corporal Second Class
9. Specialist
8. Private II
7. Private I
6. Recruit II
5. Recruit I
4. General's Staff
3. Trainee II
2. Trainee I
1. Suspended

Thank You!
Mayank Federal

Malik Rich

Feb 28, 2023

1. Your name IRL:
Malik Nouman
2. Your age: 22
3. Time zone: UTC+5
4. Average online per day: 6to7 Hours
5. Your Discord: .nomi786
6. Your Nickname: Malik Rich
7. Your ID: 68429
Additional information
1. Leader of...
want to become the Leader of the National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
Answer: 1)
I want to become the leader of NG because I have a good experience in NG I was a Ex: General and Major General in previous6xterm in NG and COS 1xterm. I learned a lot of good and bad things in NG if I become the leader of NG I will try to fix all the problem of NG
2) NG is one of the most important organziation to protect the city and help other departments like LSPD, FIB & SAHP by providing backup. I have been in NG for 7 Terms serving the state and learning about the state myself and I think I am ready to become the leader of NG and bring some good changes.
3) If i am given an opportunity to lead the National Guard I will ensure that the activity is not only at a all time high but also the comrades are treated efficiently and the standards of the RolePlay are one of the best the city has ever seen. Along with this the one thing that is always paid attention to is the fact that bias and favoritism will never be practiced or promoted, not under my watch.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in an organization.

I Make sure that all Department work properly and Also that there is no nepotism in every department I also work on laws and hired the best Human resources that train soldiers perfectly and give a lot of knowledge about the laws and regulations of ng and also explain to them the authority and work of NG.
NG people need to be encouraged to do things so I would implement a bonus scheme that is mainly aimed at the lower ranks like privates, and specialists,s, etc. where they will be rewarded for doing things

Each hour on gates 8k
Fail to stop a raid - 10k
The person interviewed - 16k
Events attended - 20k
Person Trained - 30k

Department Management System:


In Department of treasury They calculate the bonuses of the soldiers in every week. Just 4 trusted people work in this department. This department calculate bonuses file and give to leader and leader check the file and pay the cash to Head of department and they give to soldiers.

Air Force
Airforce are highly trained pilots with good reflexes. they are the ones who transport soldiers to missions as well as with globals, they fly around the base after intruders and gangs. if I get the leadership I will make sure that we always have free polos ready for battle.

This is the Department of Special officer only High skilled shooters or professional global training will join this department when they pass 2 phases of training then they are accepted in this department phase 1 shooting training and phase 2 global training.

Military Police
These would hand out strikes to officers who are doing something wrong and are also in control of the department strikes, they investigate corrupt soldiers and would build a case file against them, and they would work side by side with public relations when someone has put in a complaint about an NG soldier

Human Resources
This department would take charge of training and interviewing new recruits they must train people properly and prepare them for NG they would also review applications and take a decision about accepted or rejected

This is the department that makes sure the soldier follows the rules and laws and this department also handles the court of ng and gives equal rights to everyone.

Combat Medic :
This is the Department of medical this department make sure that all soldier is well and gives a pill to these soldiers who need pills they also make sure that the soldier at the gates is with full health and check in every 20 to 30 min to gateskeepers health

Rank Management System:
=== General Officers ===

30) General
29) LT. General
28) Major General
=== Commissioned Officers ===
27) Brigadier
26) Colonel
25) Lt. Colonel
24) Commander
23) 1st Lieutenant
22) 2nd Lieutenant
=== Non-Commissioned Officers ===
21) Command Sergeant Major
20) Sergeant Major
19) 1st Sergeant
18) Master Gunnery Sergeant
17) Master Sergeant
16) Platoon Sergeant
15) Sergeant 1st Class
14) Gunnery Sergeant
13) Staff Sergeant
12) Sergeant
=== Enlisted Personnel ===
11) Corporal 1st Class
10) Corporal
9) Specialist II
8) Specialist I
7) Lance Corporal
6) Private 1st Class
5) Private IIl
4) Private ll
3) Private
2) Recruit
1) Suspended


Sushant Walker

Ex-Bloods Deputy and Undersheriff
Apr 21, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Sushant Sharma
2. Your age IRL: 20
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 6hrs-7hrs
5. Your Discord: sushant_sharma7700
6. Your Nickname: Sushant Walker
7. Your ID: 148621
1.Leader of

United States Army - GTA5-Mods.com

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1. I wanted to Become leader of NG as I spend a really good time in NG as a soldier and it was my first Legal organization in the city. I started from suspended to Commanding General and in this time I saw many situations which usually happen in NG and due to my great bond with 2 of the General they taught me how to handle NG as a leader and In the absence of leader I also handled and participated in various situations so I believed that I can handle NG as a General.

2. As a leader of NG I want to change the mindset of the citizen and gang members, Most of them think that NG is always inactive and do not respond to any situations like Global, store robbery, Aircraft carrier Etc. As the leader of NG I will make sure that all my units respond to every situations and protect the NG base 24/7 so we will all the FZ raid and make NG the best and the active organization of the city.

3. Basically, in national guard co-ordinations plays very crucial role in different scenarios either in global situation or doing Amno run, NG is one of the most strong and important legal organization of the city as without NG it will be very hard for legal organization to run as NG is the one who supply guns and ammos to the other orgs and every citizen hope that they can sleep at their house without any fear and it can be by making NG active and the strongest which I will try to do as a NG leader.

3.Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. To remove inactivity from NG I will hire soldiers of different Time zones
2. Will do promotion ceremony on Every Sunday and bonus will be give to all the hardworking soldiers
3. Regular training about how to handle situations.
4. I will ensure that every solider is being professional while on duty and being respectful to every one.

Strike System
Strike 1 - Warning
Strike 2 - Demotion
Strike 3 - Removed from the organization/ Retrain


1)Military Police (MP)
2)Air Force
4) Special Forces (SF)
5. Human Resource and Training (HRT)

My Experience
NG- Ex-Commanding General
Currently - Under Sheriff
Ex- Bloods Deputy

Thankyou for reading my application
- Best Regards Sushant Walker
Image result for army ng gta v
Last edited:

Andreas Tat

Aug 8, 2023
1. Your Name IRL: Martin
2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: GMT+2
4. Average online per day: 4-8 hours
5. Your Discord: martin183
6. Your Nickname: Andreas Tat
7. Your ID: 61534

Additional information
1. Leader of... National Guard.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1. Having worked extensively in NG I come with a good amount of experience. Moreover my time in a leadership role at NG has given me an insight into their day, to day workings.

2. My goal for the NG is to establish a work setting that's not pleasant but also captivating and making sure that each soldier feels appreciated.

3. I really want to building a community thats inclusive and respectful within the NG. My focus is on establishing a space where each person feels valued and supported.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. I plan to focus on good connections within the organization and making fun events by working together.

2. As a leader I will personally look over my entire department and ensure that all soldier follow the chain of command as its essential for our operations. I will invest significant time in selecting the right officers for specific roles, which will enhance roleplay and benefit the organization as a whole.

3. I will be hosting a bonus/promotion ceremony every week at sunday based on the soldier weekly performance.


Deputy Of Tzariars
Aug 18, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Shohag
2. Your age IRL: 18
3. Time zone: BANGLADESH STANDARD TIME ( UTC/GMT +6 hours)
4. Average online per day: 7 Hours
5.. Your Discord : shohag01
6. Your Nickname : Parisa Tzariar
7. Your ID : 112315

Additional information
1. Leader of National Guard (NG)

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I would like to lead National Guard for this reasons :

(I) In English city 2, I was Assistant General in Army National Guard. I served in the NG for nearly 3 terms. In this term I learn lot of things and i have fully experienced these term. I saw NG gates being vulnerable to gang threats. Also, I saw that there's a lot of gaps between low rank to high rank officers. My duty as NG Leader is to fix all these problems and let NG units have best RP game play. I also have experience as DHOD in FIB, DOC WARDEN in GOV and in EMS as Jr. Doctor which is right now, in my twin I was HC in SAHP, DHOD in LSPD. I have become a Deputy of an active family, you can say I'm managing a family while experiencing Leo as HC I have a quite good management experience because of my management skill. I want to use these stills experience as a leader.

(II) I have many new ideas and new thing / updates to NG (It's not just text if I accepted to the interview I'll say some) and I'll start doing it according to Real army system. I will discuss them in the interview.

(III) To lead one of states org you have to do everything fair and seriously and I'll try my best to lets our units have fair, serious and funny RP game play with new events, rules, NG laws and new divisions. NG has been regarded as one of the best orgs in the past, because of this, it will create a good impression about in the mindset of the citizen. My desire to govern National Guard is mostly motivated by my interest to participate in fantastic role-playing games, have fun following the rules with my friends, and expand our city's community.

3. Your advice for improving Role Play level in organization:
My advice's for improving Roleplay level in organization:

My advice for improving Roleplay level-

(I) Making the members skilled when they join. Hosting special training sessions.
(ii) Making plans before attending every event and discuss with high command.
(iii) Keep the org alive and protect the base.
(iv) Attend all events with other LEOs.
(v) give bonuses to everyone to be more active.
(vi) some secret tasks if they do properly, they will get bonuses for that

#Bonus System

Gate Keeping -10k (Per Hour)
FZ and Gang Raid - 10k (Per Raid)
Bank Robbery -10k
Store Robbery -15k
Ammo Run - 8k (Per Truck Delivered)
Aircraft Carrier -15k
Good Training (ISSB)- 20k
Officer of the week- 50k

#Punishment system:

Verbal 1 - warning
Strike 1 - Demotion
Strike 2 - Suspend + retrain
Strike 3 - Honorary Discharge from the ORG


Military Police: The division that takes control of Areas of NG base. tow unwanted vehicles and will do the work of handover the 10-15 to DOC. And Fight against internal corruption of NG and weekly background and license check of officers.

Air Force: One of the finest Division Of the NG, which does Air Patrol to gather intel around and outside the military base. They provide air support in special operations and transport soldiers to their designated area of operation

Rapid Action Battalion (RAB): The front liner, they are the first one to push every fight they are highly skilled in marksman and very skilled in be able to communicate during situations. They generally accompany the NG leader on missions outside base. Gather Intel and do covert operations approved by leader.

Inter Service Selection Board (ISSB): Train all the new recruits basically the heart of NG they will lead training simulations and seminars.

in the last the only thing I want is let National Guard strongest org because national guard must be always ready, always there in sky on water, on ground every time ready!

New ranking system:
1. Suspended
2. Tranee
3. Soldier
4. Specialist
5. Lance Corporal
6. Corporal
7. Sergeant 1
8. Sergeant 2
9. Sergeant 3
10. Staff Sergeant
--------NCO's [Non-Commissioned officers] -------
11. Field Officer 1
12. Field Officer 2
13. Senior Sergeant
14. Master Sergeant
15. Warrant officer 1
16. Warrant officer 2
----------Junior commissioned officers---------
17. Senior Warrant officer
18. Master Warrant Officer
19. Chief Warrant Officer
20. 2nd Lieutenant
21 1st Lieutenant
22. Captain
----------High Command---------
23 . Major
24. Lieutenant Colonel
25. Colonel [ Head of the Dept ]
26. Chief of Staff [ Curator of Dept ]
27. Judge Advocate General
28. Major General [ Under deputy / 3rd Command]
29. Lieutenant General [Deputy]
30. General [Myself]

Long Live NG !!!!!!!
Thanks for reading my application.

-Parisa Tzariar


Aug 19, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Rahib

2. Your age: 24

3. Time zone: GMT +6

4. Average online per day: 4-5hours

5. Your Discord: rahibtzariar

6. Your Nickname: Rahib Federal

7. Your ID: 105241

1. Leader of NG

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1) I want to lead the National Guard because I am sure That I will Make Ng Active.I Know how to Active a org. The affect come on National Guards and affect that how other organization looking on National Guard . If I be come the leader of National Guards then I will look at the training of all the solders. My goal is i have to make ng active and make sure that every member get proper training and they can enjoy ng

2) My aim is to create a rewarding and fun experiences for those who wants to see the difficult life of solders . I fell Grateful to have a good team in my term.I will Make a good bonus system for Solders cz As a ex Ng solder i know The Work is To hard And the bonus System is so bad

3) National Guards started my journey.My main focous is make a Good bonous system and make the hrt dep most active bcz every Org depend on Hr dep.
3. Some advice For the org

* i will create 4 departments in that there will M.P, S.O.F, H.R.T, A.F .

1) M.P this department will work for
1) Searching cars,
2) Searching people,
3) Give strike who are doing some mistake which can give affect on National Guard
4) Regular checking of Licences etc.

2) S.O.F this department will work for special operations which are conducted in city and helping other Organization during they required Reinforcement in city

H.R.T This dep will Give training and hire people for org

4) A.F this department work for to use Aircraft which will provided by NG
Thanks for reading my application
Best Regards

Rahib Federal


Ironic Uchiha

13 X Deputy, 6 X State, 7 X Gang
Jul 28, 2023
1. Your Name IRL: Abhishek Raj
2. Your IRL Age: 18
3. Time Zone: GMT+ 5:30
4. Average online per day: 7-8 hours
5. Your Discord: hitman.inc
6. Your Nickname: Ironic Uchiha
7. Your ID: 102914

Additional Information:

1. Leader of….. National Guard

2. Why do you want to be leader of this specific organisation? ( List three reasons with explanation)

1. Goals for NG

-> NG was the first org which I joined after stepping foot in national guard and had experiences which were once in a lifetime here! In my term I wish to create such an environment which welcomes all and promotes peace, compassion and brotherhood among all the units! I want my units to experience the beautiful stunning experiences of NG which I did so they can have an amazing time there!
Apart from these, I promise to solemnly do all the duties of NG regularly and promise not to disappoint my curators even once.

I would regularly provide candy runs and would have great participation from the Leo’s side on events! I would make sure to safeguard the base and protect it from hostiles , keep the gates guarded from 12 to 22. I also promise to set a good example as a leader for others!

2. Focus on RP
-> I will utilise my experience and increase rp as much as I can with the plans I got stored in my mind. I would teach all my units regularly how they can do the best rp and be at the top! I will not leave room for bad quality rp and whatever we would do would be top notch in terms of roleplay! I would create realistic departments to give plays the most realistic army experience which energises them and increases their will to do rp and improve! 🔥

3. My personal Experience

-> I have stepped foot in en2 only recently some days ago and already been a deputy of ballas once.
Apart from this I have a ton load of experience in EN3 which is worth mentioning as it is my key asset in running the term.
1 X lt General
1 X Deputy Chief of Police
4 X Undersheirff
2 X Vagos Deputy
2 X ballas deputy,
I fully understand the core and dep concept of rules and functioning of the game. I know some minor rules do vary in en2 from en3 but I have already known those and can easily nurture a term every leader in the future looks upon!

I will use my experience in being the best leader of NG in en2!

3. Your Advice for improving the roleplay level in organisaiton.

1. Clear Radio comms ( No unprofessionalism would shall be tolerated)
2. Regular RP based advanced training for all departments
3. Regular border patrol with other orgs to enchance roleplay.
4. Practice drills to teach rookies about how to handle different sorts of situations.
5. Having realistic ranks, divisions , punishments, bonuses and duties

Samad Shakespeare

Aug 20, 2023
1. Your Name IRL: Motasim
2. Your IRL Age: 16
3. Time Zone: GMT+ 5:30
4. Average online per day: 5-8 hours
5. Your Discord: jojo06326
6. Your Nickname: Lucifer Watson
7. Your ID: 122626

Additional Information

1. Leader of National Guard.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation).

Reason 1: I want to bring more professionalism to the role and run the NG more like a actual military where rank titles are used and the roleplay aspect is further explored so members more embody their characters, their roles and learn the elements of leadership, respect and dedication.

For example first names will only be allowed in Non-RP Chat or private one to one voice interactions.

Over the radio military protocol will be followed meaning ranks and surnames will be used exclusively with "Sir or Ma'am." being used in one to one interactions with a superior with said superior addressing lower ranks as "Mister."

Reason 2: I wish to restore the balance between having fun and being serious is clear cut unlike now where the two blend to the point mistakes happen because the base elements and boundaries haven't been established.

So with that in mind I intend to use the buddy system which will see more experienced members being assigned to assist new members with learning the rules and regulations rather than just saying "Here's a gun now go stand at the gate."

Doing this with allow for better utilisation of the NCO ranks aswell as help identify those who have the leadership qualities necessary to be Heads of Department and Field Commanders.

Reason 3: Two of previous leaders (Current Leader not being one) while being poles apart, have lacked the ability to fully unite every member of the org to where petty squabbles and disagreements cannot fully be sorted to where each person(s) feels like they have been listened to or fully understood to the point where while the outcome may not have always gone their way, the outcome has been one that they can atleast accept even if they don't fully agree with.

I feel I have the leadership skills to do that and would like the opportunity to try.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

The first way I would improve the RP level within the NG is by removing the notion that High Command are always right and that disagreeing with them is disrespectful like it has been in two of the previous terms (Current one exempt).

I also want any member of the NG to feel confident enough to make a suggestion without it being ignored because of their rank or newness to Grand RP in general meaning any previous experience from outside of Grand they have will be taken into account rather than dismissed.

Furthermore I would like all members of the NG to feel confident enough to use said previous experience to assist other members thus showing their leadership abilities.

Lastly I want to fully establish the difference between Command level and High Command Level and as such I intend to use the following rank structure.

=====High Command=====
The rule creators and decision makers.

General - Rank 30 the one in overall command of the National Guard.

Lt. General - Rank 29 the second in overall command sharing the day to day running of the National Guard.

Major General - Rank 28 acting as the curators of the various departments while taking overall command when necessary.

Brigadier - Rank 27 acting as the main go between the Officers and High Command aswell as leading the National Guard when those above are not available

Field Commanders, Department Heads and Deputies.

26. Colonel
25. Lt. Colonel
24. Major
23. Captain
22. 1st Lieutenant
21. 2nd Lieutenant

=====Warrant Officers=====
Jacks of all trades and future Officers.

20. Chief Warrant Officer 5
19. Chief Warrant Officer 4
18. Chief Warrant Officer 3
17. Chief Warrant Officer 2
16. Warrant Officer 1

======Non-Commissioned Officers======
Trainers and support staff.

15. Command Sergeant Major
14. Sergeant Major
13. First Sergeant
12. Master Sergeant
11. Sergeant First Class
10. Staff Sergeant
9. Sergeant
8. Corporal
7. Lance Corporal

The Rank and File of the National Guard.

6. Specialist
5. Private First Class
4. Private

3. Recruit
2. LOA
1. Suspended

The above rank structure shows a clear divide between the Generals/Brigadier and Officers which will make things easier when requests to speak to High Command are given so that those receiving said requests will know that the person making the request wishes to speak to one of the Generals rather than a Officer who would only be called if the General are busy.

I would also like to draw your attention to the inclusion of the Warrant Officer ranks which to my knowledge have not been used before and will give any Command level member of another Org a place with which they can be put in order to show that the reason they joined was genuine.

It will also show those below that leadership roles are taken seriously aswell as have a place to test any NCO's who express a interest in moving higher and have shown they have the skills and abilities to be a Officer.

Lastly the small number of Enlisted ranks will help to foster dedication to the NG and achieving a high rank is done through hard work and a willingness to go above and beyond.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to review my application.
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