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IMPORTANT Applications for National Guard

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Satish Royal

Server Administrator
Server Administrator
Oct 28, 2022
Applications for NG are now Open !

This forum is designated for submitting applications for the NG leader position only. Please do not post any discussion or off-topic messages.

Any off-topic posts will be subject to moderation and punishment

Akash Punisher

Jun 28, 2024
1. Your name IRL
2. Your IRL age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
5. Your Discord
6. Your Nickname
7. Your ID
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1. Your name IRL
: Akash Dey
2. Your IRL age : 25
3. Time zone :Gmt+5:30
4. Average online per day : 5 to 6 hrs
5. Your Discord : indianleader
6. Your Nickname : Akash Punisher
7. Your ID : 85929
Additional information

1. Leader of - National Guard

Becoming a National Guard leader is a significant and impactful goal. Here are three compelling reasons why I want this role:
  1. Service to Community and Country: As a National Guard leader, I have the opportunity to make a direct and meaningful impact on both our local community and the nation. This role allows you to contribute to emergency response efforts, fight agains terror , and community support, all while upholding the values and duties of service to our country.
  2. Leadership and Personal Development: Taking on a leadership role in the National Guard provides a unique platform for personal and professional growth. I will get a chance to prove my critical leadership skills, such as strategic planning, decision-making, and team management, all of which are valuable both within and beyond the military context.
  3. Career Advancement and Opportunities: Leading in the National Guard can open doors to a range of career opportunities and advancements. The skills and experiences gained through leadership roles can enhance my experience , offer pathways to show critical combat skills , and potentially lead to opportunities in other sectors, including federal and civilian positions.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
  • Set Clear Objectives and Realistic Scenarios:
    • Define Training Goals: Establish specific objectives for each RolePlay exercise. Clearly outline what I want participants to achieve, whether it’s improving tactical skills, enhancing communication, or testing decision-making under pressure.
    • Create Authentic Scenarios: Design RolePlay scenarios that closely mirror real-life situations the National Guard might encounter. This could include emergency response scenarios, tactical operations, or protecting the base . The more realistic the scenarios, the more beneficial the training.
  • Foster Engagement and Realism:
    • Encourage Immersion: Promote a high level of engagement by encouraging participants to fully immerse themselves in their roles. This means dressing the part, using appropriate terminology, and committing to the scenario’s objectives.
    • Use Real Equipment and Environments: Whenever possible, incorporate with proper equipment and situations to increase the authenticity of the training.
  • Provide Constructive Feedback and Debrief:
    • Offer Detailed Feedback: After each RolePlay exercise, provide participants with specific, constructive feedback on their performance. Highlight strengths and areas for improvement to help individuals and teams learn and grow.
    • Conduct Thorough Debriefs: Facilitate comprehensive debriefing sessions where participants can discuss what went well, what didn’t, and why. Use this time to analyze decisions made during the exercise and to reinforce learning points.

    • New ranking system:
      1. Suspended
      2. Trainee
      3. Soldier
      4. Specialist
      5. Lance Corporal
      6. Corporal
      7. Sergeant 1
      8. Sergeant 2
      9. Sergeant 3
      10. Staff Sergeant
      --------NCO's [Non-Commissioned officers] -------
      11. Field Officer 1
      12. Field Officer 2
      13. Senior Sergeant
      14. Master Sergeant
      15. Warrant officer 1
      16. Warrant officer 2
      ----------Junior commissioned officers---------
      17. Senior Warrant officer
      18. Master Warrant Officer
      19. Chief Warrant Officer
      20. 2nd Lieutenant
      21 1st Lieutenant
      22. Captain
      ----------High Command---------
      23 . Major
      24. Lieutenant Colonel
      25. Colonel [HOD]
      26. Chief of Staff
      27. Judge Advocate General
      28. Major General [ Under deputy ]
      29. Lieutenant General [Deputy]
      30. General [Myself]
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ishan mafiaking

May 16, 2024
1. Your name IRL- ishan mathur
2. Your IRL age-18.5
3. Time zone- India (GMT+5:30)
4. Average online per day-5-6 hours
5. Your Discord-ishan55709
6. Your Nickname- ishan
7. Your ID-149307
Additional information
1. Leader of... National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

ishan mafiaking

May 16, 2024
1. Your name IRL- ishan mathur
2. Your IRL age-18.5
3. Time zone- India (GMT+5:30)
4. Average online per day-5-6 hours
5. Your Discord-ishan55709
6. Your Nickname- ishan
7. Your ID-149307
Additional information
1. Leader of... National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
Ans- 1) NG is my first org that work in and I know all the small+ big problem NG face many time,if I will be the general I will definitely fix them
2) I know in my NG past terms HC's and general don't tell new comers about how do a candy run/ammo run, in many past term's of NG we can see gangs complaint about soldiers that they are doing CR,VDM & about not blocking NG gates at the time of fz raid,If I will be general I will make a guide of hrt officer to help for soldiers
3) I will secure my all soldiers to be calm and respectful among junior and seniors& don't misbehave with other leo's so the Environment will be clean
Also telling new HC's that how to do proper department chat

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1) training for all soldiers
I will insure that my soldiers know every thing like- server rules, dealing with HC's & other Leo's
2) I will make a department to do field interview/training they will take test of every soldiers to check them they are fit in there rank or not.
3) I will introduce a new department where only genral, deputy general and commanding general and one COS if the situation based in he's department

Punishment System:
Verbal Warning 1: Minor offenses
Verbal Warning 2: Repeat of previous offense
Strike 1: Major offense (Demotion)
Strike 2: Major offense (Suspension)
Strike 3: Major offense (Termination)

30 General of NG
29 deputy General
28 LT General
27 Brigadier General [keep an eye on COS]
26 Chief of Staff [ chief of department]
25 Colonel [HOD of department]
24 LT Colonel [DHOD of department]
23 Major
22 First Lieutenant
----------High Command---------
21 Chief of Operations
20 Chief of Commands
----------Junior commissioned officers---------
19 Sergent Major of NG
18 Command Sergent Major
17 Sergent Major
16 First Sergent
15 Master Sergent
14 Field Operative Sergent
13 Sergent First Class
12 Staff Sergent
11 major Sergent
10 Sergent
--------NCO's [Non-Commissioned officers] -------
9 Corporal
8 Specialist
7 Private First Class
6 Private
5 Infantry Trainee
4 senior trainee
3 Trainee
2 Recruit
1 Suspended

Military police
MP will patrol near FZ ,check licence,BG check, car search, gate duty, logs check.

Special operation division
SOD will make 2 terms and help in 10-10 situations

Human resource and training
They will hire and training of soldiers

Field training officers
They will regular checkup of soldiers by the knowledge and their fit in there ranks or not.

Air force police
Helps us to check weather there is no suspicious activity near FZ

Internal review division
IRD will ensure that every soldiers get justice

Ex Brigadier General of the Army HOD OF SOF/LT OF MP(suki walker)
Ex Colonel HOD OF HRT (merodinn)
Ex Commanding General of Army
HOD OF HRT (micheal mayors)

EX vagos (5 shooter)
Ex marabunta (8)
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William Bros

Who Knows The Future
Jul 30, 2024

1. Your Name IRL:
2. Your Age: 18
3. Timezone: GMT +5:30
4. Average Online Per Day: 5-6 Hours
5. Your Discord: mayankfed
6. Your Nickname: Mayank Federal
7. Your ID: 117476

Additional Information
1. Leader of...

Ans- National Guard

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1) I want to become the leader of National Guard because of my experience in this organisation. I have been in this org for so long and gained alot of experience in this specific organisation and now i think its time for me to lead the National Guard and show this city the Real Power of National Guard.

2) I have been in NG for a long time and i know how NG works and functions so it will be easy for me to work and handle the organisation. I will effectively engage with the soldiers and maintain a good relationship with other Orgs leaders. There will be no such news in the city about NG not being active or being toxic with other state organisations. There will be a Military Police department who will look into the behaviour of Soldiers.

3) I will fix the departments in National Guard by only making 4 Major departments and that will be AIRFORCE, NSG Commandos, Military Police and Infantry. The work of Airforce will be to Patrol the base by flying and giving pickup or proividing assistance to NSG commandos and Soldiers. NSG Commandos will be led by a NSG Handler who will be experienced in combat training and knows what he/she is doing. NSG Commandos will be the elite members of NG and NSG Handler will directly report to the General. Military Police will take the 10-15s to the DOC and check if any corruption is going on in NG or not. Infantry department will be led by a Infantry Head who have experience of NG and this department will directly report to the Lt. Generals.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1-) I will introduce a new department which will be National Security Guards (NSG Commandos). In Total we will have 4 Departments: INFANTRY | MILITARY POLICE | AIRFORCE | NSG COMMANDOS. The New Department NSG will be the elite department in NG and will get access to almost everything and will help other Organisation whenever they are in need.
2-) By making real life scenarios and doing NG RP by discussing it with the curators.
3-) Organising Public Events hosted by NG
4-) Giving Combat Training Once in a week to every Org in the NG Base
5-) Hiring a Good and Experienced Lawyer as a JAG to help us in every Legal Situation.


Verbal I
Verbal II
Strike I
Strike II
Strike III + Suspension


30. General
29. LT. General
28. Assistant General
27. Chief of Staff
26. NSG Handler
25. Judge Advocate General
24. Major General (Head of Department)
23. Brigadier General (Deputy Head of Department)
22. NSG Commando
21. Colonel
20. Lt. Colonel


19. Major
18. Commanding Major
17. First Sergeant
16. Master Sergeant III
15. Master Sergeant II
14. Master Sergeant I
13. Second Sergeant
12. General's Elite Staff
11. Corporal First Class
10. Corporal Second Class
9. Specialist
8. Private II
7. Private I
6. Recruit II
5. Recruit I
4. General's Staff
3. Trainee II
2. Trainee I
1. Suspended

Thank You!
Mayank Federal
Go Saar Take The Leadership!!!
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