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Be toxic don't expect respect back :)
Oct 7, 2021
Organization: Federal Investigation Bureau

Rein Cash
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Nationality: Swedish American
Place of Birth: Sweden
Sexuality: Pansexual
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Blue
Tattoos: Winged Tattoos on the back, Roses/Skulls Right Arm, and Dragon/Katana Left Arm
Strengths: Maintaining control of a car ( AWDs only) while its off-road/on a dirt road, Not Getting Caught, Leadership Roles/Positions (Also good at following Orders), Able to keep clear communication while in a stressful situation, Loves Technology
Weakness: Impulsive Decision Making, Easily Distracted, Puts herself into dangerous positions to protect Friends/Family

Life Story:
Rein grew up in her home country of Sweden with her single mother, with no father figure in much of her life, she strived to help her mother in any way she could growing up, She went to school, Bike Riding into forests, eventually turning into Dirt Bike Riding and Journaling her experiences. to about when she was 18, She moved to Los Santos with her mother where she got her first part time job as a Journalist, eventually meeting her soon to be Husband Burgers Armone, and Friend Twiggy Armone drunk on Del Perro beach where she hung out with them for a few weeks, eventually Burgers and Twiggy both changed their names to Burgs Cash and Twiggy Cash, where Rein and Burgs got married and Rein took the Sur-Name Cash.

Career Story:

Rein Started her first Legal Career path under Governor Jay Higginson who offered a position as a Aide De Camp under Deputy Governor Marie Higginson, She made a lot of friends with a lot of the Secret Service Agents, Learning a lot from other Legal orgs through SS Director Leon Silverman and Charles McKnight Tagging along with SS Missions with FIB Gang Raids, and Black Market Raids, Eventually departing from the Government After Jay's Term ending Abruptly, came to the National Guard after General Darius Edge invited her into the org for the last week as an appointed general, in which She applied into the F.I.B. under Director Ellen Bubbles up to Director Monty McKnight, and a little bit of Director Shane Muga, During her time as a 00 Agent within the FIB, she met Richard Sole who later got appointed as the next General of the National Guard, in which Richard invited her into the Org as a Commissioned Officer and Head of The Combat Medics, in which was later Renamed to Combat Response Medical Team (Or CRMs), Eventually the term was transformed under General Saif Khan, in which she transferred back to FIB under FIB director Hank Volkov as appointed Head of Department of Human Resources & Training, finished up the term about the time where the newly appointed LSPD Chief Davis Lawley approached her for her work as HOD of HRT and offered her a position as Commander of HRT in LSPD. shortly after Davis Left office she was called back to the National Guard to server under General Yumy Barba, after a long retirement from the legal side she decided to come back under the newly powered FIB Director Davis Lawley


1- Rein will do anything for family and Close friends, therefore she may release them out of cuffs without charges, and aide them in an escape.
2- Rein can search and destroy any bodycams she finds on a individual (/try)
3- Rein can accept Bribes off of 10-15s in her custody for their freedom.
4- Rein can Confiscate Illegal items off Her 10-15s after an active shootout and can keep the illegal items and reuse them while on duty.
5- Rein may keep illegal Guns and illegal amounts of ammo in her vehicles, and she may use them while on duty.
6- Rein may pay gang members for intel on Upcoming FZ Raids, Store Robberies, Rein May also take bribes for Intel on Upcoming Black-market Raids/Gang Raids
7- Rein may bribe or pay a Gang or group to ensure safety for her close friends and Colleagues
8- Rein may visit black market to sell illegal items she gets while on duty, or she may buy illegal items off the black-market (No Organizational Gear/Weaponry Will be sold on Black market)
9- Rein May flee FIB HQ if she catches wind of a Government State Inspection
10- Rein may participate in illegal activities with close friends and/or Families
11- Rein may interrogate people for information, and due to her knowledge in the medical field she can cause as much pain on people and able to treat the wounds in the cleanest and cruelest way that wont kill people but will still harm them, I.e. Cauterizing wounds shut
12- Rein has a hidden camera in her glasses. (Activated via a /me) (Still can be found/destroyed if someone /try finds and destroys any bodycam)
13- Rein carries her Work radio on her while off-duty and will not hesitate to radio in for reinforcements to help out her fellow officers/LEOs

Floki Vilgeroarson

New to this
Deputy Chief Administrator
Jun 19, 2021
Outcome 12 You record and then save bodycam when done
Follow rules and enjoy
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