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Noah Acahche

Aug 30, 2021
Your name IRL : Noah
2. Your age : 17
3. Time zone : EST
4. Average online per day : 5-10 Hours
5. Your Discord : noliky#1304
6. Your Nickname : Noah Achache
7. Your ID : 918

1. Leader of... EMS
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
I have a lot of experience from different types of RP experiences since my first time playing on an RP server on a different game than GTA back in 2019. During this time, I've had the opportunity to play many characters, both in serious and non-serious RP environments, both as a leader and a member within a team. I have firsthand experience in the EMS to understand what and how it works and what needs to be improved, and while I will admit that others with more experience inside the EMS will be a key factor in securing a tenure as EMS leader, I hope that my formal and professional way of thinking will be a key factor in securing a tenure as EMS leader.

3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1. I've lived in this city since August, and I've seen several iterations of this organization, from a single hospital in Pillbox to the four hospitals that now dot the map. It will be critical to have a leader who can effectively lead large groups of people. I believe I am capable of leading and growing this organization to the size required to staff all three locations around the clock. I'm intrigued by the challenge of leading a large, 24/7 organization. Simply by coordinating, for EMS in a variety of city events that will happen for the citizens.

2. I'd like to propose that training should be improved from an RP standpoint, as the majority of training currently takes place in the changing room at Pillbox Hospital. I propose that training be more IC focused and held in some type of meeting room or training area. In addition, I'd like to see more in-depth training on 10-10 scenarios and dealing with gang-related situations. I would like to also make the roleplay scenario feel more real when we are healing someone, for example, "I will be looking for your pulse, looking where your wounds are or where it hurts. I will be giving you some ibuprofen to relieve the pain and I will be patching your wounds."

3. EMS currently has a system of logging work hours and vehicle status on Discord. From what I can see, this is then manually entered into a channel on their discord server. I would like to assist and streamline this process to make it more efficient, giving High Command more time to RP with employees, state and civilian characters. To do this, I suggest that logging to be moved to forms (either clockify or another clocking in and out system) allowing the hours to be automatically logged through forms by employees themselves (and can still be checked for accuracy). For vehicles, with a bit of spreadsheet magic, it can also show real-time figures of what vehicles are in-use or returned, and what time they have been taking and what time they put back.


Noah Achache❤️

Max Pluxury

EX-SAHP Sherrif, EX-NG General, Ex-Families Leader
Dec 24, 2021
He is good guy but made mistake in ID only so +1
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