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Mar 27, 2022

1. Your name IRL: Nic Jones
2. Your age: 33
3. Time zone: US Eastern Standard
4. Average online per day: 4-5 hours on weekdays | 8-10 hours on weekends.
5. Your Discord: SlickyNicky#4774
6. Your Nickname: Nic Fury
7. Your ID: 134766

Additional Information

1. Leader of Lifeinvader.

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

1: I have been in Lifeinvader since July, and have held every position starting from Intern all the way to COO (Deputy), and currently hold the Director position along with Head of Events. I feel the time is now to show how I can lead this organization.

2: I am familiar with the inner workings of Lifeinvader and feel as though I could carry these policies and implement new ones seamlessly into a new leadership term. The current HC team and myself also have a great working relationship, and work well together.

3: The RP potential with LI is very high, and I would like the citizens to be able to experience the various sides of this beyond just ads. I would like to have more events and have news articles and things happening more frequently to immerse people into the RP further. Also I would like to increase the amount of relevant news articles to the city to bring the News Team back and be more active.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay level in organization.

1) The first way we would improve RP in Lifeinvader is by instating more events for the city, to make it easier for citizens to engage in meaningful and FUN RP at these events. As Head of Events, I know how much potential there is at such events. I would like to host a weekly global along with our bi-weekly talent show.

2) Citizen and employee relationships are the core of what keeps LI running, as the amount of citizens grows so does the length of time some ads take to get edited and published. I would like to implement a system to have an employee at HQ at all times, to help facilitate this relationship better when someone may have a question or a complaint.

3) Happy employees equal better work, I would implement an additional bonus system for all employees. This would make them feel more appreciated and that their work is not going unnoticed. Although we at LI have the ability to work anywhere we choose, I think paying an employee for their time to stay at HQ and assist citizens would also give some employees incentive to hang out and do such.

4) I would like to improve Lifeinvader’s relationship with the various legal ORGs so they can allow our news team to get good news stories at various “Breaking News” (Store & Bank robberies, Hostage situations, etc..) locations throughout the city without them having to fear for their lives over a miscommunication. This would also allow us to have them as an increased security presence at events to ensure they run more smoothly.

I can’t wait to work with you all, and bring LI back on top!​

Thank you for your time.
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