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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Players nickname
Administrators nickname
Dec 6, 2021


Aug 1, 2021
For starters, I would like to say that this complaint is well overdue but myself and the remaining turfers were stalling it in hopes of a change coming naturally. I would also like to mention that this complaint has nothing to do with Bloods and rather one person, Skully. There have been a lot of things that I and the others have witnessed during this past turf season that has made us question his integrity. Skully, as known by everyone, has been a member of the administration team for quite some time now, he is also one of the admins that are in charge of turfs. That is why I and the remaining turfers respected every decision he made as we felt he is an admin of a high standard. However, upon the release of English 2 our beloved admin, Skully, became a “Yip” naming himself Skully Yip. I understand this may not be seen as a massive issue which I don't think it is either, even though it's human nature to prefer and protect those who are always around you. Not only did Skully share a last name but Skully also joined their family, Mandem playing at every family event that he was available for. Finally, our beloved admin also decided to join their turf team. Considering how frequently he was playing with them it is fairly obvious that they built a connection oocly through their constant interactions on discord due to his constant involvement in events and turfs. (Proof of Name: )

I understand that the claims I have made are big accusations but I urge you to read through this carefully as I hope you can see what we have had to deal with all season. POV, Point Of View, requests have been a big part of turfs for quite some time now. They are essential in preventing cheaters and rulebreakers from tainting the turf experience for others. One of our concerns was the lack of response to the POV requests that were being posted. Some of the POV requests that were posted date back to the 19th of November. That is 12 days with no response, even though the rule breaks in it are straightforward and the turf is meant to be given to us. Assuming this request got lost because of a flood of messages, that doesn't explain the other 5-6 requests that have also failed to receive a response. As many know the rule for POV requests is, if one side breaks a rule they lose possession of the turf and if the rule breaks are on both sides then a replay is scheduled for that turf. (Just a couple of those POV requests )

A POV request was made in which the evidence provided showed that members of the Blood turf team were using high ground. No rule breaks were shown on the family's side as ALL POV that was asked for was provided and all claims against families were proven to be false. However, with all this said, Skully decided that a replay was to be scheduled for “Possible ghost peak Families”. (Evidence: ). I would like to emphasize the fact that ALL POV asked for were accounted for, there was no ghost peak on families side. Instead of returning the turf to Families as they rightfully deserved it, it was a scheduled replay at 15:30.

Unfortunately, that isn't all I had to bear witness to. Turfs, as everyone knows, is a huge commitment that consumes so much time and effort. To reset turfs on an organization is and always has been a last resort. This was stated by multiple old turf admins and even new turf admins (Evidence: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachme...15666238045319258/Desktop_Screenshot_2021.png). However, the only exception made was when it came to Vagos's turf team. The Vagos turf team and the Bloods turf team were even on turf but with ONE day left on Vagos term, they were disbanded, and almost instantly all of Vagos turfs were handed out. That was over a month worth of turfs that were earned through hard work. My question is why would such an action take place when it was established before that turfs will ONLY be handed/reset at the END of the turf season meaning every
organization would be even. Why wasn't the turf season allowed to naturally continue as it always has been? It is a bit ironic that the admin that was in charge of splitting the turfs is the same admin that says the turfs will stay until the end of the season. (Evidence: ). Why is it that the only exception made was now?

Yet another questionable thing that happened goes back to the 25th of November. A Blood deputy posted a FZ, Fort Zancudo, attack. However, he realized that the time he posted was incorrect and decided to completely edit out his post removing all traces of the incorrect timing. Skully responded to the request knowing that it was a rule break and said “Cancelled as you fixed, no warning issued this time”. My question is what exactly was fixed? Why was no warning issued? One may say that Skully was in a good mood and decided not to warn the organization for incorrect timing, but Skully decided NOT EVEN 30 minutes later to issue a warning to Marbunta for posting incorrectly. Why was the warning issued to Marbunta and not Bloods? What altered Skully's judgment? Why did Skully willingly let a singular organization get away with a rule break but not another? If anything Marabunta got punished for doing the right thing, instead of hiding their mistake and attempting to deceive admins they were willing to take the punishment which wasn't the case with Bloods as they swiftly edited out their message. (Evidence: )

Another questionable thing that has happened was near the end of the season. As an entire turf team, we decided that we would come back from inactivity and play out the last couple of days of the turf season. Upon deciding to do so we were prompted by Skully that Turfs were frozen indefinitely. No other information was provided, EVERYONE other than the Bloods turf team was under the impression that all turf activities were halted until further notice. Somehow Bloods were the only organization in the city that was informed that Vagos had a leader before it was publicly announced. They then proceeded to buy turfs off a gang that was FROZEN. As the rule states, when a gang is on freeze EVERYTHING GANG RELATED IS FROZEN. Why is this exempt from the freeze? Why was the rule bent to benefit one side? My biggest concern about this matter is why were turfs frozen? Why do we lose a turf day of attacks that would have prevented the purchase? Why was a “freeze” never issued this late into a season ever before? The season prior Bloods were 3 turfs away and a freeze was never given even though it would've been extremely beneficial. Upon asking MULTIPLE times for a clear reason for why turfs were randomly frozen we were given the response “I wanna implement a change”- Skully. Why would a change even be considered this late into the season? Why not wait 3 days until the season is over? Was this preplanned with the Bloods turf team? Was this an attempt to secure their one hundred percent? (Evidence of Skully’s Turf Freeze announcement: https://imgur.com/a/j30wRph)

Yet another issue that we ran into was the time in which Bloods were disbanded. Bloods were allowed to continue being an organization on the day their term was meant to end. Bloods were allowed to continue for several hours into the end of their term which allowed them the chance to buy the turfs off of Vagos upon receiving a leader. A clear example where this wasn't allowed is the season before, Bloods were disbanded on a turf day that would have led to them achieving 100 percent due to them only being 3 turfs away, but no expectation was made and they were forced to be disbanded even though if they were allowed to continue being an org for just 5 hours more they would have had 100 percent. Why were
Bloods allowed to continue being an organization when the Crime curator, Skully, should’ve taken initiative and disbanded them? Why was once again a rule bent in favor of a specific organization?

Obviously, with all of this happening at an extremely fast pace, some of the turfers had many questions that left them extremely confused. The only logical way of going about having these questions answered is to message the person in charge of handling turfs, which would be Skully. Upon private messaging Skully asking about what happened and just for a basic explanation of what happened, Skully decided to block the person dming him. Never once did he speak in a bad manner, never once was he accused of anything, all that was asked was for basic questions being answered.

With all that being said I hope you can take this into consideration and investigate it accordingly.

Thank you for your time, Sincerely - 93.79% Turfers

Alex Hoang

May 7, 2021

Shamzy Zeebo

Jul 24, 2021

For starters, I would like to say that this complaint is well overdue but myself and the remaining turfers were stalling it in hopes of a change coming naturally. I would also like to mention that this complaint has nothing to do with Bloods and rather one person, Skully. There have been a lot of things that I and the others have witnessed during this past turf season that has made us question his integrity. Skully, as known by everyone, has been a member of the administration team for quite some time now, he is also one of the admins that are in charge of turfs. That is why I and the remaining turfers respected every decision he made as we felt he is an admin of a high standard. However, upon the release of English 2 our beloved admin, Skully, became a “Yip” naming himself Skully Yip. I understand this may not be seen as a massive issue which I don't think it is either, even though it's human nature to prefer and protect those who are always around you. Not only did Skully share a last name but Skully also joined their family, Mandem playing at every family event that he was available for. Finally, our beloved admin also decided to join their turf team. Considering how frequently he was playing with them it is fairly obvious that they built a connection oocly through their constant interactions on discord due to his constant involvement in events and turfs. (Proof of Name: )

I understand that the claims I have made are big accusations but I urge you to read through this carefully as I hope you can see what we have had to deal with all season. POV, Point Of View, requests have been a big part of turfs for quite some time now. They are essential in preventing cheaters and rulebreakers from tainting the turf experience for others. One of our concerns was the lack of response to the POV requests that were being posted. Some of the POV requests that were posted date back to the 19th of November. That is 12 days with no response, even though the rule breaks in it are straightforward and the turf is meant to be given to us. Assuming this request got lost because of a flood of messages, that doesn't explain the other 5-6 requests that have also failed to receive a response. As many know the rule for POV requests is, if one side breaks a rule they lose possession of the turf and if the rule breaks are on both sides then a replay is scheduled for that turf. (Just a couple of those POV requests )

A POV request was made in which the evidence provided showed that members of the Blood turf team were using high ground. No rule breaks were shown on the family's side as ALL POV that was asked for was provided and all claims against families were proven to be false. However, with all this said, Skully decided that a replay was to be scheduled for “Possible ghost peak Families”. (Evidence: ). I would like to emphasize the fact that ALL POV asked for were accounted for, there was no ghost peak on families side. Instead of returning the turf to Families as they rightfully deserved it, it was a scheduled replay at 15:30.

Unfortunately, that isn't all I had to bear witness to. Turfs, as everyone knows, is a huge commitment that consumes so much time and effort. To reset turfs on an organization is and always has been a last resort. This was stated by multiple old turf admins and even new turf admins (Evidence: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachme...15666238045319258/Desktop_Screenshot_2021.png). However, the only exception made was when it came to Vagos's turf team. The Vagos turf team and the Bloods turf team were even on turf but with ONE day left on Vagos term, they were disbanded, and almost instantly all of Vagos turfs were handed out. That was over a month worth of turfs that were earned through hard work. My question is why would such an action take place when it was established before that turfs will ONLY be handed/reset at the END of the turf season meaning every
organization would be even. Why wasn't the turf season allowed to naturally continue as it always has been? It is a bit ironic that the admin that was in charge of splitting the turfs is the same admin that says the turfs will stay until the end of the season. (Evidence: ). Why is it that the only exception made was now?

Yet another questionable thing that happened goes back to the 25th of November. A Blood deputy posted a FZ, Fort Zancudo, attack. However, he realized that the time he posted was incorrect and decided to completely edit out his post removing all traces of the incorrect timing. Skully responded to the request knowing that it was a rule break and said “Cancelled as you fixed, no warning issued this time”. My question is what exactly was fixed? Why was no warning issued? One may say that Skully was in a good mood and decided not to warn the organization for incorrect timing, but Skully decided NOT EVEN 30 minutes later to issue a warning to Marbunta for posting incorrectly. Why was the warning issued to Marbunta and not Bloods? What altered Skully's judgment? Why did Skully willingly let a singular organization get away with a rule break but not another? If anything Marabunta got punished for doing the right thing, instead of hiding their mistake and attempting to deceive admins they were willing to take the punishment which wasn't the case with Bloods as they swiftly edited out their message. (Evidence: )

Another questionable thing that has happened was near the end of the season. As an entire turf team, we decided that we would come back from inactivity and play out the last couple of days of the turf season. Upon deciding to do so we were prompted by Skully that Turfs were frozen indefinitely. No other information was provided, EVERYONE other than the Bloods turf team was under the impression that all turf activities were halted until further notice. Somehow Bloods were the only organization in the city that was informed that Vagos had a leader before it was publicly announced. They then proceeded to buy turfs off a gang that was FROZEN. As the rule states, when a gang is on freeze EVERYTHING GANG RELATED IS FROZEN. Why is this exempt from the freeze? Why was the rule bent to benefit one side? My biggest concern about this matter is why were turfs frozen? Why do we lose a turf day of attacks that would have prevented the purchase? Why was a “freeze” never issued this late into a season ever before? The season prior Bloods were 3 turfs away and a freeze was never given even though it would've been extremely beneficial. Upon asking MULTIPLE times for a clear reason for why turfs were randomly frozen we were given the response “I wanna implement a change”- Skully. Why would a change even be considered this late into the season? Why not wait 3 days until the season is over? Was this preplanned with the Bloods turf team? Was this an attempt to secure their one hundred percent? (Evidence of Skully’s Turf Freeze announcement: https://imgur.com/a/j30wRph)

Yet another issue that we ran into was the time in which Bloods were disbanded. Bloods were allowed to continue being an organization on the day their term was meant to end. Bloods were allowed to continue for several hours into the end of their term which allowed them the chance to buy the turfs off of Vagos upon receiving a leader. A clear example where this wasn't allowed is the season before, Bloods were disbanded on a turf day that would have led to them achieving 100 percent due to them only being 3 turfs away, but no expectation was made and they were forced to be disbanded even though if they were allowed to continue being an org for just 5 hours more they would have had 100 percent. Why were
Bloods allowed to continue being an organization when the Crime curator, Skully, should’ve taken initiative and disbanded them? Why was once again a rule bent in favor of a specific organization?

Obviously, with all of this happening at an extremely fast pace, some of the turfers had many questions that left them extremely confused. The only logical way of going about having these questions answered is to message the person in charge of handling turfs, which would be Skully. Upon private messaging Skully asking about what happened and just for a basic explanation of what happened, Skully decided to block the person dming him. Never once did he speak in a bad manner, never once was he accused of anything, all that was asked was for basic questions being answered.

With all that being said I hope you can take this into consideration and investigate it accordingly.

Thank you for your time, Sincerely - 93.79% Turfers

Don Phonso

May 9, 2021
So in other words, do not become friends with admins. If it was in this server that is understandable but it wasn't. Yips was in bloods for the 100% and then left to join ballas. So how can he be a bias admin. Not only are you an incompetent fat boy, your whole argument doesn't have adequate proof of him being on the yips side. Skully is a great admin which has been recognised by players and I'm sure higher up admins aswell. Furthermore If you have a problem with yips please take it up with myself, Carter, Hunter or Faiz. Have a good day. Prick.


The Professional Snitch
Jul 14, 2021
First of all we did not get told by Skully or any admin I found out that vagos was getting a leader at around 3pm st as it was public information on forums that can be looked up by anyone which I did. At 4pm st I checked ranks in discord and saw that Wonder Dean was leader of a organaization, We then asked skully if we could still buy turfs which he then pretty sure asked mazhor and he agreed we then made a private call with dean offering him 2.1m for all 3 turfs which he agreed, we bought and thats why we got 100% skully never told us to go dm Wonder and buy those turfs. Also, about not getting the warning for wrong FZ request Jtrapz said he messed up the timing and said he did and fixed it so there is no problem where as Luce walker messed up the request i told him by pinging him in crime chat he messed up the request timing and still left it, thats why he got warning and we didnt as he didnt fix mistake and we did. Also, about the turf where i was on high ground that was a ghost peak and should be thankfull that you werent banned for 7d. Other admins not only skully said you ghost peaked.


The Professional Snitch
Jul 14, 2021
Also on english two we purpusly went to turf vs justin yip and Skully yip so not sure how would he help us if we purposly making sure they dont get 100% on eng 2. Defo going to be corrupt to our side.


May 8, 2021
For starters, I would like to say that this complaint is well overdue but myself and the remaining turfers were stalling it in hopes of a change coming naturally. I would also like to mention that this complaint has nothing to do with Bloods and rather one person, Skully. There have been a lot of things that I and the others have witnessed during this past turf season that has made us question his integrity. Skully, as known by everyone, has been a member of the administration team for quite some time now, he is also one of the admins that are in charge of turfs. That is why I and the remaining turfers respected every decision he made as we felt he is an admin of a high standard. However, upon the release of English 2 our beloved admin, Skully, became a “Yip” naming himself Skully Yip. I understand this may not be seen as a massive issue which I don't think it is either, even though it's human nature to prefer and protect those who are always around you. Not only did Skully share a last name but Skully also joined their family, Mandem playing at every family event that he was available for. Finally, our beloved admin also decided to join their turf team. Considering how frequently he was playing with them it is fairly obvious that they built a connection oocly through their constant interactions on discord due to his constant involvement in events and turfs. (Proof of Name: )

I understand that the claims I have made are big accusations but I urge you to read through this carefully as I hope you can see what we have had to deal with all season. POV, Point Of View, requests have been a big part of turfs for quite some time now. They are essential in preventing cheaters and rulebreakers from tainting the turf experience for others. One of our concerns was the lack of response to the POV requests that were being posted. Some of the POV requests that were posted date back to the 19th of November. That is 12 days with no response, even though the rule breaks in it are straightforward and the turf is meant to be given to us. Assuming this request got lost because of a flood of messages, that doesn't explain the other 5-6 requests that have also failed to receive a response. As many know the rule for POV requests is, if one side breaks a rule they lose possession of the turf and if the rule breaks are on both sides then a replay is scheduled for that turf. (Just a couple of those POV requests )

A POV request was made in which the evidence provided showed that members of the Blood turf team were using high ground. No rule breaks were shown on the family's side as ALL POV that was asked for was provided and all claims against families were proven to be false. However, with all this said, Skully decided that a replay was to be scheduled for “Possible ghost peak Families”. (Evidence: ). I would like to emphasize the fact that ALL POV asked for were accounted for, there was no ghost peak on families side. Instead of returning the turf to Families as they rightfully deserved it, it was a scheduled replay at 15:30.

Unfortunately, that isn't all I had to bear witness to. Turfs, as everyone knows, is a huge commitment that consumes so much time and effort. To reset turfs on an organization is and always has been a last resort. This was stated by multiple old turf admins and even new turf admins (Evidence: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachme...15666238045319258/Desktop_Screenshot_2021.png). However, the only exception made was when it came to Vagos's turf team. The Vagos turf team and the Bloods turf team were even on turf but with ONE day left on Vagos term, they were disbanded, and almost instantly all of Vagos turfs were handed out. That was over a month worth of turfs that were earned through hard work. My question is why would such an action take place when it was established before that turfs will ONLY be handed/reset at the END of the turf season meaning every
organization would be even. Why wasn't the turf season allowed to naturally continue as it always has been? It is a bit ironic that the admin that was in charge of splitting the turfs is the same admin that says the turfs will stay until the end of the season. (Evidence: ). Why is it that the only exception made was now?

Yet another questionable thing that happened goes back to the 25th of November. A Blood deputy posted a FZ, Fort Zancudo, attack. However, he realized that the time he posted was incorrect and decided to completely edit out his post removing all traces of the incorrect timing. Skully responded to the request knowing that it was a rule break and said “Cancelled as you fixed, no warning issued this time”. My question is what exactly was fixed? Why was no warning issued? One may say that Skully was in a good mood and decided not to warn the organization for incorrect timing, but Skully decided NOT EVEN 30 minutes later to issue a warning to Marbunta for posting incorrectly. Why was the warning issued to Marbunta and not Bloods? What altered Skully's judgment? Why did Skully willingly let a singular organization get away with a rule break but not another? If anything Marabunta got punished for doing the right thing, instead of hiding their mistake and attempting to deceive admins they were willing to take the punishment which wasn't the case with Bloods as they swiftly edited out their message. (Evidence: )

Another questionable thing that has happened was near the end of the season. As an entire turf team, we decided that we would come back from inactivity and play out the last couple of days of the turf season. Upon deciding to do so we were prompted by Skully that Turfs were frozen indefinitely. No other information was provided, EVERYONE other than the Bloods turf team was under the impression that all turf activities were halted until further notice. Somehow Bloods were the only organization in the city that was informed that Vagos had a leader before it was publicly announced. They then proceeded to buy turfs off a gang that was FROZEN. As the rule states, when a gang is on freeze EVERYTHING GANG RELATED IS FROZEN. Why is this exempt from the freeze? Why was the rule bent to benefit one side? My biggest concern about this matter is why were turfs frozen? Why do we lose a turf day of attacks that would have prevented the purchase? Why was a “freeze” never issued this late into a season ever before? The season prior Bloods were 3 turfs away and a freeze was never given even though it would've been extremely beneficial. Upon asking MULTIPLE times for a clear reason for why turfs were randomly frozen we were given the response “I wanna implement a change”- Skully. Why would a change even be considered this late into the season? Why not wait 3 days until the season is over? Was this preplanned with the Bloods turf team? Was this an attempt to secure their one hundred percent? (Evidence of Skully’s Turf Freeze announcement: https://imgur.com/a/j30wRph)

Yet another issue that we ran into was the time in which Bloods were disbanded. Bloods were allowed to continue being an organization on the day their term was meant to end. Bloods were allowed to continue for several hours into the end of their term which allowed them the chance to buy the turfs off of Vagos upon receiving a leader. A clear example where this wasn't allowed is the season before, Bloods were disbanded on a turf day that would have led to them achieving 100 percent due to them only being 3 turfs away, but no expectation was made and they were forced to be disbanded even though if they were allowed to continue being an org for just 5 hours more they would have had 100 percent. Why were
Bloods allowed to continue being an organization when the Crime curator, Skully, should’ve taken initiative and disbanded them? Why was once again a rule bent in favor of a specific organization?

Obviously, with all of this happening at an extremely fast pace, some of the turfers had many questions that left them extremely confused. The only logical way of going about having these questions answered is to message the person in charge of handling turfs, which would be Skully. Upon private messaging Skully asking about what happened and just for a basic explanation of what happened, Skully decided to block the person dming him. Never once did he speak in a bad manner, never once was he accused of anything, all that was asked was for basic questions being answered.

With all that being said I hope you can take this into consideration and investigate it accordingly.

Thank you for your time, Sincerely - 93.79% Turfers
You claim that we 'developed a ooc connection' yet the only reason he changed his name as he didn't want an admin surname and he has known one of our members known as justin yip oocly for years which is the main reason for his name change and joining the Mandem family. Also Skully was hardly active and mostly chilling with His IRL friend Justin in server 2 so idk why you would say we 'have a constant involvement with him in events and turfs' as families also lasted like a week and in family events he came barely as he was busy doing admin stuff also most of us main EN 1 and rarely play EN 2 but I understand why you would assume this but you are jumping to conclusions of Skully being 'corrupt' and siding with the 'yips' as he has banned for example Carter Yip for ghost peaking previously.


The Professional Snitch
Jul 14, 2021
Why do you seem so interested into saving him if he wasn’t corrupt ?
I aint intrested your making me look bad by saying that we needed a corrupt admin to win, which we didnt. And you are saying that we were told that vagos leader was picked and you werent, which is false i found out using application for leaders who was picked.

Alex Odd

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
Apr 28, 2021
Thread locked from future offtop, and it's on consideration


Main Dev
Main Dev
Apr 28, 2021
It was a hard investigation.
1. If Skully was turfing with someone's surname on EN02 it doesn't mean that he biased. BTW we made an agreement that he won't do it anymore to avoid situations when ppl think they he's biased.

2. At that time Skully was busy with his IRL stuff. And another person was responsible for that.

3. ALL OTHER ACTIONS were done only with my APPROVAL. I was the one who decided what to do. Skully always is asking me before he's doing anything.​
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